Another Penn State Sex scandal

Another Penn State Sex scandal
When will enough be enough, we're talking about kids lives being in danger at this point. Somebody's child.... SHUT.THEM.DOWN.
When will enough be enough, we're talking about kids lives being in danger at this point. Somebody's child... in this case, by dudes (aka 200lb+ grown men against 200lb+ grown men) f'ing around in a locker room? Listen, I hate Penn State as much as the next guy but I think I'll stay one the sidelines on this one as it is more hate of them than actual concern for these "kids"...
Here's the problem with this situation and why it wont impact Franklin.

It was kids/players who were involved

No adult representing the program was present or sanctioned this activity

It was reported

Someone was disciplined

The lawsuit should have been filed against the player or players and families who initiated this and maybe they will implicate football officials

Franklin should have dismissed the players involved not just discipline them.

Unless Nitter football officials get pulled in or its proven this is sanctioned by the program its Over!

They'll say their culture has changed with the staff purge, Paterno dead, and Sandusky in prison.
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When will enough be enough, we're talking about kids lives being in danger at this point. Somebody's child... in this case, by dudes (aka 200lb+ grown men against 200lb+ grown men) f'ing around in a locker room? Listen, I hate Penn State as much as the next guy but I think I'll stay one the sidelines on this one as it is more hate of them than actual concern for these "kids"...
Disgusting. Its abuse. The kid was 18 years old. Cant believe i just read you defending that sick institution and their enabling coach
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Disgusting. Its abuse. The kid was 18 years old. Cant believe i just read you defending that sick institution and their enabling coach

I hate the Nitters more than anyone but the entire event involved kids not adults,no people in powerful positions, new coach and staff, it wasn't sanctioned by the program.

Franklin's mistake was he should have dismissed the players responsible.

Some players aren't well liked sounds like one of those things.
If you've ever been in a college sports locker room lots of personality conflicts, cliques, and you dont want to be the odd man out.

The family should sued the players and families not Franklin.
They might spill some beans implicating the program.

On the other hand if this is standard Nitter progam protocol for All newcomers the Nitters have a problem.

It does appear that some of you have never joined a frat or sorority lol.
Or been on a college sports team
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I hate the Nitters more than anyone but the entire event involved kids not adults,no people in powerful positions, new coach and staff, it wasn't sanctioned by the program.

Franklin's mistake was he should have dismissed the players responsible.

Some players aren't well liked sounds like one of those things.
If you've ever been in a college sports locker room lots of personality conflicts, cliques, and you dont want to be the odd man out.

The family should sued the players and families not Franklin.
They might spill some beans implicating the program.

On the other hand if this is standard Nitter progam protocol for All newcomers the Nitters have a problem.

It does appear that some of you have never joined a frat or sorority lol.
Or been on a college sports team
I never joined a frat because I partied and got laid all on my own without having to be humiliated as some schmuck. I played baseball, and we did things more along the lines of pranks or dares. But never forced ourselves upon another person in an abusive manner. That is disgusting, and anyone rationalizing it is sick.
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Disgusting. Its abuse. The kid was 18 years old. Cant believe i just read you defending that sick institution and their enabling coach
the "kid" was the same age as a lot of lads in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I can't believe you have ever been in a locker room...not sure I "defended" anything. Feel free to quote me on that... btw, their "enabling" coach died several years ago..
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It's gonna take a lot more than this for Franklin to dismiss Parsons. You can debate whether that's right or wrong, but it's reality.

True and this will be where Franklin gets tripped up if the lawsuit goes forward.

Lack of leadership and stewardship of the Nitter football program.
Especially given its history.

Maybe a Priest sb the Nitter HC?
Wait bad idea I take that back.
the "kid" was the same age as a lot of lads in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I can't believe you have ever been in a locker room...not sure I "defended" anything. Feel free to quote me on that... btw, their "enabling" coach died several years ago..
I was in a frat at Pitt, which is a much stronger bond than a locker room at PSU. And their now coach is also an enabler
I hate the Nitters more than anyone but the entire event involved kids not adults,no people in powerful positions, new coach and staff, it wasn't sanctioned by the program.

Franklin's mistake was he should have dismissed the players responsible.

Some players aren't well liked sounds like one of those things.
If you've ever been in a college sports locker room lots of personality conflicts, cliques, and you dont want to be the odd man out.

The family should sued the players and families not Franklin.
They might spill some beans implicating the program.

On the other hand if this is standard Nitter progam protocol for All newcomers the Nitters have a problem.

It does appear that some of you have never joined a frat or sorority lol.
Or been on a college sports team
It appears your frat and locker rooms were WAY different than mine.
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They are shameless. But so are the Patriots. It doesn't matter anymore in society, just winning. That's all that counts. And paying your players and giving them perks......these kids aren't going to be deterred by this, because the moment they sign an LOI with Penn State, they are special people. They can do whatever they want in that town.
I was saying this years ago...that the PSU football program should have been shut down for at least 10 years. Completely shut down, no recruiting, no games, no nothing. What they do up there, with the way that the coaches are complicit in the perversions and sometimes participate, is sickening. Franklin is a sexual predator and pervert, and fits in well at PSU. That's the reason he landed there....he's a sex pervert and their program promotes that, so he feels like he fits in. Nothing much different than what he did at Vandy.

So when is their football program going to be destroyed so we don't have to put up with them anymore? As far as I'm concerned, that s%$t program hasn't won a game in years, because of their crimes. They're 0 for hundreds of games.
I was saying this years ago...that the PSU football program should have been shut down for at least 10 years. Completely shut down, no recruiting, no games, no nothing. What they do up there, with the way that the coaches are complicit in the perversions and sometimes participate, is sickening. Franklin is a sexual predator and pervert, and fits in well at PSU. That's the reason he landed there....he's a sex pervert and their program promotes that, so he feels like he fits in. Nothing much different than what he did at Vandy.

So when is their football program going to be destroyed so we don't have to put up with them anymore? As far as I'm concerned, that s%$t program hasn't won a game in years, because of their crimes. They're 0 for hundreds of games.
So remind me what happened in the case of people being raped at at the football complex . It took 18 months to reveal it to the students.
Some of the students could not believe girls were being raped at the football complex because it was a locked down facilities and only coaches and a few others had a FOB