At what age did you start to feel "old"

I'm 36, still think I'm in my mid-20s, but I recently feel old when I find myself annoyed by new musical artists and the college kids going on spring break laughing about the Coronavirus. Maybe I'm old. Also I have a 2 year old son so I don't stay up until 2 am like the old days.
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I’m 46 and I remember playing hoops at 35 and realizing my knees weren’t the same when playing defense. Thirty-five seems sort of young to feel old, but 40 is on the horizon.
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I recently feel old when I find myself annoyed by new musical artists and the college kids going on spring break laughing about the Coronavirus.

Being angry at college kids going on spring break laughing about the Coronavirus isn't a sign that you are old, it's a sign that you have an IQ greater than 80.

Unlike the college kids.
I started feeling old at 71! Wasn't as quick nor did I have the reflexes in years past. When you participate in sports that have other players 10,20, 30 + years younger, it brings it home real fast.
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Well, I am 47. In last 8 months I've had 1 shoulder operated on and need the other done, had some skin cancer removed, and was in a walking boot for 8 weeks. So I guess my answer would be 46, lol. That said, I still get out and hike quite a bit, get out on my bike on some trails near the house, and plan on skiing next year. So really, while I definitely feel some aches and pains here and there, and am a bit slower to recover than days gone by, most of the time, age is just a number...
I’m 62 and don’t really feel old although the joints haven’t cooperated to well for a while. Had a hip replacement about 10 years ago, knees feel just as bad but am tolerating them. Can’t really do much running although I did get a half-marathon in Kauai completed 2 years ago. Had to give up tennis, racquetball and basketball but now go overboard with golf and biking in their place.

If I had to say, somewhere in the early to mid 50’s is when ‘old’ started to set in a little. That’s when it started taking more effort to keep weight off, hair started turning gray and the eyeglasses needed to move to bifocals instead of the basic single prescription for distance.

And just closed on a second house in Florida 2 days ago which will be the winter months location, so I guess that officially signals ‘I’m old’.
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I’m 62 and don’t really feel old although the joints haven’t cooperated to well for a while. Had a hip replacement about 10 years ago, knees feel just as bad but am tolerating them. Can’t really do much running although I did get a half-marathon in Kauai completed 2 years ago. Had to give up tennis, racquetball and basketball but now go overboard with golf and biking in their place.

If I had to say, somewhere in the early to mid 50’s is when ‘old’ started to set in a little. That’s when it started taking more effort to keep weight off, hair started turning gray and the eyeglasses needed to move to bifocals instead of the basic single prescription for distance.

And just closed on a second house in Florida 2 days ago which will be the winter months location, so I guess that officially signals ‘I’m old’.
The day SMF arrived.
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Great question.

I always was young looking for my age. I used to laugh when I was 25 and I would get carded over my 22 year old friends. Or one time, they thought my 28 year old friend (I was 27) was my dad.

But......ya know, started losing hair, gained some weight. But really it hit me when I lived in Morgantown and even at 32-33-34, I was fine. I was still "dude", I even dated a 20 year old coed. Around happened.

I graduated from , "hey dude", or "excuse me dude" to, "excuse me sir". And that is when I felt old.

I always dressed fairly casual except for work........and I can remember meeting up with a coworker who was younger than me (I was 40 at the time) and his friends, and they were talking about music and groups like At the Drive In and I was chiming in cause I loved them and had their CD and they were shocked as I was in a suit, with my 40 year old paunch and receding hair line. I looked at them, and said, "dude, many of these bands these guys are my age. What the **** do you think they would look like if they weren't in a band and worked in the corporate world, they would look like me. And I would look like them if I was in a band". They laughed.
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30. It was a mental thing more than a physical thing. Growing up in the Woodstock Generation, where a popular slogan was “don’t trust anyone over 30,” somehow when I turned 30 myself it felt like a milestone. And not a good one. Also, I don’t think I have been carded once in a bar since I turned 30.

The strange thing is that my idea of when people actually are old has changed repeatedly. When I was a kid, I thought people in their 40s were old. When I turned 40, it was people in their 60s who were old. 60 probably was my most traumatic birthday. But, I met Masha when I was 60, and suddenly I didn’t feel so old because she didn’t think I was old.

Now that I’m 73, I think that 80 is old. I get irritated now when people do things for me out of courtesy because I look old to them ...even though the reality is that many of the things they do for me are really helpful.
30. It was a mental thing more than a physical thing. Growing up in the Woodstock Generation, where a popular slogan was “don’t trust anyone over 30,” somehow when I turned 30 myself it felt like a milestone. And not a good one. Also, I don’t think I have been carded once in a bar since I turned 30.

The strange thing is that my idea of when people actually are old has changed repeatedly. When I was a kid, I thought people in their 40s were old. When I turned 40, it was people in their 60s who were old. 60 probably was my most traumatic birthday. But, I met Masha when I was 60, and suddenly I didn’t feel so old because she didn’t think I was old.

Now that I’m 73, I think that 80 is old. I get irritated now when people do things for me out of courtesy because I look old to them ...even though the reality is that many of the things they do for me are really helpful.
That's one thing I have learned....40 ain't so old when you hit it. Neither is 50. I hope 60 won't be for me. And so on.

I do have to say this. I look at vintage football and baseball cards in the 60's and 70's, and guys who were 32 look like 45 year olds now. What happened?
I will wait to answer.
I'm 69 but actually feel much younger. Till I try to get off the floor after exercising. Got a leg problem stemming from a disc that weakened my left leg and my knees are now prone to inflammation. Makes me wonder how I ever was a catcher in baseball and fast pitch softball.
I’m 62 and don’t really feel old although the joints haven’t cooperated to well for a while. Had a hip replacement about 10 years ago, knees feel just as bad but am tolerating them. Can’t really do much running although I did get a half-marathon in Kauai completed 2 years ago. Had to give up tennis, racquetball and basketball but now go overboard with golf and biking in their place.

If I had to say, somewhere in the early to mid 50’s is when ‘old’ started to set in a little. That’s when it started taking more effort to keep weight off, hair started turning gray and the eyeglasses needed to move to bifocals instead of the basic single prescription for distance.

And just closed on a second house in Florida 2 days ago which will be the winter months location, so I guess that officially signals ‘I’m old’.

Your official signals indicate the good life... and not the Kanye West song..
I'm 36, still think I'm in my mid-20s, but I recently feel old when I find myself annoyed by new musical artists and the college kids going on spring break laughing about the Coronavirus. Maybe I'm old. Also I have a 2 year old son so I don't stay up until 2 am like the old days.

This post is super timely. I’m almost 36 (few more weeks) and feel the same way. I was listening to some music tonight, washing dishes after dinner, and a song by The Starting Line came on... I realized it was from almost 20 years ago and it hit me like a ton of bricks. My first thought, honestly, was “holy sh*t where has the time gone?”

I vividly remember going to a show of theirs at Club Laga (with Taking Back Sunday) like it was yesterday.

Really made me feel old.
I don't feel old, but I do realize I am feeling older.

I have kept in shape so that has helped.

What makes me feel old is
grey hairs
less flexible
not as strong
less sex drive
Began feeling old in my late 60’s. No longer could run more than 2-3 miles and slowly. Stated to lose distance in my golf game. Began getting tired playing singles tennis.
One other thing.......

a few years ago I had a couple of stents implanted. Hello. That obviously changed the game a bit. I feel great. Oh, as a public service and as someone who hates going to the doctor and does (now) but avoids at all cost......well I felt weird, you all know your bodies, I just felt weird and a compression on my chest, not a real pain, but a bit racy of my pulse.......I went to the hospital and they found a 95% blockage in the "widow maker" artery, and well stents and I am fine. So.....just again, I hate to go, hate to not just inconvenience me, but my family, and I did and I am here today without issue.

But my 40's, I have had rheumotoid arthritis and that has been a game changer for my knees especially and occasionally other joints. I can't just go out and take off for a 3 mile run like I used to. If I do that now, I am the friggin tin man for the next week as my synovial joints look to try and lubricate itself.

I should do better on diet because of this and definitely alcohol, but I am stupid.
I am 64. Man, I was in great shape all the way to around 52-54. Had all my hair, 34 inch waist, pretty muscular. Wow, these last ten years, put weight on and it is hard to lose it, lost my hair, and I can"t work out like I used to.

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