Totally agree with your second paragraph. There's no excuse for Stallings not coming here with a couple of recruits in his back pocket. I have no idea if he was recruiting PGs for his 16-17 Vandy class or not, but after 20+ years as a D1 Head Coach, he should have enough contacts to be able to get someone late in the game. I can't imagine Kithcart's jump shot looked prettier in March/April of 2016 when he recommitted than it did in November when he took the court.I hate that Stallings gets a pass for Manigault, Kitchart and Clark and that all of those guys get blamed on Dixon. He could have told those guys that he would release them from scholarship if they liked and they could look around. He didn't, he chose to encourage them to remain committed, while gracious, there was also a graceful way to get out of those commitments if they weren't fits for what he wanted to do. He also left open a scholarship spot, no recruits, no grad transfers, no sit a year transfers, nothing. he basically punted a way of putting his stamp on recruiting.
My take is that if he knew he was coming in to a potential rebuild then at least bring in one of your own players. Plenty of coaches get hired in March and add to their rosters, a great deal of the players on Pitt's team this year were added after March. Its not like he came in from Siberia and had no recruiting connections and needed to rebuild his network, the man didn't go a day without a job.
Clark got hurt, so he shouldn't really be a part of the debate, either way. He was likely slatted to have played 10+ minutes a game last season, if healthy.