Capitals fan attacks woman in Penguins Jersey

that's a tough environment, especially after game 7.. that's a game where if you are wearing a pens jersey, you get with a crowd of others quickly or you walk out of there with your head down.
No you don't you walk out as a proud, victorious PENS fan, chanting Lets Go PENS!
If they had won they would be chanting some Crapitals chant?
I doubt the Pittsburgh crowd would bother a happy opponent!
To f'ing bad if they cant deal with that!
With that said be prepared to defend yourself which should be something you think about everyday!
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This is great!!! Some Pens fan made up this banner for the Caps! And were trolling them last night in DC with it.

Who said she was acting like a jackass?
I think he's implying that because she was being a PENS fan she was acting like a jacka-s???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I was wondering the same thing so thank you for asking!
Who said she was acting like a jackass?

I do. Look, that guy is a complete loser he should get charged with assault. However, if a Patriots fan were gloating around Pittsburgh after the Patriots beat the Steelers in the playoffs (again), what do you think is going to happen?
the two guys she was with kind of pussed out. I mean, this caps fan looked like, well lets just say he probably rode to school on the short bus as a kid.. the two pens fans definitely could have done a little better job, after seeing a guy knock down the girl they were with..

It must suck to lose all the time! LOL! Pittsburgh fans are lucky, we win all the time, even more than larger markets, I don't get mad when a Pittsburgh team chokes in the playoffs because I already have 6 Super Bowls, 3 World Series, 4 Stanley Cups, an NCAA football NC, several Big East Basketball titles JUST IN MY LIFETIME, in my back pocket, I can't imagine how it is to be a fan of Cleveland teams, the Caps, the Cubs or Red Sox before they final won something? Must be brutal.
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at first I thought there might be grounds for her to press assault charges but upon reading the article and having the audio clarified, his “Don’t be so happy about it,” defense seems pretty ironclad here.
All of these snowflakes that want to take away my right to "walk through" someone on the street need to move to Canada.
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it does say something about the guy that he went after the girl and not one of the two guys who were wearing pens jerseys too.. I am all for sucker punching the smallest guy in the crowd but even I don't go after the lone female.
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it does say something about the guy that he went after the girl and not one of the two guys who were wearing pens jerseys too.. I am all for sucker punching the smallest guy in the crowd but even I don't go after the lone female.
There are lots of females out there who can defend themselves and I wish one of these losers would pick on one of them.
Mrs. Buffett grew up with one Army Ranger brother, one Green Beret brother, one Army Major father and one Army Nurse mother.
The girl is 115lbs but she can bring it when necessary or when she feels like it.
When the mood strikes her its time to find a place to hide!
That loser would be on the ground holding his n-ts , his head, and picking up his teeth all at the same time.

Video that!
Mrs Buffett is quite attractive and one day on the beach this toad of a guy wouldn't leave her alone so all I said was take care of it, don't hit him unless you have to, and definitely don't kill him.
Had the guy been up to her standards her response would have been different!
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Wow, what chump, but as Swer27 said, what about the two pens guys walking with her?? At least go and confront the guy!!

Although he did walk away sort of fast, but it be hard not confront that loser. Boo hoo the Capitals AND the Wizards lost. Seriously, it has to be the only thing he has going on in his life.

And she was doing nothing obnoxious, just walking happy the pens won with arms in the air. You also hear him say something about beat your a** or something right before the guy taping it turns back around.
I do. Look, that guy is a complete loser he should get charged with assault. However, if a Patriots fan were gloating around Pittsburgh after the Patriots beat the Steelers in the playoffs (again), what do you think is going to happen?
And I guess all the Pitt fans shuffled out of Memorial Stadium after the Clemson upset with their heads bowed too, right? C'mon.
guy belongs in jail

but she was rubbing it in and probably thought she could get away with it because she's a girl, she knows better now
And I guess all the Pitt fans shuffled out of Memorial Stadium after the Clemson upset with their heads bowed too, right? C'mon.

Again, I'm not condoning what he did. Just pointing out that if you act like an a$$ after beating one of you rivals, then some loser like that guy, who has nothing good happening in his life, might do something unpredictable.

I also wonder if the camera guy already knew he was a loose cannon and enticed him to act like a goon.
Again, I'm not condoning what he did. Just pointing out that if you act like an a$$ after beating one of you rivals, then some loser like that guy, who has nothing good happening in his life, might do something unpredictable.

I also wonder if the camera guy already knew he was a loose cannon and enticed him to act like a goon.
are they acting like an ass? I missed it if so. How about the collection of pens fans sitting on the Smithsonian steps after every pens victory in DC for the last 10 years, Chanting and mocking caps fans, you must think those pens fans deserve an epic beatdown..

i'll be honest, as a pens fan I find it hilarious but there are a lot of cops there protecting them. I doubt they'd be so courageous if the police weren't separating them.

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are they acting like an ass? I missed it if so. How about the collection of pens fans sitting on the Smithsonian steps after every pens victory in DC for the last 10 years, Chanting and mocking caps fans, you must think those pens fans deserve an epic beatdown..

i'll be honest, as a pens fan I find it hilarious but there are a lot of cops there protecting them. I doubt they'd be so courageous if the police weren't separating them.

Acting like a$$es, no doubt. What if the Patriots beat the Steelers in the AFC Championship game next year (again) at Heinz Field and a bunch of Patriots fans congregate in Market Square cheering loudly? Would they deserve the wrath of some Steelers fans? No. Would it happen? Maybe. Would I feel bad? Nope.
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are they acting like an ass? I missed it if so. How about the collection of pens fans sitting on the Smithsonian steps after every pens victory in DC for the last 10 years, Chanting and mocking caps fans, you must think those pens fans deserve an epic beatdown..

i'll be honest, as a pens fan I find it hilarious but there are a lot of cops there protecting them. I doubt they'd be so courageous if the police weren't separating them.

I'm sure that I'm in the minority here, but I think that the Pens fans that taunt after a win also need to get a life. It's a hockey game. Enjoy it and have fun. The fact that your team won or lost doesn't mean that you as an individual are a better or worse, more or less successful etc.

The girl that got taken out was pretty far from taunting that troglodyte.
Acting like a$$es, no doubt. What if the Patriots beat the Steelers in the AFC Championship game next year (again) at Heinz Field and a bunch of Patriots fans congregate in Market Square cheering loudly? Would they deserve the wrath of some Steelers fans? No. Would it happen? Maybe. Would I feel bad? Nope.
lol, it would absolutely happen, I wouldnt' feel too bad about it as I don't feel too bad about the girl getting knocked down. she will live. still calling out the two guys with her, they pussed out bad..

Pitt fans took over a bar outside of the Verizon center though about 15 years ago, we were #2, just beat Gtown and pitt faithful congregated at Fato's bar, multiple chants in unison. of course Gtown sucked at the time and there were about 20 gtown fans in the city of DC, the rest of the town could have cared less. and yes, I partook in those chants..