Chilling sentencing memo


Jun 28, 2001
The prosecution's sentencing memo in the Spanier/Schultz/Curley cases contains these chilling lines about the victims: "They will never forget Sandusky's touch. They will never forget Sandusky's smell."

Franco Harris, and all the other deniers, would do well to remember these lines and quietly move on from their ludicrous positions. "We are!" Sadly, yes, you are.
The prosecution's sentencing memo in the Spanier/Schultz/Curley cases contains these chilling lines about the victims: "They will never forget Sandusky's touch. They will never forget Sandusky's smell."

Franco Harris, and all the other deniers, would do well to remember these lines and quietly move on from their ludicrous positions. "We are!" Sadly, yes, you are.
I heard one of his lawyers plead that he has suffered enough. I almost tossed my dinner. They ought to toss that guy in the brink too.
I heard one of his lawyers plead that he has suffered enough. I almost tossed my dinner. They ought to toss that guy in the brink too.
Who? Sandusky? The guy got off way too easy, he doesn't even know what the word suffering means. As the state wastes money daily feeding a monster because it's the "humane" thing to do.
Still pi**ed that Sandusky and the other culprits are getting a pension at the expense of the pa taxpayers.
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Who? Sandusky? The guy got off way too easy, he doesn't even know what the word suffering means. As the state wastes money daily feeding a monster because it's the "humane" thing to do.
No. He said Spanier has suffered enough. And I'm not making that up.
Who? Sandusky? The guy got off way too easy, he doesn't even know what the word suffering means. As the state wastes money daily feeding a monster because it's the "humane" thing to do.
Sadly I've little doubt he's having a comfortable existence. Most state officials are in line (or at least toady to it) with the Ziegler guy, that Sandusky is innocent. 99% nits would agree of it weren't so PC. Now, most of them probably would concede physical acts were happening ... and even that they were gross, if not ghastly ... but by "innocent" they'd mean that Sandusky was a PSU football hero, so he basically is free to do anything he wants, no matter how obscene.

That's the prevailing feeling and it includes most state officials (tons of whom are cultists). We know it's the feeling of Pittsburgh media dogs. Hell, Ron Cook proclaimed him innocent on his radio show. Would anyone else keep a job anywhere else saying it?

So they're forced to "incarcerate" Sandusky and while they keep him segregated "for his protection" from other prisoners, I'm sadly sure that unlike the harshness of other criminals who are kept in solitary, they likely have a nice comfortable setup for him. The Nits would demand it. And they rule the state.
No. He said Spanier has suffered enough. And I'm not making that up.
Oh I knew you weren't making it up, I was just asking who you were referring to. Even Spanier though, he certainly doesn't even know what suffering is. All of a sudden all these higher ups turn into such big babies.
Sadly I've little doubt he's having a comfortable existence. Most state officials are in line (or at least toady to it) with the Ziegler guy, that Sandusky is innocent. 99% nits would agree of it weren't so PC. Now, most of them probably would concede physical acts were happening ... and even that they were gross, if not ghastly ... but by "innocent" they'd mean that Sandusky was a PSU football hero, so he basically is free to do anything he wants, no matter how obscene.

That's the prevailing feeling and it includes most state officials (tons of whom are cultists). We know it's the feeling of Pittsburgh media dogs. Hell, Ron Cook proclaimed him innocent on his radio show. Would anyone else keep a job anywhere else saying it?

So they're forced to "incarcerate" Sandusky and while they keep him segregated "for his protection" from other prisoners, I'm sadly sure that unlike the harshness of other criminals who are kept in solitary, they likely have a nice comfortable setup for him. The Nits would demand it. And they rule the state.
I did hear about the Sandusky incident a few months before it broke the news, just rumors, but I asked some nitter friends if they heard anything. That was pretty much all their responses. I got in response, "no i didn't hear that, I doubt that's true." "Well, he was still a hell of a d coordinator." "Oh you heard that where? Probabaly a Pitt message board, yeah no wonder nobody else heard about that." From day one people already made up their mind they didn't want to believe it and that will sadly never change.
Would have preferred a chilling amount of jail time over just chilling words.
Even if it amounts to a single day of jail time, I am relieved that one man, Judge John Boccabella, had the guts to take on the machine of PSU and not only punished its leaders but put into words what no one else would - that Joe Paterno could have and should have done more to protect innocent children.

"Mr. Paterno, the legendary football football coach, could have made that phone call without so much as getting his hands dirty."
Even if it amounts to a single day of jail time, I am relieved that one man, Judge John Boccabella, had the guts to take on the machine of PSU and not only punished its leaders but put into words what no one else would - that Joe Paterno could have and should have done more to protect innocent children."Mr. Paterno, the legendary football football coach, could have made that phone call without so much as getting his hands dirty."
Crow Cawing Now!
Considerable quantities of Crows are in hiding and some are finally facing reality. The Penn State Legacy Re-builders now know they were wrong in choosing protecting Penn State Football Culture after all.

They made the same mistakes Spanier, Paterno, Curley and Schultz did in various time such as 1976-80s Joe WasTold, 1998 All Knew Investigation, 1999-Retirement Solution, 2002 All Knew Again, 2004-Thought Emails Destroyed, 2002-2008 More Victims, 2008-PAOAG Investigation Begins, 2010-Grand Jury, 2011-409 & Grand Jury Presentment, 2011-Admission in Hindsight & Firings, 2012-Freeh-NCAA-DOE-Title IX-Clery Act Investigations, 2012-NCAA Fines Athletic Reform Policies, 2012-16-Ziegler’s Cult Dolt Believers Dis-proven, and now 2017-Crow Cawing Convictions.

Crow Cawing at Nittany Liars blaming Media, Corbett, PAOAG, Freeh, Trustees, Erickson, Joyner, until Curley-Schultz come clean Under Pleas and Oath ends in Penn State Football Legacy of Ashes. Crows and other Birds now will seek out any return of any Statue Hidden in Silence too, but can be settled but never accepted in outside world.


It is Over Lets Play Some FootCaw!
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Franco Harris should be in a mental institution. He's a very sick little f$%#er. And anyone that agrees with that perverted sicko should be in the same mental institution. How can any sane human even think of believing the garbage that Harris and his ilk are vomiting out there??? Paterno was at a minimum aware of what Sandusky was doing for decades and he permitted it to happen, saying nothing. It's possible he participated. The other perverts were part of the coverup and complicit. They all should be in jail for a minimum of 20 years each. Sandusky got off easy with just the jail time he got. Why is he collecting a pension? Why isn't his wife in jail also? She knew about this and didn't do anything either? What about Sue Paterno? You can't tell me she didn't know if PoopPants knew. It's sick.
Pitt taking the high road on PSU as fans in the seats at Heinz is the reality. On the denials of Joe bots a whacko's keep the ball in the air. Franco is a dope and quite frankly helps to demonstrate just how stupid he is. PSU will always have the stain of the scandal and no amount of protest or ignorance will change that. OSU MIchigan understand this is going to be below the surface and recruiting is nasty at times.
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"HailToPitt1985, post: 1910912, member: 2626"] What about Sue Paterno? You can't tell me she didn't know if PoopPants knew. It's sick.
I don't believe Sue ever knew until 2010-11 like all of us.

I read everything and talked to a PSU Alumni Employees, and now after the Trial and sentencing I am convince when Joe was told in 1976 and later in 1980s but he did not believe what was told to him. Even If Joe confronted Sandusky with that allegation, Sandusky would lie to him because Child Molestation Experts will tell you this is how Pedophiles Operate targeting Troubled Children and Families. Pedophiles also use Gifts first Gifts to get Victims to Recant as well as Shame, Threats, and Telling the Victims no one will believe you! This is 1976, even Spousal Abuse was not talked about back then.
At some point between 1998 and 2002 Joe had to know what he was told way back in 1970-80s, now could come back on him, the program and university. Even with doubts and not knowing for sure, Joe definitely knew by 2010, because he Lawyer Up, and told all he could about what he was told. again, theer was no Discovery of the emails at this point showing Joe was "Uncomfortable in Reporting Sandusky", and Curley, Schultz, Spanier and McQueary chose not to report it as well.

This is why the Judge gave Jail Time to Spanier, Curley, and Schultz, and added admonishment of Paterno and McQueary sending a message to all, if you know of Children Abuse, you better report it by a phone call. Today Penn State has an Anonymous Report Line!

When Joe Knew and believed it can be disputed, in my view! But at some point without intention and by not paying attention Joe in Hindsight Knew more Victims happen and why he asked for prays and told the students quit rioting and go back to studies.

Joe was a Great Coach but Sandusky was a Greater Pedophile covering up and lying to everyone as he preyed on Victims including his own adopted son!

I don't believe Sue ever knew until Grand Jury Time in 2010 when Joe went and even then, there was no Indictment until 2011. Scott Paterno read it and tried to get Joe to read it, so none of the Paterno's knew for sure until they read the Presentment and there was no Schultz Indictable Emails in that at the time.

The Paterno's were Honest in my view, and did their own Investigation of Freeh's Report, but even then, all admit, Joe could have done more and accepted as Freeh said, that was Fair Criticism!
I'm not sure I'd call them honest, Captain. Maybe nieve, or ignorant of what was happening all around them, or maybe stupid. But honest? I can't imagine that any of them didn't at least suspect that in all of these years and decades, something was going on with the sleazeball.
I still think there is more to the story. I understand that they all wanted to protect the perceived wholesomeness of the football program, but Joe knew that Jerry was a sick man for decades and still nothing happened. I would think that quietly getting rid of Sandusky at some point is what they would have most likely done to remove the threat and protect the program. Only thing that makes sense is if there are things that Jerry knows about.
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I'm not sure I'd call them honest, Captain. Maybe nieve, or ignorant of what was happening all around them, or maybe stupid. But honest? I can't imagine that any of them didn't at least suspect that in all of these years and decades, something was going on with the sleazeball.
I know it is so hard to believe, but Joe was a Work Horse and Sue helped Joe in many ways that all can be proud of and would not accept Sandusky hurting Victims if she knew.

Joe was focused on Great Coaching, Building the Program to compete Nationally, and had little interests in anything outside of that and his family and job.

Many are missing the point that Sandusky was not just a Very Good DC but way better Nittany Liar to many People, Recruits, and Children and was a Better Pedophile that fooled others a long time.

The Bigger Problem was no one could tell Joe when to go until it took a major criminal scandal that just cause the world in disbelief, and no one was going to believed trouble kids until many came out. Scandals don't happen just in silence they happen because no one believes them, until hurts and fears are overcome!
I still think there is more to the story. I understand that they all wanted to protect the perceived wholesomeness of the football program, but Joe knew that Jerry was a sick man for decades and still nothing happened. I would think that quietly getting rid of Sandusky at some point is what they would have most likely done to remove the threat and protect the program. Only thing that makes sense is if there are things that Jerry knows about.
Protecting the Program was Paramount no doubt 3 Investigations and Criminal, Whistle-Blowers, and PMA Insurance Trials Verdicts and Rulings all proved that, but Joe kept many things to himself and only when it was proven that Sandusky was Indicted than many knew for sure! I can agree Joe may have had suspicions before 2002 or 2010, but that does not mean he would have told Sue!

The Paterno's like all of us will admit to having some faults, but Pedophiles know exactly how to exploit those closest to them, and Jerry and Spanier both admitted they were abused too?

Others can differ and maybe I am naive as well, but Jerry is in prison for 30-60 years and for good reasons.
The prosecution's sentencing memo in the Spanier/Schultz/Curley cases contains these chilling lines about the victims: "They will never forget Sandusky's touch. They will never forget Sandusky's smell."

Franco Harris, and all the other deniers, would do well to remember these lines and quietly move on from their ludicrous positions. "We are!" Sadly, yes, you are.
That puts some reality into this situation. It is easy to sit back from afar and be disconnected, but this predator broke many real human lives.

It is easier when you can disconnect yourself when you are actually connected. All for the sake of freaking football. We are... awful.
What a sick place state Penn is. Then they hired Franklin. Scumbags are attracted to that place. The cult doesn't long as the football program does good it doesn't matter what type of human you are
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Even if it amounts to a single day of jail time, I am relieved that one man, Judge John Boccabella, had the guts to take on the machine of PSU and not only punished its leaders but put into words what no one else would - that Joe Paterno could have and should have done more to protect innocent children.

"Mr. Paterno, the legendary football football coach, could have made that phone call without so much as getting his hands dirty."

All of this BS, the speculation, the nuances, all the articles, the testimony, it all boils down to that one statement, doesn't it. Just make a phone call.
Why didn't McQueray do it?

You are right. But why didn't Paterno do it? Remember, this is not the Army. If I am at work and there is a rape being committed, I am not telling my boss, I am trying to stop it and call the cops. If I tell my boss, I am doing so with the expectations he is calling the cops. That's life. That's how it works.
Lots of blame to go around. Others doing the wrong thing does not absolve all that did the wrong thing. Do PSU fans have some sort of training on how to improperly analyze situations?