"HailToPitt1985, post: 1910912, member: 2626"] What about Sue Paterno? You can't tell me she didn't know if PoopPants knew. It's sick.
I don't believe Sue ever knew until 2010-11 like all of us.
I read everything and talked to a PSU Alumni Employees, and now after the Trial and sentencing I am convince when Joe was told in 1976 and later in 1980s but he did not believe what was told to him. Even If Joe confronted Sandusky with that allegation, Sandusky would lie to him because Child Molestation Experts will tell you this is how Pedophiles Operate targeting Troubled Children and Families. Pedophiles also use Gifts first Gifts to get Victims to Recant as well as Shame, Threats, and Telling the Victims no one will believe you! This is 1976, even Spousal Abuse was not talked about back then.
At some point between 1998 and 2002 Joe had to know what he was told way back in 1970-80s, now could come back on him, the program and university. Even with doubts and not knowing for sure, Joe definitely knew by 2010, because he Lawyer Up, and told all he could about what he was told. again, theer was no Discovery of the emails at this point showing Joe was "Uncomfortable in Reporting Sandusky", and Curley, Schultz, Spanier and McQueary chose not to report it as well.
This is why the Judge gave Jail Time to Spanier, Curley, and Schultz, and added admonishment of Paterno and McQueary sending a message to all, if you know of Children Abuse, you better report it by a phone call. Today Penn State has an Anonymous Report Line!
When Joe Knew and believed it can be disputed, in my view! But at some point without intention and by not paying attention Joe in Hindsight Knew more Victims happen and why he asked for prays and told the students quit rioting and go back to studies.
Joe was a Great Coach but Sandusky was a Greater Pedophile covering up and lying to everyone as he preyed on Victims including his own adopted son!
I don't believe Sue ever knew until Grand Jury Time in 2010 when Joe went and even then, there was no Indictment until 2011. Scott Paterno read it and tried to get Joe to read it, so none of the Paterno's knew for sure until they read the Presentment and there was no Schultz Indictable Emails in that at the time.
The Paterno's were Honest in my view, and did their own Investigation of Freeh's Report, but even then, all admit, Joe could have done more and accepted as Freeh said, that was Fair Criticism!