Chris Peak??


Mar 21, 2013
This is from Pitt Blather on the press conference:

"It was Chris Peak of Rivals who fires the first salvo at Barnes with his “come clean…” search firm question (accusation?), 12:55 into the dog and pony show and that’s why he’s one of the best in the business. He asks the tough questions and digs for answers."

I did not listen to the conference and saw some posting it was DK who asked this question.

COME CLEAN Chris Peak. Just kidding.
It was DK, and he fully admitted it on his site. Said it came out wrong and he apologized to Barnes after the PC.
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It was DK, and he fully admitted it on his site. Said it came out wrong and he apologized to Barnes after the PC.

I appreciated what DK was trying to do with his question, but he came off horrible when asking it. Very unprofessional sounding and it took away from the intent of the question.
I appreciated what DK was trying to do with his question, but he came off horrible when asking it. Very unprofessional sounding and it took away from the intent of the question.

He admitted as much and apologized for the unscripted, inappropriate question.
HIs apology rings hollow. He preened, posed, and worked himself up via social media and on the radio for 24 hours leading up to the press conference. He, like Rob Rossi who did the same on radio promised they were going to stir the pot at the press conference.

He knew damn well what he was doing, he was the FIRST question out of the box, he came in there like a bull in the ring - and then realized he came across like a total douche. Then he apologized.

Here's a tip for him, not for Rossi because Dejan has as much writing talent in his left eyebrow as Rossi will ever hope to have in any endeavor, take a breath and think about both sides of an issue before deciding in a hurry what's true and what's right and crusading for a cause. You might find in the end you're on the wrong side of it, or at the very least find that you just look dumb.

He's a writer, a reporter, and yes he's paid for his opinion. But he's also not making the money he does and he doesn't have the cache he does for his behavior the past few years where he's become part Skip Bayless, part WWE twitter hack. He has the following he does because for a few years he was the absolute best columnist in this city. What he's become however, is something else and I dislike it intensely.
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Wasn't Chris. Chris was the one who yelled "I WANT THE TRUTH" and Barnes yelled back "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH".
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