Covid wasnt real?

Two excellent posts! Thats the core issue. Is there virus called SARS-CoV-2? Yup. As an aside and Im sure you'll enjoy this, to my knowledge they've never completely isolated the SARS-CoV-2 DNA! Please correct me if Im wrong.

And if you dont mind me saying, the main take away from you're post is this. When you look at all the data, the risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 were not any different than the flu or any other virus. Its always those with significant other Comorbidities who are at the greatest risk and those dont vary much. (Obese, sick elderly, etc. add in those who were vitamin D deficient). Heck even parasites like cryptosporidium which causes diarrhea is lethal to...............the elderly.

And I find it hilarious that no one can come up with a scientific reason for the Flue totally disappearing during the Covid scare and then reappearing when it was over!
You're making me have to go back 5 years now and try to remember stuff I only learned well enough to understand the disagreements among the doctors. I do remember there being an issue about identifying the virus. Something akin (and I'm going to apologize now for butchering this) to recognizing the virus by its effects in a medium of some sort. This is beyond me at this point, plus it wasn't something I focused on at the time. See the link at the bottom.

I never doubted its existence because the researchers I watched had detailed models showing the four (?) new cleavage sites on the SARS virus and where they got them from (other viruses like HIV). Plus, some chick did a video interview of Ralph Baric where he bragged about his success with gain of function. I swear it was almost like that scene in the third (?) Bourne movie where the CIA chiefs saw the scientists who did the brainwashing yucking it up on film at a party bragging. Surreal.

But you remind me here of another important factor. These people who died with COVID 19 on their death cert had to somehow be diagnosed. This was the genius/beauty of the scamdemic grift. A positive PCR test just means there's some amount of genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 found in your schnozzle. And the test can be gamed to keep looking until it finds enough to claim infection. It doesn't mean you had COVID 19 or that it killed you. People were getting diagnosed with COVID 19 based on a "positive" PCR test (perhaps they inhaled walking by the home of a COVID patient) together with symptoms consistent with the disease. Again, this is 5 years ago and I'm half a dementia patient at this point in time. So, if I had a main point, it would be that they could say anyone died from COVID and IMO, seeing as they could never get studies on an mRNA jab before because the animals got sick and/or dead, this was a great way to scare us into being their cohort.

Never let a good tragedy go to waste
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Do you rely on your doctor for any advising?

If you start having BP issues and practice all preventative and proactive behaviors do you choose your initial Rx medication and of course that’s assuming you will take any med?

How about a serious eye infection, what do you do?
FWIW, I do what my doc says 87% of the time. I have high BP and I lost a good bit of weight, but stalled out, and I know it's gonna be a long haul to get back to full health. I'm not dumb. A stroke is the last thing I need

Not all vaccines are bad.

Agree with you that most folks ain't gonna do the work to learn stuff that's really complex. I just had a bug up my azz so I deep dived on COVID. I have followed health sciences all during my life, but Im a total hack who knows how much I don't know....and it scares that I know most people don't make any effort at all.

I talk crap on docs, but that's only on the ones who see us as a $ sign or as only a data set. I respect the hell out of surgeons and healers. I can't imagine the rush they must feel when they really save a life.

Nevertheless, eff Fauci. 😄
You're making me have to go back 5 years now and try to remember stuff I only learned well enough to understand the disagreements among the doctors. I do remember there being an issue about identifying the virus. Something akin (and I'm going to apologize now for butchering this) to recognizing the virus by its effects in a medium of some sort. This is beyond me at this point, plus it wasn't something I focused on at the time. See the link at the bottom.

I never doubted its existence because the researchers I watched had detailed models showing the four (?) new cleavage sites on the SARS virus and where they got them from (other viruses like HIV). Plus, some chick did a video interview of Ralph Baric where he bragged about his success with gain of function. I swear it was almost like that scene in the third (?) Bourne movie where the CIA chiefs saw the scientists who did the brainwashing yucking it up on film at a party bragging. Surreal.

But you remind me here of another important factor. These people who died with COVID 19 on their death cert had to somehow be diagnosed. This was the genius/beauty of the scamdemic grift. A positive PCR test just means there's some amount of genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 found in your schnozzle. And the test can be gamed to keep looking until it finds enough to claim infection. It doesn't mean you had COVID 19 or that it killed you. People were getting diagnosed with COVID 19 based on a "positive" PCR test (perhaps they inhaled walking by the home of a COVID patient) together with symptoms consistent with the disease. Again, this is 5 years ago and I'm half a dementia patient at this point in time. So, if I had a main point, it would be that they could say anyone died from COVID and IMO, seeing as they could never get studies on an mRNA jab before because the animals got sick and/or dead, this was a great way to scare us into being their cohort.

Never let a good tragedy go to waste
Yup. I spoke about the PCR test earlier in the thread. You’re eyes probably glazed over because I covered a ton of ground one of those

Specifically Mullis the inventor said it was not developed for diagnostic testing to see if someone was sick or. Not as you can find anything you want if you concentrate the sample enoufb

So yeah they were using 40 cycles rather than about 25 which lead to tons of false positives.

They also for the first time in history changed the cause of death Historically if you went to the hospital for let’s say a stroke and you died but they thought you had the flue the cause of death was listed as a stroke For Covid they automatically tested you when you were admitted with the bogus pcr test at 40 cycles. So many people falsely tested positive. When they ended up dying form the thing they weee admitted for they listed the cause of death as Covid as well
Scarf lady even admitted it

That’s how they lounged up the death rate and the fear porn. I don’t have the final stats but I believe the death rate ended up being similar to a bad flue season after taking out the fabricated deaths

Next subject is how she ignored the Vaers data base. Lol
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Yup. I spoke about the PCR test earlier in the thread. You’re eyes probably glazed over because I covered a ton of ground one of those

Specifically Mullis the inventor said it was not developed for diagnostic testing to see if someone was sick or. Not as you can find anything you want if you concentrate the sample enoufb

So yeah they were using 40 cycles rather than about 25 which lead to tons of false positives.

They also for the first time in history changed the cause of death Historically if you went to the hospital for let’s say a stroke and you died but they thought you had the flue the cause of death was listed as a stroke For Covid they automatically tested you when you were admitted with the bogus pcr test at 40 cycles. So many people falsely tested positive. When they ended up dying form the thing they weee admitted for they listed the cause of death as Covid as well
Scarf lady even admitted it

That’s how they lounged up the death rate and the fear porn. I don’t have the final stats but I believe the death rate ended up being similar to a bad flue season after taking out the fabricated deaths

Next subject is how she ignored the Vaers data base. Lol

I'm trying to not allow myself to be chained to the board, so I do miss a lot.

Sadly, their greed and dishonesty damaged the medical profession for decades to come.

Good grief, they couldn't even be bothered put an insert in the vaccine so that your PCP could tell you what's in it if you asked. Talk about chutzpah. Absolutely insulting. 🥴
a couple more questions, do you vet the studies you read to base YOUR decisions(that may contradict your trusted doctor) based on journal quality, use of VAERS data, full discussion with said doctor revealing their incorrect use of information, or what?

I had a ton of available time in the COVID shutdown and aftermath and sourced a massive amount of info and have a hard time thinking many could do more than decide to trust the CDC, their doctor including 2nd opinions when indicated

I ask about the eye infection, what do you do and get no answer but hoped to grasp the process of some seemingly smart people

I asked about following your trusted doctor's recommendation because I can't imagine any doctor being able to have the time to fully inform other than blanket statements and there's no way they can have the time even with improving EMR capabilities to fully know any one patient's best course of action in many, many diagnosis

and the comment about trusting surgeons........well, I have differing opinions on that too :)

well, I've picked through enough, there's a ton more but my sense is there's no use doing it on here and maybe I should stick to medical boards to read, learn and interact, and I mean that with no disrespect and will continue if any answer my questions
I'm trying to not allow myself to be chained to the board, so I do miss a lot.

Sadly, their greed and dishonesty damaged the medical profession for decades to come.

Good grief, they couldn't even be bothered put an insert in the vaccine so that your PCP could tell you what's in it if you asked. Talk about chutzpah. Absolutely insulting. 🥴
As I said Covid totally changed my view on the medical profession and health / food in general. I used to get the flu shot every year and generally didn’t question Drs motives. But the whole covid thing made me look into the history of medicine and other issues and it wss a total eye opener

As you said I think there are some good docs and surgeons in general are pretty special. But like all professions there are good ones and awful ones and lot of mediocre ones. It’s best to do your homework before you blindly take any doctors recommendations
a couple more questions, do you vet the studies you read to base YOUR decisions(that may contradict your trusted doctor) based on journal quality, use of VAERS data, full discussion with said doctor revealing their incorrect use of information, or what?

I had a ton of available time in the COVID shutdown and aftermath and sourced a massive amount of info and have a hard time thinking many could do more than decide to trust the CDC, their doctor including 2nd opinions when indicated

I ask about the eye infection, what do you do and get no answer but hoped to grasp the process of some seemingly smart people

I asked about following your trusted doctor's recommendation because I can't imagine any doctor being able to have the time to fully inform other than blanket statements and there's no way they can have the time even with improving EMR capabilities to fully know any one patient's best course of action in many, many diagnosis

and the comment about trusting surgeons........well, I have differing opinions on that too :)

well, I've picked through enough, there's a ton more but my sense is there's no use doing it on here and maybe I should stick to medical boards to read, learn and interact, and I mean that with no disrespect and will continue if any answer my questions
Nor worries. It’s all good convo I would never tell anyone to just take my word for it. You should always do you’re own research and draw your own conclusions regarding what’s best for you I’m just saying that a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to the medical profession is a good thing

Regrading infections I don’t know of any serous side affects associated with anti biotics and they are incredibly effective. So to your question about an eye infection or any infection if I have one for sure I’ll take an antibiotic

Again I’m not expert. IMO this board is for discussing various issues in a respectful manner. And when people respectfully disagree that’s ok and I fact a good thing. Having said that I don’t shy away from a good fight either. Lol
I'm trying to not allow myself to be chained to the board, so I do miss a lot.

Sadly, their greed and dishonesty damaged the medical profession for decades to come.

Good grief, they couldn't even be bothered put an insert in the vaccine so that your PCP could tell you what's in it if you asked. Talk about chutzpah. Absolutely insulting. 🥴
9 pages of single spaced side effects is why it wasn't included
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Government rules caused his death. That is 100% certain. You obviously choose to believe your government god is infallible.

I don't need to count my money. I have Quicken for that.
You’re absolutely right. The only people who died from Covid were PA nursing home residents killed by Governor Tom Wolf when he made them put Covid patients returning from the hospital into rooms with uninfected residents.
I told you he effectively died from starvation. Do you ever read anything or just block things that don't follow your narrative?

He needed rehab and my mother, who is 5'0" and 120 lbs, was incapable of doing so.
I suppose you were too busy praying?
Let's face it......during that time, seemingly EVERYONE died of Covid.

Heartattack? Covid.
Brain Hemorrhage? Covid.
Airplane crash? Covid.
Drive by shooting? Covid.
Black person killed? Cops fault.
Tornado? Covid.
Car crash? Covid.
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as compared to a potentially deadly very contagious airborne disease

you can argue or deny the deadliness of CV v the vax but this is simply laughable.....but feel free to carry on

Covid death rate in the U.S. is 1%. That 1% is mostly with the elderly, obese, and other compromised immunity systems and co-morbidities. That is not significant. The higher concern is the long term damaging effects of Covid and, more importantly, the shot that is still affecting people today and will continue for years. Covid is bad but the shot is worse. You can recover from Covid as 99% of Americans do.

Also, the Covid death rates have already been proven to be vastly incorrect and overreported by the corrupt Biden administration and the CDC. Many of those deaths were not from Covid at all, but instead from other factors (accident, heart attacks, cancer, etc.) with people who had Covid at one time and just happened to die as a result of those other causes. This is just stupidity and ignorance on the part of the ever stupid left and libs, while expecting people to believe it. The problem is there are stupid people out there who do.
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Covid death rate in the U.S. is 1%. That 1% is mostly with the elderly, obese, and other compromised immunity systems and co-morbidities. That is not significant. The higher concern is the long term damaging effects of Covid and, more importantly, the shot that is still affecting people today and will continue for years. Covid is bad but the shot is worse. You can recover from Covid as 99% of Americans do.

Also, the Covid death rates have already been proven to be vastly incorrect and overreported by the corrupt Biden administration and the CDC. Many of those deaths were not from Covid at all, but instead from other factors (accident, heart attacks, cancer, etc.) with people who had Covid at one time and just happened to die as a result of those other causes. This is just stupidity and ignorance on the part of the ever stupid left and libs, while expecting people to believe it. The problem is there are stupid people out there who do.
so you think it is ok to compare it to abortion?

I will address your comment but first need your answer to that, which is all I stated as laughable
Abortion has nothing to do with Covid. Abortion is voluntary murder. And you don't need to address my comment. I just stated facts.
then maybe address at least in part what my comment was directed toward, which is the inanity of CJM's relating it to abortion


it's kinda almost taking mine out of context, which is a deceptive strategy some engage in that can mislead(not saying you)
then maybe address at least in part what my comment was directed toward, which is the inanity of CJM's relating it to abortion


it's kinda almost taking mine out of context, which is a deceptive strategy some engage in that can mislead(not saying you)

He just made the comment "my body, my choice". Which in the case of abortion is not correct anyhow because you're dealing with another separate body within the female body. But I think that comment is saying people need to make their own decisions about what shots to take and not have that dictated by some government entity. It's our own choice with our own bodies. It affects no one else other than you and you're responsible for that.

I don't know if that addressed your comment.
at the time we knew is was a deadly very contagious airborne transmission type disease and we were seeing mortality of the elderly quite high

so my point, if the contagion of a new disease affecting virtually everyone around you and the mortality rate from it were near 3-4% in the >60 age group that you don't get do decide if you get the vax, I expect it to be mandated or you are restricted from being a spreader in the US
at the time we knew is was a deadly very contagious airborne transmission type disease and we were seeing mortality of the elderly quite high

so my point, if the contagion of a new disease affecting virtually everyone around you and the mortality rate from it were near 3-4% in the >60 age group that you don't get do decide if you get the vax, I expect it to be mandated or you are restricted from being a spreader in the US
First of all the 3 pct death rate was total bullshit as has been discuss and proven. It was totally fabricated fear porn

Secondly the asymptomatic transmission was and is totally bullshit.

Third is the vaccine is as effective as they say it was then why should I have to get jabbed to protect you. It’s like being in a boat and saying your life vest won’t work unless I have mine on.

Allowing the govement to determine what you should put in your body is a slippery slope I’m not willing to go down Much like we just want to get married and we just want to ban assault weapons.
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at the time we knew is was a deadly very contagious airborne transmission type disease and we were seeing mortality of the elderly quite high

so my point, if the contagion of a new disease affecting virtually everyone around you and the mortality rate from it were near 3-4% in the >60 age group that you don't get do decide if you get the vax, I expect it to be mandated or you are restricted from being a spreader in the US

That 3-4% mortality rate for >60 is not true and has been proven false. Most in that group have been shown to have died from other co-morbidities such as heart attack, cancer, obesity, stroke and also accidents while testing positive for Covid, which isn't why they died.
at the time we knew is was a deadly very contagious airborne transmission type disease and we were seeing mortality of the elderly quite high

so my point, if the contagion of a new disease affecting virtually everyone around you and the mortality rate from it were near 3-4% in the >60 age group that you don't get do decide if you get the vax, I expect it to be mandated or you are restricted from being a spreader in the US
I never faulted anyone for getting vaxxed, but neither did I know anyone who got deathly ill. I heard reports of old people being warehoused in nursing homes, which was an obvious death sentence. This and other factors led me to reject the threat level. Plus, vaxxed people were still spreaders. That was Rachel's biggest lie.

But I am simply a stalwart on unalienable rights. 5 people who run for office don't have the authority to mandate what medicine people take. Politicians aren't doctors. And doctors advised individuals in a clinical setting. They weigh what's best for their patients. Fauci never treated a COVID patient.

So I respectfully disagree on mandates.
you are BOTH missing my point in trying to set up a hypothetical because at some point we did not know and have the data, I get that hindsight is closer to 20/20 and we all know more now

I am saying if while a global pandemic is playing out and we are seeing high rates of transmission and spread and the death rates are accurately 3-4%, what do you do? not mandate either vax or restrictions?

@pittbb80 the asymptomatic transmission is BS? it exists in many/most viral conditions
you are BOTH missing my point in trying to set up a hypothetical because at some point we did not know and have the data, I get that hindsight is closer to 20/20 and we all know more now

I am saying if while a global pandemic is playing out and we are seeing high rates of transmission and spread and the death rates are accurately 3-4%, what do you do? not mandate either vax or restrictions?

@pittbb80 the asymptomatic transmission is BS? it exists in many/most viral conditions
You can't mandate an unapproved, experimental vaccine with no long term studies. That's where I see the main flaw in your position. I think it's then nothing more than panicking out of fear.

Otherwise, is be more sympathetic to your cause
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you are BOTH missing my point in trying to set up a hypothetical because at some point we did not know and have the data, I get that hindsight is closer to 20/20 and we all know more now

I am saying if while a global pandemic is playing out and we are seeing high rates of transmission and spread and the death rates are accurately 3-4%, what do you do? not mandate either vax or restrictions?

@pittbb80 the asymptomatic transmission is BS? it exists in many/most viral conditions

I understand what you're saying. But then if we're in the beginning stages of the virus and don't know much about it, we also have to doubt the mortality figures they're throwing out there. TBH, in the beginning stages when I got the virus, I was very sick but no more than with the flu. I'm in a "high risk" category since I'm over 65. But I wasn't near death and got over it. My natural immunity was far greater than anything a shot could provide. That's why I regret immensely ever getting even 1 shot. I didn't need it and it did more harm than good. But I didn't know that going in.

What you're claiming as an "accurate" death rate is what I'm debating. No one knew then if it was true, but we know now it wasn't.
You can't mandate an unapproved, experimental vaccine with no long term studies. That's where I see the main flaw in your position. I think it's then nothing more than panicking out of fear.

Otherwise, is be more sympathetic to your cause
ok, for you, hypothetical is it starts and runs for a year in Australia(or some country you trust data) and is contained long enough for studies to be done(how long do you need?) but breaks out and containment becomes impossible, do you mandate then? ever? face consequences if refused?
I understand what you're saying. But then if we're in the beginning stages of the virus and don't know much about it, we also have to doubt the mortality figures they're throwing out there. TBH, in the beginning stages when I got the virus, I was very sick but no more than with the flu. I'm in a "high risk" category since I'm over 65. But I wasn't near death and got over it. My natural immunity was far greater than anything a shot could provide. That's why I regret immensely ever getting even 1 shot. I didn't need it and it did more harm than good. But I didn't know that going in.

What you're claiming as an "accurate" death rate is what I'm debating. No one knew then if it was true, but we know now it wasn't.
so you got an immunoassay to test your specific immunity(IgG)? retested because while I personally wouldn't care at this point, it obviously will wane

oh, I agree death rates were cooked, and currently in some places
you are BOTH missing my point in trying to set up a hypothetical because at some point we did not know and have the data, I get that hindsight is closer to 20/20 and we all know more now

I am saying if while a global pandemic is playing out and we are seeing high rates of transmission and spread and the death rates are accurately 3-4%, what do you do? not mandate either vax or restrictions?

@pittbb80 the asymptomatic transmission is BS? it exists in many/most viral conditions
See that’s where you’re wrong. It’s the first time in history scientists claimed that you could spread a virus without having symptoms. I’m busy now not I will find the source. It’s logical. If uou don’t express any symptoms the concentration of the virus is not high enough to make your breath contagious. This was the problem worn Covid overall. There weee so many lies and protocols that changed that it’s hard not to come to the comclusion that there was a reason they were spreading fear porn. Hmmm
so you got an immunoassay to test your specific immunity(IgG)? retested because while I personally wouldn't care at this point, it obviously will wane

oh, I agree death rates were cooked, and currently in some places
Natural immunity never wains from the initial strain of the virus unlike vaccines or at least the Covid jab. That has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt

It’s amazing how efficient the human body immune system is.

And vaccines mutate. It’s why flu shots rarely. Work. The flu virus mutates so fast that the flu shot can’t keep up with it

The best way to prevent serous illness from viruses is to stay healthy and make sure you have plenty of vitamin D and C.

So you know one of the groups that was effective most were people who had insufficient vitamin D? And yet the scientists told us to stay indoors and not excercise. Wonder why ?
Natural immunity never wains from the initial strain of the virus unlike vaccines or at least the Covid jab. That has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt

It’s amazing how efficient the human body immune system is.

And vaccines mutate. It’s why flu shots rarely. Work. The flu virus mutates so fast that the flu shot can’t keep up with it

The best way to prevent serous illness from viruses is to stay healthy and make sure you have plenty of vitamin D and C.

So you know one of the groups that was effective most were people who had insufficient vitamin D? And yet the scientists told us to stay indoors and not excercise. Wonder why ?
immunity wanes, especially in the elderly but generally can last a lifetime in some at high enough levels to be considered lifetime

flu they pick 3 or so variants and hope, they work great but only about 30% of the time :(

you keep adding points that probably don't need to be directed to me like your last one

I don't recall much of anyone saying stay indoors or don't exercise, so I wonder about your sources on that :)
I understand what you're saying. But then if we're in the beginning stages of the virus and don't know much about it, we also have to doubt the mortality figures they're throwing out there. TBH, in the beginning stages when I got the virus, I was very sick but no more than with the flu. I'm in a "high risk" category since I'm over 65. But I wasn't near death and got over it. My natural immunity was far greater than anything a shot could provide. That's why I regret immensely ever getting even 1 shot. I didn't need it and it did more harm than good. But I didn't know that going in.

What you're claiming as an "accurate" death rate is what I'm debating. No one knew then if it was true, but we know now it wasn't.
I know the obituary page in the Tribune Review went from a page to about three pages for many days in 2020. You're an idiot.
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I know the obituary page in the Tribune Review went from a page to about three pages for many days in 2020. You're an idiot.

LOL! The virus was barely here until November or December of 2020. So you're full of s$%t. And your claim about the obit pages is a lie. So you're full of s%$t again. Get lost, loser. You know nothing about this and need to STFU. Typical libtard.
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