You're making me have to go back 5 years now and try to remember stuff I only learned well enough to understand the disagreements among the doctors. I do remember there being an issue about identifying the virus. Something akin (and I'm going to apologize now for butchering this) to recognizing the virus by its effects in a medium of some sort. This is beyond me at this point, plus it wasn't something I focused on at the time. See the link at the bottom.Two excellent posts! Thats the core issue. Is there virus called SARS-CoV-2? Yup. As an aside and Im sure you'll enjoy this, to my knowledge they've never completely isolated the SARS-CoV-2 DNA! Please correct me if Im wrong.
And if you dont mind me saying, the main take away from you're post is this. When you look at all the data, the risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 were not any different than the flu or any other virus. Its always those with significant other Comorbidities who are at the greatest risk and those dont vary much. (Obese, sick elderly, etc. add in those who were vitamin D deficient). Heck even parasites like cryptosporidium which causes diarrhea is lethal to...............the elderly.
And I find it hilarious that no one can come up with a scientific reason for the Flue totally disappearing during the Covid scare and then reappearing when it was over!
I never doubted its existence because the researchers I watched had detailed models showing the four (?) new cleavage sites on the SARS virus and where they got them from (other viruses like HIV). Plus, some chick did a video interview of Ralph Baric where he bragged about his success with gain of function. I swear it was almost like that scene in the third (?) Bourne movie where the CIA chiefs saw the scientists who did the brainwashing yucking it up on film at a party bragging. Surreal.

UNC epidemiology study: New SARS-like virus may be nearly ready to infect humans - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
March 15, 2016 A study led by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that a SARS-like virus known as WIV1-CoV, which is found in horseshoe... Read more »

But you remind me here of another important factor. These people who died with COVID 19 on their death cert had to somehow be diagnosed. This was the genius/beauty of the scamdemic grift. A positive PCR test just means there's some amount of genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 found in your schnozzle. And the test can be gamed to keep looking until it finds enough to claim infection. It doesn't mean you had COVID 19 or that it killed you. People were getting diagnosed with COVID 19 based on a "positive" PCR test (perhaps they inhaled walking by the home of a COVID patient) together with symptoms consistent with the disease. Again, this is 5 years ago and I'm half a dementia patient at this point in time. So, if I had a main point, it would be that they could say anyone died from COVID and IMO, seeing as they could never get studies on an mRNA jab before because the animals got sick and/or dead, this was a great way to scare us into being their cohort.
Never let a good tragedy go to waste