Covid wasnt real?

Those were fake videos made by MAGA nurses!

My favorites were the videos by the dude who drove around Miami filming outside hospitals where dozens of nurses just congregated in the parking lots smoking.
Or the menu videos that showed hospitals were empty despite the Scamdemic stating hospitals were overwhelmed.
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The trials on a current flu shot are showing recipients are later four times more likely to develop a non flu respiratory infection.
The trials on a current flu shot are showing recipients are later four times more likely to develop a non flu respiratory
Another conspiracy theory. Don’t you know Big Pharma would never lie to us and every jab and pill they sell is incredibly safe and effective otherwise the FDA would never have approved it? It’s not like Big Pharma runs the FDA or any of the People on the approval board were former Big Pharma employees.
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You can find an "expert" or study to basically support any position that you want to believe in. That's "science" unfortunately. Much of science is narrative based, meaning it is funded by certain groups to find whatever they want to support and make the outcomes of a study to reflect that. Unfortunately. Math is more precise. Math is unforgiving. But even within math there is context and you know the Mark Twain saying.

For example we have a pretty good, firm understanding that cigarette smoking causes cancer. But cancer is not caused by cigarette smoking and not all cigarette smokers get cancer. You can apply this "dance" to almost every scientific study and outcome. What we tend to do is take one part of that scenario and apply it is the rule.

Just sayin'
Did you even read my post? You would know the answer if you had.

I dont know how your answer couldn't be anything other than "yes."

According to you, most people were killed by the vaccine, ventilators, and not treating with inver whatever. So now we know that the vaccine and ventilators were killing millions, if we could go back in time with this information, how could we NOT save tens of millions of lives? All we need to do is recommend that hospitals use ivermectin, not use ventilators, and recommend that no vaccines be developed. We have all of this data now showing that Covid was really a nothing burger and didn't really kill many people. So couldn't us time travelers go back and save the world in our hypothetical time machine? If Trump made time-traveling NCPitt the Dr. Fauci, I would have to think your recommendations would have been so effective that there would have been no noticeable increase in the overall death rate. How can you not agree with this?

It's so hard to tell, though, if these kids really killed themselves due to the lock downs. According to the data, there were 208 more males than "expected" (using historical data to compare) that committed suicide. Female suicides were actually down slightly from expected. By 6. So, yea, did the depression from lockdowns lead to some suicide deaths. I suppose. But it's impossible to know how many. But this isn't a lock down thread. We can debate lockdowns somewhere else. I am asking if Covid was real or not. Was it?
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You can find an "expert" or study to basically support any position that you want to believe in.

Absolutely. If you want to believe ANYTHING, there is a study to support it. The problem is that some people don't trust "mainstream science." So if you have 99 studies from the most trusted and renowned institutions and scientists, but 1 from some scientific outcast, they'll believe the outcast because he is speaking the truth. Big science isn't able to be truthful like him. This goes for every single subject out there. There's always study after study, data after date showing one side and then an outcast using some data to tell another story. And the conclusion is always there's some conspiracy that the mainstream is in on to silence the voice of this 1 outcast.
You can find an "expert" or study to basically support any position that you want to believe in. That's "science" unfortunately. Much of science is narrative based, meaning it is funded by certain groups to find whatever they want to support and make the outcomes of a study to reflect that. Unfortunately. Math is more precise. Math is unforgiving. But even within math there is context and you know the Mark Twain saying.

For example we have a pretty good, firm understanding that cigarette smoking causes cancer. But cancer is not caused by cigarette smoking and not all cigarette smokers get cancer. You can apply this "dance" to almost every scientific study and outcome. What we tend to do is take one part of that scenario and apply it is the rule.

Just sayin'
Which is why people should be given the freedom of doing their own research and making decisions based on what they put in their body based on their own research Ya know my body or my kids body my choice

The exception is when it comes to experts who tell is climate change is going to end the world and we have to destroy our economy. Or when scientists tell us we need to isolate and destroy our economy over a virus no more dangerous than the flu despite many virologists and precedent indicating that was a huge mistake. Those same scientists had us standing 6 feet apart, putting on face diapers, Avoiding excercise etc.

So yeah science can be complicated and compromi$ed
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Absolutely. If you want to believe ANYTHING, there is a study to support it. The problem is that some people don't trust "mainstream science." So if you have 99 studies from the most trusted and renowned institutions and scientists, but 1 from some scientific outcast, they'll believe the outcast because he is speaking the truth. Big science isn't able to be truthful like him. This goes for every single subject out there. There's always study after study, data after date showing one side and then an outcast using some data to tell another story. And the conclusion is always there's some conspiracy that the mainstream is in on to silence the voice of this 1 outcast.
Mainstream science once said the world was flat and cigarettes were healthy
Mainstream science once said the world was flat and cigarettes were healthy

The issue you guys have is you don't trust mainstream anything. Will they make mistakes? Yes. Everything is a conspiracy. Mainstream science said the world was flat in 1350 so we can't trust them 700 years later. You have to admit that SOMETIMES big science or big whatever is right. And perhaps they were right that Covid was real and it wasn't ventilators and vaccines killing everyone.
The issue you guys have is you don't trust mainstream anything. Will they make mistakes? Yes. Everything is a conspiracy. Mainstream science said the world was flat in 1350 so we can't trust them 700 years later. You have to admit that SOMETIMES big science or big whatever is right. And perhaps they were right that Covid was real and it wasn't ventilators and vaccines killing everyone.
Clearly you have no idea what science is. Science constantly looks to challenge existing theories and further improve understanding.

Furthermore what is mainstream ? The scientists who are funded by the govement ? Take climate change. Govement has ONLY been funding projects that support the current narrative. So why should those be trusted. Same goes for medicine. Do you know how many of these societies are funded by Big Pharma ? Should we trust scientists who are beholden to the companies that butter their bread ?

So what is your degree in and what qualifies you to judge what is good science or bad science? I have a PhD jn chemical engineering.
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I dont know how your answer couldn't be anything other than "yes."

According to you, most people were killed by the vaccine, ventilators, and not treating with inver whatever. So now we know that the vaccine and ventilators were killing millions, if we could go back in time with this information, how could we NOT save tens of millions of lives? All we need to do is recommend that hospitals use ivermectin, not use ventilators, and recommend that no vaccines be developed. We have all of this data now showing that Covid was really a nothing burger and didn't really kill many people. So couldn't us time travelers go back and save the world in our hypothetical time machine? If Trump made time-traveling NCPitt the Dr. Fauci, I would have to think your recommendations would have been so effective that there would have been no noticeable increase in the overall death rate. How can you not agree with this?
Nothing I said leads to the conclusion that "most people were killed by the vaccine, ventilators, and not treating with inver whatever." In fact, when you asked that specific question my answer was "I have no idea about any of that".

My answer remains the same. "I don't know". Furthermore, I don't care. Covid is over.
5) Government rules killed people. My stepfather was a victim of this. He had covid and was hospitalized. He recovered from the virus in a very weakened state. He was shipped off to a rehab facility. No one in the family, including my mother was ever allowed to visit with him. The only contact was by phone. They kept reporting that he was exercising and eating. After something like 8 weeks of isolation, my mother finally got to see him. He was near death, effectively by starvation. She took him home and he died within days. She feels guilty to this day because she believes that he would have lived with her care. I will never forgive the government/Fauci/Birx for his death.

Considering how old I think you are, your stepfather had to be around 90. Any death is a tragedy and I am sorry for your loss. However, what is the type of care your mom, probably also near 90, could have provided him that would have saved his life?

Also, why couldn't you decline the rehab facility? I mean I'm sure that's where the hospital recommended he go but you mean you couldn't tell them no and that you want to care for him at home.

I have the opposite story. I credit myself for saving my mom's life. My sister and I fought over this as she is a huge Trump supporter/Covid denier, the whole 9. We didn't see my mom until Easter I think. Started up again doing outdoor visits when it got warm and closed back down during the surge until she was vaccinated. I got her vaxxed in one of the 1st rounds. My sister kept arguing with me about this and was worried about her mental health and I'd say what good is her mental health if she's dead. There will be a vaccine in a few months. Wait it out a couple months and she'll be alive and vaccinated.
Considering how old I think you are, your stepfather had to be around 90. Any death is a tragedy and I am sorry for your loss. However, what is the type of care your mom, probably also near 90, could have provided him that would have saved his life?

Also, why couldn't you decline the rehab facility? I mean I'm sure that's where the hospital recommended he go but you mean you couldn't tell them no and that you want to care for him at home.

I have the opposite story. I credit myself for saving my mom's life. My sister and I fought over this as she is a huge Trump supporter/Covid denier, the whole 9. We didn't see my mom until Easter I think. Started up again doing outdoor visits when it got warm and closed back down during the surge until she was vaccinated. I got her vaxxed in one of the 1st rounds. My sister kept arguing with me about this and was worried about her mental health and I'd say what good is her mental health if she's dead. There will be a vaccine in a few months. Wait it out a couple months and she'll be alive and vaccinated.
Clearly you have no idea what science is. Science constantly looks to challenge existing theories and further improve understanding.

Furthermore what is mainstream ? The scientists who are funded by the govement ? Take climate change. Govement has ONLY been funding projects that support the current narrative. So why should those be trusted. Same goes for medicine. Do you know how many of these societies are funded by Big Pharma ? Should we trust scientists who are beholden to the companies that butter their bread ?

So what is your degree in and what qualifies you to judge what is good science or bad science? I have a PhD jn chemical engineering.
No 80, it's YOU who has no idea what science is.
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Absolutely. If you want to believe ANYTHING, there is a study to support it. The problem is that some people don't trust "mainstream science." So if you have 99 studies from the most trusted and renowned institutions and scientists, but 1 from some scientific outcast, they'll believe the outcast because he is speaking the truth. Big science isn't able to be truthful like him. This goes for every single subject out there. There's always study after study, data after date showing one side and then an outcast using some data to tell another story. And the conclusion is always there's some conspiracy that the mainstream is in on to silence the voice of this 1 outcast.
Sort of like these fringe studies trying to justify there are 50 different genders, right?
The issue you guys have is you don't trust mainstream anything. Will they make mistakes? Yes. Everything is a conspiracy. Mainstream science said the world was flat in 1350 so we can't trust them 700 years later. You have to admit that SOMETIMES big science or big whatever is right. And perhaps they were right that Covid was real and it wasn't ventilators and vaccines killing everyone.
The reason I think your argument is silly and somewhat naive regarding this issue is that you trust the company who makes money off a vaccine to test the vaccine. The fact that these companies have been found guilty of issuing fraudulent results in the past doesn't seem to concern you. I think that's foolish.

80 expressed concern that one cannot trust the government to test the vaccines. The government does NOT test them. It relies on the honor system. It trusts Phizer and Moderna, et al to perform the trials. So when you say "mainstream science", you're unwittingly describing pharmaceutical company test results. Gee whiz. What could go wrong there?

As far as conspiracies go, the owner of Facebook admitted the government conspired with social media to conceal studies that evidenced the disinformation put out manufacturers, the CDC and the NIH.

And there's no reason for you to appeal to authority in the first place. Many of the studies are available for you to review online. There are inexpensive virology and immunology books available to read. A couple nights stay at a Holiday Inn Express will qualify most people with a college degree to follow the science.
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The reason I think your argument is silly and somewhat naive regarding this issue is that you trust the company who makes money off a vaccine to test the vaccine. The fact that these companies have been found guilty of issuing fraudulent results in the past doesn't seem to concern you. I think that's foolish.

80 expressed concern that one cannot trust the government to test the vaccines. The government does NOT test them. It relies on the honor system. It trusts Phizer and Moderna, et al to perform the trials. So when you say "mainstream science", you're unwittingly describing pharmaceutical company test results. Gee whiz. What could go wrong there?

As far as conspiracies go, the owner of Facebook admitted the government conspired with social media to conceal studies that evidenced the disinformation put out manufacturers, the CDC and the NIH.

And there's no reason for you to appeal to authority in the first place. Many of the studies are available for you to review online. There are inexpensive virology and immunology books available to read. A couple nights stay at a Holiday Inn Express will qualify most people with a college degree to follow the science.

So Covid wasn't real then, correct?
Not following. The food at the nursing home killed him? Or would your mom's cooking have saved him?

Also, you didn't answer why you didn't deny the hospital and Dr. Fauci's nursing home recommendation and just bring him home?
I told you he effectively died from starvation. Do you ever read anything or just block things that don't follow your narrative?

He needed rehab and my mother, who is 5'0" and 120 lbs, was incapable of doing so.
So Covid wasn't real then, correct?
COVID19 was a real disease. SARS-CoV-2 was a real virus. If you were young and healthy then the threat was manageable. If you were old and in good shape, especially in good respiratory shape, probably little to fear. If you had all the comorbidities, you should have been concerned.

If a normal vaccine was produced, I doubt that there would have been much controversy.

But this was a virus similar to what were being designed in NC labs and instead of a weakened or dead virus vaccine, they decided to come out with an experimental mRNA therapy. Also, there was a bunch of hype and fear to goad you into getting this new jab. And it also wasn't authorized. No long term testing. And the brief trials were full of bad reactions and red flags. And there was no statistical difference in protection between vaxxed and unbaxxed after like three months out. And the lipid nanoparticles? And the DNA concerns?

So, yeah, it was real....really suspicious. It had that Be Our Test Subject vibe.

People are rarely comfortable when it comes to playing the risk vs reward lotto.
His entire post was about vaccines. How in the world can you reach that conclusion?
I used to watch a health channel the Highwire and they had a segment where she wasn't allowed to see her husband. He did okay when he was home, but once they got a hold of him, down the hill he went. He said they were not helping him and she felt helpless. I'm sorry to hear you had to go through a similar scenario.
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Yeah, phuck public health. Who needs to live?

BTW, there weren't any mandates with covid. But I'm not trying to end a good rant of stupidity so carry on...

There were mandates during Covid. People were mandated to receive the fake Covid shots in order to keep their jobs. That's a mandate. Masks were mandated to enter stores or public buildings. That's a mandate. And the long term harmful effects of the fake Covid shots are being felt now and will be felt long into the future. Those harmful shots altered peoples' DNA and immune systems forever. That has been proven.

Now let's talk about your rants of stupidity that are never ending in this forum. Did a horse kick you in the head when you were a baby? Never mind. You're not worth the time to even read your response.
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Absolutely. If you want to believe ANYTHING, there is a study to support it. The problem is that some people don't trust "mainstream science." So if you have 99 studies from the most trusted and renowned institutions and scientists, but 1 from some scientific outcast, they'll believe the outcast because he is speaking the truth. Big science isn't able to be truthful like him. This goes for every single subject out there. There's always study after study, data after date showing one side and then an outcast using some data to tell another story. And the conclusion is always there's some conspiracy that the mainstream is in on to silence the voice of this 1 outcast.

The funny thing about "mainstream science" is that it is constantly changing and is rarely 100% right about anything. If you choose to believe what your "mainstream science" says, you do so at your own peril. Do your own research and make your own decisions. That shouldn't be up to science, the government, or anyone else.
The funny thing about "mainstream science" is that it is constantly changing and is rarely 100% right about anything. If you choose to believe what your "mainstream science" says, you do so at your own peril. Do your own research and make your own decisions. That shouldn't be up to science, the government, or anyone else.
Do you really think that even 50% of the US population can do that?

I’d guess 90% don’t know the childhood vaccines would be better and more effective at different times and intervals

And of the the total deniers there’s many that know nothing but refuse to try to learn

It’s really not anywhere as easy as you state starting with data and source credibility
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COVID19 was a real disease. SARS-CoV-2 was a real virus. If you were young and healthy then the threat was manageable. If you were old and in good shape, especially in good respiratory shape, probably little to fear. If you had all the comorbidities, you should have been concerned.

If a normal vaccine was produced, I doubt that there would have been much controversy.

But this was a virus similar to what were being designed in NC labs and instead of a weakened or dead virus vaccine, they decided to come out with an experimental mRNA therapy. Also, there was a bunch of hype and fear to goad you into getting this new jab. And it also wasn't authorized. No long term testing. And the brief trials were full of bad reactions and red flags. And there was no statistical difference in protection between vaxxed and unbaxxed after like three months out. And the lipid nanoparticles? And the DNA concerns?

So, yeah, it was real....really suspicious. It had that Be Our Test Subject vibe.

People are rarely comfortable when it comes to playing the risk vs reward lotto.
Two excellent posts! Thats the core issue. Is there virus called SARS-CoV-2? Yup. As an aside and Im sure you'll enjoy this, to my knowledge they've never completely isolated the SARS-CoV-2 DNA! Please correct me if Im wrong.

And if you dont mind me saying, the main take away from you're post is this. When you look at all the data, the risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 were not any different than the flu or any other virus. Its always those with significant other Comorbidities who are at the greatest risk and those dont vary much. (Obese, sick elderly, etc. add in those who were vitamin D deficient). Heck even parasites like cryptosporidium which causes diarrhea is lethal to...............the elderly.

And I find it hilarious that no one can come up with a scientific reason for the Flue totally disappearing during the Covid scare and then reappearing when it was over!
Do you really think that even 50% of the US population can do that?

I’d guess 90% don’t know the childhood vaccines would be better and more effective at different times and intervals

And of the the total deniers there’s many that know nothing but refuse to try to learn

It’s really not anywhere as easy as you state starting with data and source credibility
Clearly there are many who either are too lazy, too disinterested in their own health, or just dont possess the intellectual capability to do their own research. The government (and actually the mega corps like Big Pharma that control our government) love people like that.

I think when you do you're own research you may find out that many of the vaccines on the market are not nearly as effective or safe as you've been lead to believe. Thats why Im adamant about NOT being forced to take any drug or vaccine against my will. I know you disagree with that so we'll respectfully have to agree to disagree.
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Clearly there are many who either are too lazy, too disinterested in their own health, or just dont possess the intellectual capability to do their own research. The government (and actually the mega corps like Big Pharma that control our government) love people like that.

I think when you do you're own research you may find out that many of the vaccines on the market are not nearly as effective or safe as you've been lead to believe. Thats why Im adamant about NOT being forced to take any drug or vaccine against my will. I know you disagree with that so we'll respectfully have to agree to disagree.
Do you rely on your doctor for any advising?

If you start having BP issues and practice all preventative and proactive behaviors do you choose your initial Rx medication and of course that’s assuming you will take any med?

How about a serious eye infection, what do you do?
Do you really think that even 50% of the US population can do that?

I’d guess 90% don’t know the childhood vaccines would be better and more effective at different times and intervals

And of the the total deniers there’s many that know nothing but refuse to try to learn

It’s really not anywhere as easy as you state starting with data and source credibility

None of that is an excuse for not finding out basic things about your OWN health. I don't trust anyone else, especially the government (CDC, NIH, etc.) in knowing what's best for me or my family. I consult with my doctor, which I trust a lot. But in the end, it's up to me. She's recommended that I get Covid boosters because I'm 73 (but in excellent health) but never flinches when I categorically refuse them. She knows why and doesn't interfere. I know what's best for me, and it isn't some untested, fake shot that only harms my immune system.
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Do you rely on your doctor for any advising?

If you start having BP issues and practice all preventative and proactive behaviors do you choose your initial Rx medication and of course that’s assuming you will take any med?

How about a serious eye infection, what do you do?
Depends upon the issue. Currently I dont take any meds. I have never taken what my Doctor has told me as gospel and always done my own research (got second opinions etc). But after Covid and seeing how doctors blindly went along with the jab my cynicism has grown greatly. I'll share two stories. I had aFib a year ago and had to get the shock treatment. One requirement is that you take Eliquis to ensure you don't throw a clot when they shock you. in the follow up visit the doc said I was low risk for stroke given family background so he said I didn't have to take it. I had a reoccurring episode and went back and he asked me why I wasnt taking it. I said because I didnt think I needed to. He asked me if I understood the risks and I said yes and that was the end of it (he must have forgotten that he told me I was at low risk before). Also took a blood test and his nurse called me back and said the results showed my cholesterol level was high and immediately was recommending meds to take rather than asking me what I was eating, was I exercising, or even retake the test in a while to confirm the results).

My wife was taking 13 meds. Convinced her to go to a homeopathic doctor to get off the meds and she now is on 1! Obviously this is anecdotal but not uncommon. Doctors hand out meds like they are candy. Its what they are trained to do. Its been that way since Rockerfeller changed how medicine was practiced. It used to be far more about solving the source of the problem rather than masking the symptoms with medications. Just about every med has a side affect. Often times one med leads to another problem that requires another drug. Its why so many people are on multiple meds which is one reason why healthcare costs are astronomical in the country with poorer results than Europe.

And just to be clear, Im not against anyone taking meds nor would I decline a med if I thought the risk reward profile was worth it. I just think there are better ways to solve health issues and for me personally meds are the last resort.