Covid wasnt real?

immunity wanes, especially in the elderly but generally can last a lifetime in some at high enough levels to be considered lifetime

flu they pick 3 or so variants and hope, they work great but only about 30% of the time :(

you keep adding points that probably don't need to be directed to me like your last one

I don't recall much of anyone saying stay indoors or don't exercise, so I wonder about your sources on that :)
In California cops would try to arrest people jogging on the beach. If the cops had only been vaccinated against donuts, they might have caught a few of them. The videos were hilarious
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ru having your kids continuing to get the vax? or would you if under 30 or so?

Kids or anyone under the age of 50 should not be getting a Covid shot. It's not a vaccine, by definition. In fact, I don't think anyone should be getting a Covid shot until it is fully tested and is a real vaccine that significantly reduces contraction or spread of the virus. The mRNA shot does neither.
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See that’s where you’re wrong. It’s the first time in history scientists claimed that you could spread a virus without having symptoms. I’m busy now not I will find the source. It’s logical. If uou don’t express any symptoms the concentration of the virus is not high enough to make your breath contagious. This was the problem worn Covid overall. There weee so many lies and protocols that changed that it’s hard not to come to the comclusion that there was a reason they were spreading fear porn. Hmmm
I'm not sure about that. You might recall a slew of TV commercials that aired a year or two ago trying to guilt grandparents into getting a whooping cough vaccine. The hamfisted ad depicted unvaxxed grandparents as wolves. Well, once it got around that the vax wasn't effective stopping transmission and that non vaxxed grandparents were safer because, if infected, were symptomatic, and would know to avoid the baby. However, nonsymptomatic vaxxed seniors were infected but nobody knew, and were therefore the greater threat. The ads stopped abruptly.

Anyhow, it seems nonsymptomatic transmission is not new. But you should check to make sure.
ok, for you, hypothetical is it starts and runs for a year in Australia(or some country you trust data) and is contained long enough for studies to be done(how long do you need?) but breaks out and containment becomes impossible, do you mandate then? ever? face consequences if refused?
I'll play along. I am convinced 3-4 % of seniors are dying. If the jab is approved and I'm working on an office, I probably get it. If retired, I self quarantine (depends on my situation, family, health, etc )

If it's an EUA jab, I avoid the jab at all costs.

Mandating a medicine for people who are not sick is really problematic from a human rights perspective. Didn't Australia even quarantine nonvaxxed people? So, you're no threat at all since you're not sick, but the politicians want to toss you in a camp? So many red flags here. But hey, a town of non vaxxed non infected people? Probably the safest situation of all to be in. 🤔

I'll do consequences as long as the person who vaxxed me suffers consequences if I'm injured by the jab.
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immunity wanes, especially in the elderly but generally can last a lifetime in some at high enough levels to be considered lifetime

flu they pick 3 or so variants and hope, they work great but only about 30% of the time :(

you keep adding points that probably don't need to be directed to me like your last one

I don't recall much of anyone saying stay indoors or don't exercise, so I wonder about your sources on that :)
So you don’t recall lock downs., polices arresting people in blue states of taking their kids to the playground or
Kayaking in the ocean by themselves.
I'm not sure about that. You might recall a slew of TV commercials that aired a year or two ago trying to guilt grandparents into getting a whooping cough vaccine. The hamfisted ad depicted unvaxxed grandparents as wolves. Well, once it got around that the vax wasn't effective stopping transmission and that non vaxxed grandparents were safer because, if infected, were symptomatic, and would know to avoid the baby. However, nonsymptomatic vaxxed seniors were infected but nobody knew, and were therefore the greater threat. The ads stopped abruptly.

Anyhow, it seems nonsymptomatic transmission is not new. But you should check to make sure.
I will. Like I said Ill find the sources of Covid / flu like viruses
So you don’t recall lock downs., polices arresting people in blue states of taking their kids to the playground or
Kayaking in the ocean by themselves.
avoid areas of congregation yes, stay indoors no

kayaking stupidity, yes, Cali idiocy as was quite a bit of the excess

I'm in Maryland and it was interesting how in the center of the state around Baltimore, Columbia, PG County things were done quite a bit different and enforced where western and northern and most of the eastern shore nothing

where I am in Howard County it literally was split from the east to the west and we are a small county in geographical size

daughter's travel lax team continued to meet and practice 2-3 days a week and never missed but son missed out on post states invitational tournaments repping Maryland

we were cautious going out shopping and even filling up gas wiping down, etc

at the time I was flying up and down the east coast visiting colleges while son was finalizing his decision and on a few planes there were only 2-3 others with us, THAT WAS AWESOME
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wanes in elderly, less robust initially in elderly, variants happen

if anything a HUGE exposure needed to happen around the world and then whomever didn't die likely in about a month we could've gotten past it

so they needed to steepen the curve load up the hospitals, morgues then cemeteries then get the kids back to school and me to the office

I thought it, wrote about that, but coordinating it in a small country would be difficult, throughout the world, well
I understand the shortcoming of PCR testing
if you do then you’d realize that the concept of asymptomatic spread is based on the ocr test. Never before was that though to be the case

Look I’m not going to convince you. So you can hide in your house wear your mask in your car alone and get as many vaccines as the government Tells you.

But my body my choice. You do you and I’ll do me
if you do then you’d realize that the concept of asymptomatic spread is based on the ocr test. Never before was that though to be the case

Look I’m not going to convince you. So you can hide in your house wear your mask in your car alone and get as many vaccines as the government Tells you.

But my body my choice. You do you and I’ll do me
yeah, I do none of those things

do you read my posts? I mean ALL the words?

your body, your choice, until your TB cough impacts others or me and it won't go as well from that point
yeah, I do none of those things

do you read my posts? I mean ALL the words?

your body, your choice, until your TB cough impacts others or me and it won't go as well from that point
Remember you’re vaccinated. So how can I infect you. Holy moly.

I’m don’t bro. You believe what you want to.
I survived the winter of death Xiden talked about. Glad I’m a pure blood. Don’t have to worry about now the mRNA jab is altering my dna

So it seems that, at least with SARS, the threat of asymptomatic transmission is minimal. But this goes beyond COVID.

This is an important subject. It's fundamental to defining the role of government and the limits of authority one person may exercise over another. Seeing as I am sufficiently arrogant so as to think someone may want to hear my Biblical based perspective, feel free to cringe. 🤷

We're compelled to be our brother's keeper based on the Cain and Abel morality tale. So, how does this apply to vaccinations? Tvax1 appears to lean towards a collectivist view akin to Mr. Spock's key principle in The Wrath of Khan(?) that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. But how does this jive with the Founders' principle that individual rights are unalienable? Isn't that a selfish viewpoint though, to put yourself ahead of others? But aren't the many also being selfish if they dictate right and wrong simply according to strength in numbers?

My take is that which side one comes down on this issue is perhaps the main basis for the conflict between American liberalism and conservatism.

Mr. Spock or John Locke? It seems only logical to me that to accept Spock's view institutes tyranny of the majority, whereas Locke did reason that one must surrender some rights to the government. Nevertheless, in order to give up some of one's rights for the sake of society, one must first have the the option to surrender said rights. Cain chose not to do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. He abused his choice. The freedom for each of us to make this decision is our responsibility as imagers of God.

Tvax1 asked, "(how long do you need?) but breaks out and containment becomes impossible, do you mandate then? ever?". These are absolutely questions that we should ask ourselves in order to make our choice. But I also reject the notion that the principle of being your brother's keeper is equivalent to being granted the franchise to be your brother's taker. Christians don't use force to compel others take the high road. We don't convert via the sword. Our battle is spiritual. This distinction is where America evolved from the old world order. JMO.

All this is to say at some point, if the threat is sufficient, I feel I should decide to take a vaccine. But I have to trust the "experts" to have been honest about the threat. The societal damage by the COVID response is one impressive level of evil. Thanks a lot Dr. Fauci. You lit a match to Locke's social contract.
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So it seems that, at least with SARS, the threat of asymptomatic transmission is minimal. But this goes beyond COVID.

This is an important subject. It's fundamental to defining the role of government and the limits of authority one person may exercise over another. Seeing as I am sufficiently arrogant so as to think someone may want to hear my Biblical based perspective, feel free to cringe. 🤷

We're compelled to be our brother's keeper based on the Cain and Abel morality tale. So, how does this apply to vaccinations? Tvax1 appears to lean towards a collectivist view akin to Mr. Spock's key principle in The Wrath of Khan(?) that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. But how does this jive with the Founders' principle that individual rights are unalienable? Isn't that a selfish viewpoint though, to put yourself ahead of others? But aren't the many also being selfish if they dictate right and wrong simply according to strength in numbers?

My take is that which side one comes down on this issue is perhaps the main basis for the conflict between American liberalism and conservatism.

Mr. Spock or John Locke? It seems only logical to me that to accept Spock's view institutes tyranny of the majority, whereas Locke did reason that one must surrender some rights to the government. Nevertheless, in order to give up some of one's rights for the sake of society, one must first have the the option to surrender said rights. Cain chose not to do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. He abused his choice. The freedom for each of us to make this decision is our responsibility as imagers of God.

Tvax1 asked, "(how long do you need?) but breaks out and containment becomes impossible, do you mandate then? ever?". These are absolutely questions that we should ask ourselves in order to make our choice. But I also reject the notion that the principle of being your brother's keeper is equivalent to being granted the franchise to be your brother's taker. Christians don't use force to compel others take the high road. We don't convert via the sword. Our battle is spiritual. This distinction is where America evolved from the old world order. JMO.

All this is to say at some point, if the threat is sufficient, I feel I should decide to take a vaccine. But I have to trust the "experts" to have been honest about the threat. The societal damage by the COVID response is one impressive level of evil. Thanks a lot Dr. Fauci. You lit a match to Locke's social contract.
Yeah I think it comes down to the last part Early on in the Scamdemic (Feb/march) none of us knew much about this “dangerous” virus. Although I should point out that Dems like Pelosi were poo poing the dangers in february and early March. But as we got well into the lock downs it became apparent that the numbers were being inflated and precautions were bogus. It was not ok to take your kids to the park but BLM could protest in large crowds. You had to wear a mask to walk into a restaurant but could take it off to eat. (That was one smart virus). The jab wasn’t to be trusted when Trump was in office but you had to take it when Xiden took over to save your fellow man Highly respected scientists prior to Covid who didn’t get the game plan were censored. The Vaers data base that was trusted and used to monitor vaccine safety for decades was suddenly unreliable

Those of us who frequent alt right sites were well aware of what was going on in late April I was going to the gym here in SC and working out without a mask (gasp) and living a normal life by mid May. Just across the border in NC these things were not permitted. Again a really smart virus

And funny how the Amish were not impacted by the virus.

So yeah the Scamdemic opened peoples eyes about how corrupt our government is and how the experts opinions are driven based on who is paying them (or threatening their license/practice)

So count me and about 20-30
Pct of the pollution out next time some Scamdemic pops up and we are asked to save our fellow man

it’s intersting that so many people today still believe so much of the bullshit that was shoved down our throats. But I guess Mark Twain was right

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled”​

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Finally I was able to read the list you provided there......all that means is that a side effect occurred during the trial, not that the vaccine caused it.

Do you honestly believe that the Covid vaccine caused genital herpes?
you do realize the trial is DESIGNED to identify side affects CAUSED by the vaccine don’t you? Good lord bro.
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As soon as I saw the videos allegedly of Chinamen walking around in space suits in some surreal line dance formation hosing down the sidewalk with garden insecticide sprayers, I knew it was a grift. Maybe if it had a fear inducing disco soundtrack to go with the choreography I could have been persuaded.
so you DO believe it CAUSED genital herpes?

uh, oh bro
I can't read microfilm so I didn't check any of the list, but I'm just gonna ask, cannot an outbreak of herpes be caused by a compromised immune system? Just speculating ...

My guess is that they reported anything arising subsequent to the jab without a claim of causation. I get it. It's about statistical significance. I wonder if they rule anything out of they consider the symptom to be something that's impossible to come from the vax, like a broken wrist you got a week later in your gym workout. 🤷
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so you DO believe it CAUSED genital herpes?

uh, oh bro
That’s what the data from the study says Bro

Id discuss the actual science behind it but it would go way over your head as most of the science has so far in this thread.

Lastly I didnt say it does. Your Lord and Master Pfizer said it does. Take it up with them