On paper Miami would slaughter PItt. On paper Clemson would destroy Syracuse. On paper Clemson would destroy Pitt. There is a reason they play games. The ratings may not be as high as some other games but is the point of football to get ratings or to compete. If you win a P5 conference you deserve a shot to win a title. I rather teams settle it on the field rather then some committee. There is enough interest to make an 8 game playoff work. In fact the more teams you have playing for a playoff sport the more interest you maintain. For example the PAC 12 championship had no impact on the playoffs. If it was a guaranteed spot you bet more people would turn on. As is now once a team gets 2 loses their chances are basically gone. With 8 teams there is still possibilities. For example it PItt was all but eliminated from the playoffs by 9/16 this year. Let say PItt change QBs and ended up making a run and finished 10-2. They then beat Clemson do you think they deserve at least a chance at the playoffs?
Or even if Pitt went 8-4 and won their division, then upset Clemson? With an auto bid as conference champ, that's the kind of story the current system lacks.