
Slick Manager of Champs

Heisman Candidate
Apr 22, 2007
Etienne just entered the portal at Florida. Vultures are really coming out for Napier. The churn of coaches for them, though, can't be good you would think. But it is getting harder to stick with him.

Man, thats a body blow

4 coaches, since 2010. All trying to recapture the glory of the Urban legend and all failing miserably.

I'm usually in the stability is over-rated camp (looking at you Mr. Narduzzi), but this is exhibit A of why the constant churn isn't much better.
They ran off Dan Mullen because recruiting at UF fell significantly below UGA, even though Mullen was still bringing in Top 10 classes.

The media hammered him over his comments on recruiting during Georgia week, which were misinterpreted & blown out of proportion.

Regardless, the environment turned toxic and he lost the team his last year there.

There's only room for a couple of top dogs in a conference, and their #1 rival just happens to be one. Sucks for them.
Sounds like he’s going to Georgia

Half of Napier’s 1st recruiting class is in the portal. He won’t last long there.
4 coaches, since 2010. All trying to recapture the glory of the Urban legend and all failing miserably.

I'm usually in the stability is over-rated camp (looking at you Mr. Narduzzi), but this is exhibit A of why the constant churn isn't much better.
Urban Meyer left town when he saw he couldn't sustain it. The SEC Championship game loss in 2009 followed by an uninspiring 8-5 in 2010, had some fans starting to turn on him.

Spurrier, a Gator legend, was so burnt out by their bullshit, he decided working for Daniel Snyder was better than hanging around Gainesville.
Florida’s schedule down the stretch was brutal. They obviously didn’t win but they were competitive in every game.