For all of you Narduzzi fans

#1 I never understand how you think I'm a WVU fan. Why not a Penn State fan?

#2 Jim Chaney recruited Peterman as he was his OC at Tennessee. Either way, Narduzzi wasted all that talent.

Narduzzi hired Chaney, who brought in Peterman.

BTW, Perhaps you might want to give some credit to coaching. In case you haven't noticed outside of your Pitt bubble, Peterman has been an absolute disaster everywhere he's been except for Pitt. The only reason he's still in the NFL is that Jon Gruden absolutely loves the guy.
Rod Rutherford, Larry Fitzgerald, Lousaka Polite, Brandon Miree, Kris Wilson, and Bryan Anderaon all played in the NFL.

You had to go back 20 years? Again, that 2015-16 teams were one of the only Pitt teams to have that kind of offensive talent but Duzz's D couldn't stop a middle school team
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Narduzzi hired Chaney, who brought in Peterman.

BTW, Perhaps you might want to give some credit to coaching. In case you haven't noticed outside of your Pitt bubble, Peterman has been an absolute disaster everywhere he's been except for Pitt. The only reason he's still in the NFL is that Jon Gruden absolutely loves the guy.

Stop it. Peterman played 2 games at Tennessee as a against Alabama. He was a friggin starting QB in the NFL. A bad one? Yes. But very few humans have started QBs in the NFL. He was an elite college QB
This staff developed Kenny Pickett into a first round draft pick. He didn’t show Up highly touted. Narduzzi has flaws and is stubborn as a mule, but he has been an above average coach in the ACC With below average support.

Hail to Pitt!


Can they develop their DBs to cover or tackle?
SMF...Pat Narduzzi is exactly what the Pitt football program needs at this time. He is a well liked and respected coach by his players, local high school coaches and the parents of potential recruits. Being the Head Football Coach at Pitt is NOT an easy job. You are fighting a number of issues that have been used against them for years by other coaches who are recruiting the same players. We all know about the lack of fan support and having no home field of their own, those are two HUGE issues that have failed to be addressed by the Heather Lyke and her staff. You will not find a "top tier" coach out there who will agree to come to the program with those two issues facing them. You should be happy for the stability that he has brought to the football program. He is very much like Walt Harris in the sense that most Pitt fans always wanted more then what they had. Those folks were wrong then and people with the same opinion as yours, are wrong now. As they say, you can lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.
Very glad to have Pat Narduzzi in charge of this program.
Good grief. Happy with mediocrity and poor coaching. Great.
Stop it. Peterman played 2 games at Tennessee as a against Alabama. He was a friggin starting QB in the NFL. A bad one? Yes. But very few humans have started QBs in the NFL. He was an elite college QB

Lol. Peterman was at Tennessee for 3 friggin years. He played in 9 games in his career there, made 2 starts, and got benched during both because he sucked out loud.

If he was an elite college QB, it's because Narduzzi's staff at Pitt developed him into something he sure as hell wasn't when he came to Pitt.
Which tells us Pitt is a damn hard place to recruit talent.

Exactly, so if you have supreme offensive talent, you better make sure your defense can at least be average so you can have a good season. Those Walt defenses were the same as Narduzzi's garbage.
Lol. Peterman was at Tennessee for 3 friggin years. He played in 9 games in his career there, made 2 starts, and got benched during both because he sucked out loud.

If he was an elite college QB, it's because Narduzzi's staff at Pitt developed him into something he sure as hell wasn't when he came to Pitt.

Handing the ball off with 2:00 left in the game during mop-up time doesn't count. He played in 2 games. 1 vs Bama. Stop
Good grief. Happy with mediocrity and poor coaching. Great.
This is exactly why after years of adoring Jamie Dixon as my favorite coach in sports history, I was ready to move on. Hear me out…

Jamie gave us regular season excellence. We were freakin elite. Top 4 with Kansas, Duke and Gonzaga over a ten year period. But we fell short of expectations every single year in the post season. So when we became a program that had become a bubble team 3 tourneys out of 5 years with a further downward trajectory, it was evident that we were never going to catch lightning in a bottle as a mediocre program when we couldn’t do it or meet or exceed expectations as an elite program. So the same holds true now. If we can’t have that lightning in a bottle season with our mediocre program, then we never will. Which then requires one to ask if it’s time to move on.
Exactly, so if you have supreme offensive talent, you better make sure your defense can at least be average so you can have a good season. Those Walt defenses were the same as Narduzzi's garbage.

Statistically, Pitt didn't even have the best offense in the ACC in 2016. That would have been Louisville, who also lost 4 games.

So your point seems to be if you have elite talent on offense, you need to have elite talent on defense so you can have a great team. So basically, we just need to have a stacked roster & we can do something special at Pitt. Got it. Who knew?
This is exactly why after years of adoring Jamie Dixon as my favorite coach in sports history, I was ready to move on. Hear me out…

Jamie gave us regular season excellence. We were freakin elite. Top 4 with Kansas, Duke and Gonzaga over a ten year period. But we fail short of expectations every single year in the post season. So when we became a program that had become a bubble team 3 tourneys out of 5 years with a further downward trajectory, it was evident that we were never going to catch lightning in a bottle as a mediocre program when we couldn’t do it or meet or exceed expectations as an elite program. So the same holds true now. If we can’t have that lightning in a bottle season with our mediocre program, then we never will. Which then requires one to ask if it’s time to move on.

This is exactly how I feel....well I wouldn't have let Dixon walk unless you had a better coach guaranteed, but Narduzzi is proving that he is mediocre. 5 regular season losses per year, then can only get to maybe 9-3 despite being favored in all 12 games for maybe the first time in school history and having a 1st Round QB and elite WR. He's back to 5 losses next year.

If Narduzzi cant have a great season with a 1st Round QB, elite WR, and a "Narduzzi Defense" when will he?
Statistically, Pitt didn't even have the best offense in the ACC in 2016. That would have been Louisville, who also lost 4 games.

So your point seems to be if you have elite talent on offense, you need to have elite talent on defense so you can have a great team. So basically, we just need to have a stacked roster & we can do something special at Pitt. Got it. Who knew?

No, how about your defense holding teams in the low 30s? That isnt asking a lot. We arent in the SEC.
Handing the ball off with 2:00 left in the game during mop-up time doesn't count. He played in 2 games. 1 vs Bama. Stop
Obviously you don't know much about his career at Tennessee. The dude could not beat out Justin Worley & he was a trainwreck every time he stepped on the field and was pulled.
Obviously you don't know much about his career at Tennessee. The dude could not beat out Justin Worley & he was a trainwreck every time he stepped on the field and was pulled.

How was he in midget football? That is just as relevant as his Tennessee career. It has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. He was an elite college QB at Pitt and started games in the NFL, which makes him one of the best 1000 or so QBs to ever live.
How was he in midget football? That is just as relevant as his Tennessee career. It has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. He was an elite college QB at Pitt and started games in the NFL, which makes him one of the best 1000 or so QBs to ever live.

Peterman is a head case. He came to Pitt and succeeded at Pitt only because of the offensive hires of the head coach.
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This is exactly how I feel....well I wouldn't have let Dixon walk unless you had a better coach guaranteed, but Narduzzi is proving that he is mediocre. 5 regular season losses per year, then can only get to maybe 9-3 despite being favored in all 12 games for maybe the first time in school history and having a 1st Round QB and elite WR. He's back to 5 losses next year.

If Narduzzi cant have a great season with a 1st Round QB, elite WR, and a "Narduzzi Defense" when will he?
Well we still might get to an ACC title game and win it. And if so, that’s the type of season we are talking about. So I’ll reserve judgement.
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Well we still might get to an ACC title game and win it. And if so, that’s the type of season we are talking about. So I’ll reserve judgement.

10-2 when favored in all 12 games is barely acceptable but I guess I'd be ok with it. 9-3 when favored in all 12 is a failure. We make fun of James Franklin for being favored 11 games per year and only winning 8 or 9.
10-2 when favored in all 12 games is barely acceptable but I guess I'd be ok with it. 9-3 when favored in all 12 is a failure. We make fun of James Franklin for being favored 11 games per year and only winning 8 or 9.
This is true. Very true. But 10-2 can be parlayed into better recruiting classes. So I’d support stability and staying course with what we have. Maybe take the money you save by not having to pay two head coaches and go out and get yourself a better D coordinator.
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Which tells us Pitt is a damn hard place to recruit talent.
It is.

Which is why Pitt needs superior coaching, and not ordinary average Joe coaching, to elevate the program to something like consistent top 20. And then an amazing thing happens, the program magically becomes more attractive to more and better HS prospects. Not Alabama, UGA, Oklahoma, Clemson, OSU, etc, but certainly better than what it is now.

I know that all sounds incredibly far-fetched and implausible to many posters on the board who have convinced themselves that 6-8 win seasons with a 10 win season once a decade or so is all Pitt football is capable of….
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Lol. Peterman was at Tennessee for 3 friggin years. He played in 9 games in his career there, made 2 starts, and got benched during both because he sucked out loud.

If he was an elite college QB, it's because Narduzzi's staff at Pitt developed him into something he sure as hell wasn't when he came to Pitt.
He was nothing close to an elite college QB. What he was was a decent but very middling QB whose one standout season was the product of an extremely effective and QB-friendly offensive scheme. Nate was a smart kid and there were some things he did very well, like handling the ball in a multi-faceted misdirection-based offense. Canada was smart enough to run his offense to the strengths of his personnel including Nate.
He was nothing close to an elite college QB. What he was was a decent but very middling QB whose one standout season was the product of an extremely effective and QB-friendly offensive scheme. Nate was a smart kid and there were some things he did very well, like handling the ball in a multi-faceted misdirection-based offense. Canada was smart enough to run his offense to the strengths of his personnel including Nate.
Agree. But some on here want to paint him as an elite college QB.
He's keeping his job regardless.
He won’t lose his job after this season no matter what happens on the field the rest of the way. Realistically it’s looking like 9-3, 8-4 at worst. After the 30 year history of this program no AD that values her job is going to fire a guy coming off 8-4 or better, even if he laid a couple of eggs and should have done better.

Next year? Now that could become interesting.
He won’t lose his job after this season no matter what happens on the field the rest of the way. Realistically it’s looking like 9-3, 8-4 at worst. After the 30 year history of this program no AD that values her job is going to fire a guy coming off 8-4 or better, even if he laid a couple of eggs and should have done better.

Next year? Now that could become interesting.
It's amazing the amount of excuses TD keeps giving us about Narduzzi. Next year imo we could be looking at a losing record. But then Capel will be on the hot seat too. Imo she'll get rid of Capel before Narduzzi even though Capel was her hire.
It's amazing the amount of excuses TD keeps giving us about Narduzzi. Next year imo we could be looking at a losing record. But then Capel will be on the hot seat too. Imo she'll get rid of Capel before Narduzzi even though Capel was her hire.

Narduzzi wins 60% of his ACC games and leads his division at a place that is "damn hard to win at. I'm not making excuses. I'm making fun of everyone that thinks anything less than 10-2 & "muh special season" should result in a coaching change.

It's comical.
Vegas had us as 6 wins for over/under before the season. I took the over thinking 8-4 was realistic still looking like 8-4 or 9-3 season which is much higher than vegas had.
If they finish 8-4 after starting 6-1 with all that hype, with a legit offense, then that's confirmation that Narduzzi is garbage. That would be yet another ugly total collapse for the Pitting history books.
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Do you keep up with posting frequencies?

I have to step it up to balance out the haters. Thank God Pitt doesn't lose football games that often.

lol, no, it's just after a loss you pop up with the frequent posts that we should be happy being 7-5 program since that is our ceiling. didn't see much of those posts before Saturday.
TD is a different dude. He loved Stallings and loves Capel. He thinks if Pitt can go .500 in any sport, its a great success.

I like Stallings. Saw his teams play several times while living in Nashville. I wasn't anti-Jamie. I never thought Stallings was going to do anything big at Pitt though. Give him time & would have produced similar results as he did at Vandy. Would that be good enough at Pitt? Frankly, I don't know & don't care. I like Pitt football. I'm not big into Pitt basketball. I'll jump on the bandwagon if they are winning, but I can take it or leave it.

I think Capel is awful. He was awful at OU. I thought he was a bad hire since day one. I understand the logic behind the hire, as Jeff is a high profile ACC guy, and knows how to work the system recruiting. Obviously he either isn't being allowed to, or isn't well connected at Pitt, because it doesn't seem to be working out.
This is true. Very true. But 10-2 can be parlayed into better recruiting classes. So I’d support stability and staying course with what we have. Maybe take the money you save by not having to pay two head coaches and go out and get yourself a better D coordinator.
The issue is that after this year the schedule starts to become consistently harder. The planets don’t align for a team like Pitt like this very often, and going 9-3 would be pretty disappointing especially if we don’t win the coastal.
TD is a different dude. He loved Stallings and loves Capel. He thinks if Pitt can go .500 in any sport, its a great success.
There are "THOSE KINDS" of fans, the type that think saying anything negative is off limits. That type will call you a fake fan or a Nitter if you criticize anything.
Love that SMF and a couple of others always pounce on a loss like it's their sworn duty.

Believe it or not, coaches still don't win and lose the games. The players still have to go make plays. It wasn't a coach that bit on the flea-flicker, TWICE. Heisman candidate QB's aren't supposed to throw two terrible INT's. After Miami when up big, the defense made adjustments and played very well the rest of the way. Only giving up 7 in the second half is usually pretty good. The offense battled back all day even when Miami knew Pitt had to throw the ball to get back into the game. Throw in a couple of disastrously horrible calls and that's the ballgame.

I don't know why we have to say this after every Pitt loss but Narduzzi is never taking Pitt the places that some people think he should. Acting like a 10-2 or 9-3 season as a disaster just shows how silly some of you guys are.