Sports are just marketing for the university, and I can think of way better construction projects to market the university than an on-campus stadium. If I was a student, lived in Pittsburgh, was faculty or the new Chancellor, I'd much rather have an open-air mixed-use plaza done by a real fkn architect (not the shit Pitt's been building lately...see Penn, Temple and Drexel). But I'm never there anymore and never will be b/c Western PA blows, so I'm pretty indifferent to what Pitt does with its campus.
But I flat-out do not believe the people here who claim they don't want an on-campus stadium unless certain conditions are met.
What are they gonna do if a stadium goes up without taking into account whatever arbitrary condition of land/parking/money/ROI/design/infrastructure/etc they've conjured up in a hysterically beta effort to cultivate an internet persona of pragmatism and intellectual superiority?
Nothing. No boycott, no complaining. They'll be the first ones in line for tickets just like they are now and they'll look forward to gameday even more than they currently do. Cmon man, you know it and I know it. Lets lose the facade.