To be correct I said that their test scores and qpa were superior . How one applies themselves after getting into a university is another subject altogether . While I’m sure a lot of Pitts faculty are brilliant I also bet coming out of high school a large % of them couldn’t get into a school like Vanderbilt . I graduated Pitt as Chem major with a 3.78 qpa , could’ve gone almost anywhere to get a PhD , but choose a different path . I couldn’t get my little toe into Vanderbilt coming out of high school . Could I’ve competed academically with the kids at Vanderbilt . Not a chance in hell and I have no issue saying that a kid with 1500 board scores is brighter than me .
Hell , your so bright that you think that Pitt firing KS will correct all the ills of Pitt bb . You must be a Pitt faculty member .