The moronic nature of allowing individual schools to play lower division opponents and non P5 schools to pack more guaranteed wins and home dates.
Since it's allowed, i can see why many schools do it (I don't know if it makes as much sense for those like us, for whom such games are almost totally no win situations). But the issue is WHY It's allowed. Imagine the NFL allowing the Steelers to schedule multiple regular season OOC games with semi pro teams instead of non AFC North NFL games because they want the additional home games and easy wins (that still count toward the playoffs!). To the extent they'd avoid games with New England Patriots and Dallas Cowboys in favor of the Canton Headhunters or Homestead Scabbusters. It's crazy. The decentralized, cannibalistic and, well, capitalistic nature of the sport is to blame. The NFL is one entity where communism, or the bastardized Chinese version of it that is, works.