Ich bin ein BIG!

To be fair, I think you at least have to consider that it was a failed Israeli missile, dont you? I mean sometimes the good guys make mistakes? The US has done it. MSNBC did spend a very small of time questioning if it could have been Israel but would say like every indication is it wasnt Israel and it would have made no sense for them to do that since it outraged the Muslim world
To be fair? No you don’t. Not when a simple bit of research will yield footage of the missile and its trajectory, shrapnel from the scene inconsistent of Israeli weaponry, and other intelligence that proves that it was a failed Hamas missile. There was no mention of any of that. Heck at the time there was a phone call that Israel intercepted of two terrorists admitting that it was one of theirs. Now, the phone call could have been Israeli propaganda and I’m not ignorant enough to believe that one side is capable of propaganda and the other isn’t. But there’s plenty of other evidence and one side is a terrorist organization who has done this before, and the other side is someone who values human life.
To be fair? No you don’t. Not when a simple bit of research will yield footage of the missile and its trajectory, shrapnel from the scene inconsistent of Israeli weaponry, and other intelligence that proves that it was a failed Hamas missile. There was no mention of any of that. Heck at the time there was a phone call that Israel intercepted of two terrorists admitting that it was one of theirs. Now, the phone call could have been Israeli propaganda and I’m not ignorant enough to believe that one side is capable of propaganda and the other isn’t. But there’s plenty of other evidence and one side is a terrorist organization who has done this before, and the other side is someone who values human life.

Im talking in the very first hours of it. Anchors werent watching live feeds of the hospital in case it happend to get bombed. Good guys make mistakes. I do think in the first hours, you had to consider that yea, its probably Hamas, but maybe its a misfired Israeli rocket. Nobody is perfect. Now for them to be considering both "equally," I wouldn't agree with that. I like how MSNBC covered it.