If you don't know why Pitt is where it is today with football, read this article.

I am not buying that Pitt has whales sitting on the sidelines waiting for the right time to pitch in. I do not believe the money is there to compete with the schools in the deep end of the pool. I think Pitt has small pockets and alligator arms.
It's been proven before Pitt does have folks on the sidelines who can help in a big way. Unfortunately, when you have a administration that is embarrassed to have a power house football program. It rubs them the wrong way.
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Uhhh. Don't know what to say about this. You need to learn the laws of the state.

Make things better? Donate.
Well I guess you are right the BOT only makes sure the money goes where it is supposed to. I'm sure the 150 mil spent in 2015 was very well spent. You must know me very well by your donate post. All I can say is I have had 4 season tix since 1973. You?
That's great except for the fact that Nordenberg's administration actually spent more money from the universities general operations on athletics than the current administration. I don't know how many dozens of times the actually numbers have been posted, but when facts get into the way of someone's narrative, it really doesn't matter what is posted. Very PSU cult like.
So whenever someone says something you don't like they are PSU cult like. I get it, you must be one of those elitists I've been reading about. I have lived through the Caz and Bozo regimes and I know which one was best for PITT. I have seen the rise and the decline. The OP may not have hit on everything, but he was pretty damn close no matter what you say. Like the Alabama Prez said when asked about Saban's salary, "it's the best money this University has ever spent."
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It's an article with some fact mixed in with many incorrect details and completely wrong timelines and with opinion presented as statements of fact with no supporting evidence, which is ironic, because it purports to debunk "myths." Clearly there was no actual research done with original primary or secondary sources. But then, it is simply a lazy article purposely constructed to support the writer's personal position on something that is never going to happen.
Every member of the Pitt athletics dept. and administration, along with every lame brain who blames the Pitt athletics on the fans, should have to read this article.. Pedersen, Cochran and Nordy....they shouldn't be allowed to show their face in Oakland!
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Blaming Pitt's problems on the fans is like Nutting and the Pirates doing the same. The average person just isn't going to support an inept organization in a market with this much competition. The onus is on us to turn it around and show progress, not the other way around. If we have to spend into the red to achieve success then so be it. Otherwise, we should have let the ACC bring in someone else with Syracuse and we could have gone to a smaller conference.
Like the Alabama Prez said when asked about Saban's salary, "it's the best money this University has ever spent."

Which was given by the alumni. When we have alumni that will not only step up and donate to cover the coaches full salary, but also pay his mortgage on top of that, then we can get an elite coach.

Like it's said time and time again, pitt fans have caviar taste on a hamburger helper budget.
Blaming Pitt's problems on the fans is like Nutting and the Pirates doing the same. The average person just isn't going to support an inept organization in a market with this much competition. The onus is on us to turn it around and show progress, not the other way around. If we have to spend into the red to achieve success then so be it. Otherwise, we should have let the ACC bring in someone else with Syracuse and we could have gone to a smaller conference.

We do go into the red. The university subsidizes millions each year to cover athletic shortfalls.

College athletics does not equal professional. That is the biggest issue with a lot of fans. They don't get it. Hence why Pitt will not move forward.

There is plenty of blame for the admin as well, but the fans won't allow progress to move forward either.
Which was given by the alumni. When we have alumni that will not only step up and donate to cover the coaches full salary, but also pay his mortgage on top of that, then we can get an elite coach.

Like it's said time and time again, pitt fans have caviar taste on a hamburger helper budget.
They have that budget because the school has been run by nimrods who can't be trusted!
Well I guess you are right the BOT only makes sure the money goes where it is supposed to. I'm sure the 150 mil spent in 2015 was very well spent. You must know me very well by your donate post. All I can say is I have had 4 season tix since 1973. You?

And I'm glad that you have been a season ticket holder for that long. I hope you also donate on top of that. If more fans would be like you and some others on here, and actually support the university, then maybe we could finally move forward.

Have to get rid of the grudge as well. There is an all new admin in place. Time to move forward.
We do go into the red. The university subsidizes millions each year to cover athletic shortfalls.

College athletics does not equal professional. That is the biggest issue with a lot of fans. They don't get it. Hence why Pitt will not move forward.

There is plenty of blame for the admin as well, but the fans won't allow progress to move forward either.

I wish our support was better, but I don't blame people for feeling burned by our poor past administrations. We need to quit whining about it and EARN better support by doing our part to make the programs successful.
Every member of the Pitt athletics dept. and administration, along with every lame brain who blames the Pitt athletics on the fans, should have to read this article.. Pedersen, Cochran and Nordy....they shouldn't be allowed to show their face in Oakland!

Amen, they really damaged the program in so many ways, will take a decade to clean things up.
Jesus. Should be pinned. You don't want to tear down this statue because forgetting it just only means we are doomed to repeat it over and over again. I lived through alot of the down turn.

The loss of Sherrill was the single worst mistake this University ever made. EVER!!! BUT........they could have remedied it with one simple move. They could have hired Jimmy Johnson as Jackie's replacement. But no, we promoted Foge. Same when Gottfried was fired, we could have (should have) hired Barry Alvarez. Nope. Promoted Hackett. After those mistakes there was no turning back.

that's what I posted in another thread. We have so much more experience in hiring coaches than PSU you think we would get it right before them. Not saying Narduzzi is bad, but Franklin has definitely been a success for the nits. It's scary how often the wrong choice has been made. Fazio instead of George Welsh; Hackett instead of Alvarez. Heck I think we could have had Franklin instead of Lumpy or Graham, can't remember exactly when he took the Vandy job.
that's what I posted in another thread. We have so much more experience in hiring coaches than PSU you think we would get it right before them. Not saying Narduzzi is bad, but Franklin has definitely been a success for the nits. It's scary how often the wrong choice has been made. Fazio instead of George Welsh; Hackett instead of Alvarez. Heck I think we could have had Franklin instead of Lumpy or Graham, can't remember exactly when he took the Vandy job.

We hire asst coaches , that's a 50/50 from the get go, then add you give them no budget, that makes it even worse. When we do hire a head coach, it's a cheap ass bum who loves Freddy Kruger and beats on pregnant girlfriends. Franklin, as much as I hate him, was a much better hire than Duzz, that's the truth
How did I forget about Cochran, the simpleton!
More like "Cochran, the tight fisted dictator". He was Nordenberg's Pitt bull and chief penny pincher in charge. You couldn't purchase a paper clip during his reign at Pitt without his written authorization.
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We hire asst coaches , that's a 50/50 from the get go, then add you give them no budget, that makes it even worse. When we do hire a head coach, it's a cheap ass bum who loves Freddy Kruger and beats on pregnant girlfriends. Franklin, as much as I hate him, was a much better hire than Duzz, that's the truth

probably more like 60/40 on the assistants (meaning 60% bad) , but given the constraints we have, I think it is the way to go. RichRod & Holgy were good at WVU. Richt was an assistant when hired by Georgia. We just seem to always get the career assistants, like Foge, Hackett, who should never be head coaches.

Yeah Franklin is looking good now, but lets see how the year plays out. Not close to writing off Narduzzi as a bad hire. Maybe will be like last year when PSU rebounded from our loss and turned the season around.
More like "Cochran, the tight fisted dictator". He was Nordenberg's Pitt bull and chief penny pincher in charge. You couldn't purchase a paper clip during his reign at Pitt without his written authorization.

This isn't an exaggeration
"So myth #1 debunked, Steve Pederson did not alone have the power to move Pitt out of Pitt Stadium. He got buy-in from the Pitt Board of Trustees who made the short-sighted decision to take football off-campus at Pitt. The same Board of Trustees that contained former Pitt football players."

What actually happened is that Steve convinced Nordenberg, who was originally against the idea. (If my memory serves, there are quotes from Nordenberg in old PG articles confirming that Steve convinced him to tear down Pitt Stadium and move off campus). So from that perspective, it was Steve's doing, even though he didn't have the power to make the decision.
Typical PSU garbage. Dorsett's dad never owned a bar, so there's that. One thing we can all be sure of, the famous stories of Curt Warner growing up in a house with a dirt floor didn't jive with his tooling around campus in a new Trans-Am. I used to work with the kid (at the time) who taught him to drive a stick, so he could drive it home on break.