If You're Headed To Iowa City This Weekend...


Nov 25, 2001
I truly hope your trip is memorable and you have a great taste of Hawkeye hospitality--and I am not talking about the action of the football field.

Tonight, at 6:00 pm CST, on the Ped Mall in Iowa City (anyone can direct you there), is a big Hawkeye Pep rally and the featured guest is former great Hawk basketball coach Lute Olson. Most of the members of the 1980 Iowa Final Four team will be there too.

Downtown Iowa City will give you a flavor of a Midwest Big 10 college town at its best. Great places to eat and drink. Festive atmosphere.

If you have any questions you need answered from a Hawkeye living in Iowa City, leave them here and I will answer.
Pitt has only sold 500 of its 3,000 tix. I don't think you will get many questions lol
if they only sold 16% of the allotment, how come I ended up in corner of the end zone instead of the 20 yard line section the ticket office said was one of the two options? should have bought it off stub hub, i did that last time they played here and had much better seats
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