It's A Hockey Night In Pittsburgh !

I know it's not over but with Jarry out and some other injuries, I picked the Rangers in 5. Couldn't have been anymore wrong.
I don't know. Did you just see the look in his eyes on the bench? I think he is toast mentally right now. That wasn't the look of a confident goalie.
I saw that, at the end. He had that thousand yard stare. Eyes looked hollow
I am score
Who expected that start to the playoffs? Whoa.
The Rangers aren't dead yet, so have to keep it up. But damn....they look like they quit already.
Funny thing, first half of the 1st period I thought the Pens were really bad with their spacing. Guys were on top of each other, no space, no skating.

It was like they flipped a switch and then dominated.
Funny thing, first half of the 1st period I thought the Pens were really bad with their spacing. Guys were on top of each other, no space, no skating.

It was like they flipped a switch and then dominated.
Sullivan is an absolutely great coach
Just saw your post and game started but, some thoughts .....

- NYR have the best goalie in the league right now, Pens are playing their backup goalie.

- NYR are faster and more physical then the Pens, their top two lines are as good as ours and their bottom two are playing better than ours ...... the Rangers have a lot of talent (deeper than us).

- NYR defense is as good and deeper than ours.

- NYR have better structure than the Pens,

- NYR have a great transition game and so the Pens cannot turn the puck over or you will see a lot of odd man breaks against us ...... if we can't carry it into their zone, then get it deep and forecheck so they can't come out with a lot of speed.

- Their power play is somewhat better than the Pens .... both teams have very good penalty kills .... we can't take penalties !

- Pens have more playoff experience .... LOL !

Would guess NYR's in 5 but upsets happen !
Aged perfectly
Circling back to the post game. Damn, Gallant had this grin on his face the entire time and he called his team and his team's effort "soft" multiple times. Is that a slap in their face to wake them up or is it surrender talk? Not sure. He made it seem like he's going with Shesterkin in Game 5.
This tweet is true. That Crosby goal in the 1st period…what if it was ruled “no goal”? Could have been a completely different game. Additionally and of significantly less importance, that review could have been completed in 10 seconds. The technology is there and used in soccer and tennis.

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This tweet is true. That Crosby goal in the 1st period…what if it was ruled “no goal”? Could have been a completely different game. Additionally and of significantly less importance, that review could have been completed in 10 seconds. The technology is there and used in soccer and tennis.

What’s more the technology WAS used in hockey, but only for those silly lightening stream graphics that Fox had in their brief period of broadcasting the sport. This was about the same time they had the animated robots that would appear on the screen and stomp on the name of the team that just gave up a score. In all, still not as annoying as Joe Buck though.
Gotta be honest. It’s the NHL and networks for years think guys like Jeremy Roenick and Mike Milbury are good for the game. So seeing PK is soooooo refreshing.
I was listening to someone the other day talk about the hockey coverage. And they were talking about Wayne Gretzky. That he is bland and boring and says nothing of substance, yet the others on the panel have to be deference to him like when he speaks he is Moses from the Mount with something interesting.

Subban was great. Chelios and Messier are good. Tocchet is really good and was going back and forth with Bisonnette yesterday during the OT intermission of the Caps game that made it great.

Guys like Gretzky, Mario, Sid, Yzerman, are some of the greatest players of all time. But what they aren't or never were are big talkers, personalities who are going to bring something to TV.
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Pens have a long history over these past few decades of breaking goalies.

Jim Carey.
King Henrik
I’m normally the optimist. Do I think the Rangers will win 3 straight? No. But I get pessimistic when it comes to goalkeeping in the playoffs. I was broken by Tuuka Rask perhaps. But regarding Shesterkin, I just want the Pens to finish him. Don’t let any life breathed into him.
Pens have a long history over these past few decades of breaking goalies.

Jim Carey.
King Henrik
Story in the Trib about all the Vezina trophy winners they've dismantled in the playoffs.
The Louie story becomes more irrelevant when the Pens score 7 a game!

The scary part is, they won't get 7 every game, and can Louie win a really close one all by himself?
If the Pens continue to forecheck like they have been, and clear the zone and stay out of the box, clearly the answer is yes.

No matter what, getting that 4th win is always the toughest one! Most definitely don't want a game 7 in the Garden!!
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I was listening to someone the other day talk about the hockey coverage. And they were talking about Wayne Gretzky. That he is bland and boring and says nothing of substance, yet the others on the panel have to be deference to him like when he speaks he is Moses from the Mount with something interesting.

Subban was great. Chelios and Messier are good. Tocchet is really good and was going back and forth with Bisonnette yesterday during the OT intermission of the Caps game that made it great.

Guys like Gretzky, Mario, Sid, Yzerman, are some of the greatest players of all time. But what they aren't or never were are big talkers, personalities who are going to bring something to TV.
I hated Gretzky as a kid because I loved Mario. But I have a real fondness for the guy now. I think I’ve told the story before on here so I’ll spare the details. But I spent probably 2 hours socially, 1v1 with Gretzky about 15 years ago and he couldn’t have been cooler and full of personality.

my 2nd most favorite personal interaction with celebrity was an evening of beers with Ulf (mainly) and a few others at the Mt Lebo saloon.
NYR is too dangerous. The Pens have to finish off this team in the next game. Period. If you let them have even a sliver of hope that they might be able to play well enough to win any games, they just might. The Pens need to demoralize their goalies, whoever they play, and score quickly on them.
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I don't post during games. I am soaking this in. To say this was expected is well, a lie. Especially after watching them down the stretch, and remembering the lifeless efforts over the last few playoffs. I don't know where this came from (well I do). But you know, when DeSmith leaves in the 2nd OT, Jarry already hurt, Rackell out you expected this to be a short series.

It is why winning Game 1 in 3OT was so important, it gave the Pens belief. I said Game 3 was so important, and the Pens took care of that. Game 4 was pure gravy but it wasn't a fluky win.

The Rangers may come out in Game 5 and play the best hockey game in the history of time. But man I have watched alot of hockey to see such a meek response that they did not even try any carryover violence that you so often see in the playoffs when a team is getting blown out. If the Pens come out early and jump on the Rangers, the MSG crowd will turn and the Rangers will be tight

It is amazing the ESPN (meaning Greg Wyshynski) ranked the top impactful players going into these playoffs. He ranked Sidney Crosby 19th. Now the East Coast bias/hatred against Sid is legendary but what the hell? I think Sid is showing the world who he still is. The Rangers cannot stop that line.

Game 5 is big, but big for the Rangers, but for the Pens what it could represent is almost a week off, guys like Jarry and Dumo and Rackell can heal, the older guys can rest. We shall see. I know this, less stressful now, no that's wrong. I always can take the Pens losing, it is when they are up in games and a series is when I get stressed.
I hated Gretzky as a kid because I loved Mario. But I have a real fondness for the guy now. I think I’ve told the story before on here so I’ll spare the details. But I spent probably 2 hours socially, 1v1 with Gretzky about 15 years ago and he couldn’t have been cooler and full of personality.

my 2nd most favorite personal interaction with celebrity was an evening of beers with Ulf (mainly) and a few others at the Mt Lebo saloon.
I like his daughter.
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Story in the Trib about all the Vezina trophy winners they've dismantled in the playoffs.
The Louie story becomes more irrelevant when the Pens score 7 a game!

The scary part is, they won't get 7 every game, and can Louie win a really close one all by himself?
If the Pens continue to forecheck like they have been, and clear the zone and stay out of the box, clearly the answer is yes.

No matter what, getting that 4th win is always the toughest one! Most definitely don't want a game 7 in the Garden!!
I would consider the first game his moment and win. 17 saves coming in OT. Then he gave up 5, 4, and 2. Not exactly stellar, though last night improved. Though I don't feel a lot of the goals were soft goals at least as Rangers did get some very good looks and chances. Could be 3-1 rangers at this point had they won game 1 and the pens faltered with a blown lead in 3, but incredible what this team has done to be up 3-1. It should be noted that the pens were only at full strength vs. rangers in the regular season with both Crosby and Malkin twice (split 1-0 win and 3-2 loss). I like their chances to win 1 of 3.