It's puzzling to me that people are missing the subtext of Luther and Jeter's remarks. Part of the problem with the narrative surrounding Stallings and Pitt basketball the past two years is that the media guys did an awful job getting to the bottom of the story last year.
Why did the team struggle to win with talent like Artis and Young? What was the culture of the program and players like that Stallings inherited? Why did so many players get jettisoned? How could a P5 like Pitt lose by 50+ to L'villle? The answers were/are there, but they are not the answers everyone on this board and social media discusses. Luther posts to Twitter, and people say things like, "You're a nice guy, but you sucked. Put on your big boy pants. It's the real world." If you stopped to see what he's saying without saying it explicitly, he's telling you what happened last year HAD to happen. That's what Jeter means he he says Stallings walked into a difficult situation. You think Chris Jones signed up to be a GA for a coach he hated?
What Luther & Jeter are also saying is that Lyke and university administrators knew the truth. They knew what happened and they knew KS took the high road and did the right thing by the players and program. They knew that he did not, in fact, throw kids under the bus. Frankly, based on what I know, they should be lying under the tires right now, but KS declined to let the story be told, believing he could rebuild the program the right way and would have the time to do it and that kids didn't need to be named and shamed.
No one would have batted an eye if Jeter and Luther didn't make a peep. So why would they do that? They're men. Jeter's gone. Done. Luther can do and go where he wants. They're speaking up because they know the truth, but the problem is, no one's listening.