DC lost 6-2 to Bayern, I saw the 2nd half, DC scored 2 goals in the second half by USL guys called up for the game, 2nd half was competitive 3-2. But I don't know Bayern players, so it may have been all scrubs, other than Muller, who scored their last goal.
At one point they showed a graphic, showed DC United exists 27 years and has 4 MLS Championships. Bayern has 32 of the last 58 Bundesliga Championships, including THE LAST TEN! Wow! That league sucks! What's interesting about it? Not at all competitive! it's worse than college football! At least Bama ONLY won 5 of the last 10, LOL
By the way, I was right that Minnesota United would do the best in these friendlies, they beat Everton 4-0. I know Everton is EPL, but no idea where they rank.