Lots of whining and hand wringing; but

TarHeels to Russel Athletic (e.g. Blockbuster, CarQuest, MicronPC, Tangerine, Champs).
There you have it, we are in a tier two game because of our fans.
Miami travels worse than Pitt, and is at a bowl game that doesn't need visitor support.
Duke's averages 26,000 fans for their home games. You think those guys will travel to NYC?
The game Louisville fans want to see that date is in Rupp Arena.
NC State is what, 2 hours from the Belk Bowl?

Try again.
It is absolutely because of our fans and their shitty traveling reputation. And if you haven't bought tickets to bowls through Pitt in the past, YOU are part of the problem.

There is only one way to fix it. Buy tickets to the bowl this year.
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