Rape?I love the cool, calm rebuttals of those who seem to take to every question, criticism, comment against the basketball team and Jamie and label them as foolish. That is a narrative that has been going on in these forums for a few years now.
So in that spirit, when rape is inevitable, just sit back and enjoy it. Hey, let's change nothing.
And then will come the invariable, "well there is nothing you can do about it so why care?". Well because it is a message board, a discussion board on Pitt basketball. That's why. That is why these things exist, to discuss, to Monday morning QB, not to wax poetically how Pitt basketball has improved my life because god damn, I remember that time in 1977 when Pitt played Rhode Island and my dad took me to the game, and gosh darnit, we pulled it out showing great resilience that gave me a life lesson that has stuck with me.
Look, the Phils of the world are one thing. But frustrated fans aren't. What you don't want is apathy. And that seems to be gaining by the moment.
Are you serious?
You can't possibly be serious.