Meanwhile, over on the "other" board...

Well there's about 60 PSU branches, nearly all are tied for having the lowest entrance standards among PA schools, and then the students are funneled to main campus.

Pitt doesn't do that, which is why PSU fills the stadium and churns out so many grads and Pitt doesn't. Not hard to fill your stadium when you print diplomas for anyone willing to pay for one.

Worked my tail off to put myself through school, then return for a second degree when I wanted to change careers, then put my kids through school: one at Pitt and one at PSU. I have nothing but admiration for anyone who does whatever it takes to advance their education at any school that works for them. Please tell me you don't look negatively at students at any school because you studied elsewhere or you root for a different football team.
So you are on this site to discuss academics and not FB? Carry on….

Worked my tail off to put myself through school, then return for a second degree when I wanted to change careers, then put my kids through school: one at Pitt and one at PSU. I have nothing but admiration for anyone who does whatever it takes to advance their education at any school that works for them. Please tell me you don't look negatively at students at any school because you studied elsewhere or you root for a different football team.
I think it is common knowledge the quality of education across the Ped St branch campuses are below the main campus, yet the diplomas all read The Ped St….U. This is understandable given the diploma mill mentality.

I have heard good things about Behrend and know of someone who went there for 2 years until he could transfer to main.

Is that different than at Titusville or Bradford? I was pleased with my experience at both places. Very pleased with Behrend, too.
So you are on this site to discuss academics and not FB? Carry on….

Nope. Came here to catch up on football. I had a commitment yesterday that prevented me from watching any games. Just saw what appeared to be a "shot" at branch campus education that hit a little close to home. Didn't want to fire back without knowing the basis for the original post.
You are a poor liar. You never received a degree from Pitt Greensburg (which has higher admission standards than PS New Kensington, etc). If you ever "attended" Pitt Greensburg, you were obviously promptly shown the door; thus, your hatred for Pitt.

The entire coaching staff, a large part of the administration, the PS police and a great number of the State College community were aware of Sandusky's aberrations for more than a decade and stood by while he continued to rape children. When his crimes were finally exposed by the media, the PS community rallied around those complicit in the cover-up, had candlelight vigils and engaged in rioting. The innocent victims of this conspiracy of silence were, and continue to be vilified.
Only one evil man is imprisoned and his primary enabler, JP, overwhelmed by the burden of his guilt, may have welcomed death. Scores remain unpunished. The neanderthal culture of the community remains largely unchanged and, given the cowardly actions of the exclusively lucre-oriented NCAA, more deeply entrenched.
The insipid "sanctions" imposed by the cowardly NCAA barely caused the football program a hiccup. PSU spit in the face of the intent of the sanctions by scheduling their own alternate bowl game in Ireland (this almost makes me ashamed to be an Irishman).

This is talking football, because it is what PSU football is all about. Your cult enshrines a virtually meaningless game to infinitely more importance than the evil derivative consequences in the real world due to that misplaced devotion.

To anyone's knowledge, Pitt has never engaged in behavior remotely akin to such vile legal and moral crimes. There is no straw man, no "If Pitt...". These amoral ethics are part of PSU's institutional DNA.
Penn State stands unrepentantly guilty before God and Man of despicable crimes.
You stand guilty of unbridled ignorance.
Yeah…….I call bullshit!

BTW, 2 Ped St commits where at the PITT’s game. Jimmy Franks is disingenuous and people are catching on to him.

Nope. Came here to catch up on football. I had a commitment yesterday that prevented me from watching any games. Just saw what appeared to be a "shot" at branch campus education that hit a little close to home. Didn't want to fire back without knowing the basis for the original post.
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Pittx9...I was being sarcastic. Any time PSU loses, it's always cuz of sanctions. Nobody could possibly beat them straight up. Then they throw the Pitt attendance issue up, etc. I swear, at 5PM today, 3 of the first 4 threads over there were about Pitt. But...they're not obsessed with Pitt...riiiiiggghhhhttt... #H2P
The refs are out to get them because they are jealous of psu. That one is a favorite of mine.

I also love how they compare "classy" coaches to joe. They fail to recall classy joe let a child rapist free for over a decade. True class there

F U psu !

Crystal clear POS fan base ! Really that simple.
I see very little discussion about Pitt on the other board, to be honest. I came here for some. Let me give you a little example regarding the sanctions that is hard for Pitt fans to think thru. If Pitt were sanctioned, you would not have Boyd, Conner, Holtz, Dorian Johnson, and probably quite a few others. Do you really think they would have committed to Pitt when Pitt could not go to a bowl game? No way they do and a few of them were committed to Penn State prior to the sanctions, so imagine your team that has gone 24-24 without sanctions and imagine what it would have been like without those 4 players. Then, imagine having less scholarship players. So, no Pitt losing a few coaches was not just like the sanctions...only a homer would think that. If I were a Pitt fan, I'd be concentrating on seeing Pitt have a better record than PEnn State for once during these sanctions. This year seemed like the best opportunity and they are letting it go by the way side.
There is no "IF" about it, Pitt followed the Rules, Laws and Regulations, Penn State ignored them, and no Institutional Control over Paterno until Crimes were committed and made public!

Come over anytime to discuss Football, I respect Penn State University and the Football Program now under proper Reforms and Director of Ethics & Complianace, and Institutional Control, as well as Fans that respect other Programs!

We may not always agree, but can agree to disagree with respect! Both Programs need to rebuild!
The entire coaching staff, a large part of the administration, the PS police and a great number of the State College community were aware of Sandusky's aberrations for more than a decade and stood by while he continued to rape children. When his crimes were finally exposed by the media, the PS community rallied around those complicit in the cover-up, had candlelight vigils and engaged in rioting. The innocent victims of this conspiracy of silence were, and continue to be vilified.
Undeniable truth. I don't think anyone looks down on college graduates because of their school, just the fact that some people don't realize Penn State is built on a lie that people bought in to. If you wanna go to Penn State, study, and graduate, good for you, that really is great. But there were many, many, many students who acted like juvenile punks after Joe got fired.

There is absolutely no way anyone can say they shouldn't have gotten the death penalty. This is an institution of higher learning. People at these places should immediately have to report these things to the actual law, not PSU's rent a cop that was part of the administration.