Before you make any move on Capel and/or Narduzzi, please do a deep dive on HOW hiring and other major athletic department decisions have been made over the past 30 years. Also, find how such decisions are made at schools that always seem to get it “right”. Once you come up with a methodology for making a major hiring decision, make sure to focus on two hiring coaches that: (1) teach and demand sound fundamentals that are practiced for 40 or 60 minutes each and every practice and game, (2) are good “game day” coaches, and (3) recruit high school and transfer students who practice sound fundamentals. We probably won’t land the next Nick Saban, but could get someone who wouldn’t blow close games against mediocre or below opponents, or get embarrassed by superior teams. The losses to Western Michigan and a poor Miami team during the Kenny year, and to GT the next year still stick in everyone’s craw, as do Capel’s late season losses to ND and other struggling teams during the past two years.
Finally, implement a strict approval process of major decisions by AD’s. Rubber stamping of Pedersen, Barnes and Lyke decisions have led us to where we are today, in my opinion. We will not turn things around overnight, but can at least get pointed in tthe right direction now. If you believe that either Capel or Narduzzi are unable to demand and teach sound fundamentals, eat the money and wish them luck in their future endeavors.
Finally, implement a strict approval process of major decisions by AD’s. Rubber stamping of Pedersen, Barnes and Lyke decisions have led us to where we are today, in my opinion. We will not turn things around overnight, but can at least get pointed in tthe right direction now. If you believe that either Capel or Narduzzi are unable to demand and teach sound fundamentals, eat the money and wish them luck in their future endeavors.