More Moe Woes

Chairman Moe

All Conference
Nov 4, 2003
Just around the corner from Paradise
First is, Pitt lost again, to a ranked team at home. I was, as were many others, I hope, wishing for Pitt to finally put a W next to a game they played vs Louisville. As others have said . . . in the same manner as we (Pitt) seem to have Boeheim/Syracuse's number, Pitino/Louisville has ours.

Second, and my bigger woe, was that when I tried last night to watch the game on my laptop via ESPN3, I received a message saying the game was blacked out in my area. Well, that was a surprise, as the game was not televised in my area (Palm Beach County FL). So, I started a chat with an ESPN customer service rep to find out why. What they finally determined, was that my IP Address was saying that I was located in Maryland, not Florida! They said that my internet provider - Xfinity - was my best source for changing my IP Address to indicate my actual location. So, I called Xfinity, and after 45 minutes (essentially the entire first half) of being shuffled from one off-shore call center to another, I was connected to a young lady who seemed to know how to fix my problem. Had me try to do a command/ip config/release and then ip config/renew . . . well, nothing happened with that suggested fix, so her only recourse was to have me contact Microsoft/Windows. Good luck with that!

I certainly learned how computer "illiterate" I am when I tried - again, unsuccessfully - to change my IP Address, after "Binging" Microsoft (I actually used Google, but I know that Bing is MS version, so I threw that in there in case anyone from MS is monitoring this post!) I found a few links that I thought would work, but when I tried one remedy, it apparently did nothing to change my location. When I returned to ESPN3 after halftime, I was still "blacked out".

And for those who've tried it, forget about "watching" a "game cast" on ESPN, as every time you refresh the screen, you have to endure another 30 second commercial. If I never see Samuel L Jackson again (he was last night's pitchman for a Capital One Credit Card) it will be too soon!

So, lots of frustration on this Pitt fan's part . . . no live game feed; had to speak with three Indian/Pakistani call center reps at Xfinity (their names were Steve, Mike and Shari), whose English was barely understandable; went into my Windows 7 OS and came close to doing something I probably didn't want to do; and had to refresh the screen 20+ times in the last 2:54 of the game, to realize that we would yet lose again.

I'd like to say I get an "A" for effort, but I'm a tougher grader than that . . . !! At least the Duke game will be on CBS . . .
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Yeah I had to watch it from my hotel room in Cleveland. I didn't have those problems, but I did lose the feed a couple of times and it is frustrating going back out, shutting down the tab, then reentering back into ESPN 3.

The ACC is a bunch of hillbillies that don't understand how this cable TV thing works I guess.
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I wouldn't have expected to either, but for some unknown reason, my IP address is screwed up. If there are any computer wizards here who can help me solve this I'd appreciate it. Why, when I live in SE Florida, is my IP Address saying I'm in Maryland?? My computer ignorance, aside . . .
That has happened to me watching Pirates games from hotels all over the US. I get the premium mlb package and sometimes I guess the hotel's wifi has an ip address in a blacked out location. When that happens I call mlb customer service(usually oversees unfortunately), explain the problem and then they ask me to verify my ip address at

After that they do something on their end and tell me to refresh the game and it works. Looks like the people you spoke with were clueless.