Movies... name your fav

I assume you’re kidding. I actually have Freddy Got Fingered recorded and watch it at least once a year. RIP Rip Torn.
Great one.
When I go surf fishing on a dark moonless foggy night up, to my waist in the water, or bogey boarding in the day I still think of Jaws.

"You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat": 'Jaws'
Love Jaws. Couldn't do that now, the 3 heroes were white males. But man, their dialogue and interplay was fantastic.

What is that? A Cage.
You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water, our shark.
Fair well and adieu ye Spanish ladies, fairwell and adieu the ladies of Spain...
Love Jaws. Couldn't do that now, the 3 heroes were white males. But man, their dialogue and interplay was fantastic.

What is that? A Cage.
You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water, our shark.
Fair well and adieu ye Spanish ladies, fairwell and adieu the ladies of Spain...
Watched a show on the making of jaws and it was great. The stories behind the making of it. The logistics of this fake shark in itself is great. Spielberg said if he knew how hard it’d be to film this, he’d have never made the movie.
Watched a show on the making of jaws and it was great. The stories behind the making of it. The logistics of this fake shark in itself is great. Spielberg said if he knew how hard it’d be to film this, he’d have never made the movie.
Digressing a bit but there is a terrific documentary about Steven Spielberg on HBO. It's long but fascinating.
Love Jaws. Couldn't do that now, the 3 heroes were white males. But man, their dialogue and interplay was fantastic.

What is that? A Cage.
You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water, our shark.
Fair well and adieu ye Spanish ladies, fairwell and adieu the ladies of Spain...
Plus a white boy shark, Great White shark to be exact.
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It would have to be an Average Ethnicity Neutral shark, if it were made today.
Yes, gender neutral too with a name change to Not So Great White Shark.

That would be the Jaws movie of today.

After Jaws swimmers always made sure there were others further out than them. If they disappeared head to shore.

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Come on, nobody mentioned Step Brothers? Freaking hilarious movie!

And for the dramatic, The Shining gets no mention?

Who in the hell watches Casablanca in 2019?
Shawshank Redemption
The Natural
Oceans 11

For some reason I have seen these movies dozens of times but yet when they pop up in cable I find myself watching them to the end even though as I stated I have seen them many times.
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Shawshank Redemption
The Natural
Oceans 11

For some reason I have seen these movies dozens of times but yet when they pop up in cable I find myself watching them to the end even though as I stated I have seen them many times.

It seems like every time I turn on the TV and surf, Shawshank Redemption is on some channel.

That......and Sixteen Candles.
It's a worthy thread, because they make zero new good movies these days, every new movie today is aligned with the political left. In the producers eye this is a great thing, the problem is it's a pile of shit that isn't the least bit entertaining.