Movies... name your fav

Class Couple
My favorite movie scene:

Would have thought one of these scenes from Dirty Hairy might have been your favorite.

Personally, I feel Dennis Hopper is overrated as an actor. To me he plays every role pretty much the same way. Every time he speaks in a film, I find myself taken out of the story and I just see DH there, trying to deliver a line in a way that HE thinks is cool.

Now seeing Christopher Walken act is always enjoyable to me. Unlike Hopper, he does a wonderful job of drawing you in with his rhythm and timing and delivery and facial expressions and even his body language.
Would have thought one of these scenes from Dirty Hairy might have been your favorite.

Personally, I feel Dennis Hopper is overrated as an actor. To me he plays every role pretty much the same way. Every time he speaks in a film, I find myself taken out of the story and I just see DH there, trying to deliver a line in a way that HE thinks is cool.

Now seeing Christopher Walken act is always enjoyable to me. Unlike Hopper, he does a wonderful job of drawing you in with his rhythm and timing and delivery and facial expressions and even his body language.
Nah, my avatar selection was more about making a statement rather than any great love of Clint Eastwood.

I like Hooper. Really like Walken. Walken always seems like he is going off script. Speech patterns and mannerisms can be hilarious. What his career turned into after seeing him in the Deer Hunter had to be a surprise to many.

Another favorite is Gary Oldham. Can't beat his performance in the Professional. The bathroom scene with Portman was outstanding.
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Would have thought one of these scenes from Dirty Hairy might have been your favorite.

Personally, I feel Dennis Hopper is overrated as an actor. To me he plays every role pretty much the same way. Every time he speaks in a film, I find myself taken out of the story and I just see DH there, trying to deliver a line in a way that HE thinks is cool.

Now seeing Christopher Walken act is always enjoyable to me. Unlike Hopper, he does a wonderful job of drawing you in with his rhythm and timing and delivery and facial expressions and even his body language.
I enjoy watching movies because of acting and dialogue.

I think the movies you watch are important for other reasons, particularly when you are young.

Movies subtlety condition you. They have an effect on you similar to family, church and school. They guide you in developing a personal moral code by messaging how good people are supposed to behave. At least they did that back in my day.
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I enjoy watching movies because of acting and dialogue.

I think the movies you watch are important for other reasons, particularly when you are young.

Movies subtlety condition you. They have an effect on you similar to family, church and school. They guide you in developing a personal moral code by messaging how good people are supposed to behave. At least they did that back in my day.
I remember watching Failsafe as a kid out in East Liberty. When the President decided for us to drop an atomic bomb on NYC (w,here his wife was visiting) to make up for our accidental bombing of Moscow, I was aghast.

After a little reflection, I came to the conclusion that was the only sane decision possible. I wonder how many people today would agree with that?
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A number of my favorites have been mentioned already (The Godfather, GF Part 2, Pulp Fiction, Shawshank...12 Angry Men, No County.., Casablanca, Usual Suspect, The Professional, Forest Gump, Vertigo, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, As Good as It Gets, A few Good Men, There Will Be Blood, Wizard of Oz, A Bronx Tale, Matrix, Goodfellas, My Cousin Vinny, My Bodyguard and many others)

Just a few other favorites not yet mentioned:

American Beauty
The Celebration
City of God
La La Land
The Bicycle Thief
Planet of the Apes (original)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Das Experiment (2001)
Get Shorty
Pretty Woman
Trading Places
Rear Window
Mississippi Burning
Road to Perdition
A Simple Plan
Blood Simple
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Bullets Over Broadway
Midnight in Paris
Deconstructing Harry
Small Time Crooks (many W. Allan films)
Hot Fuzz
Best In Show
Groundhog Day
There’s something about Mary
Lost in Translation
Unforgiven (love many of Clint’s films)
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A number of my favorites have been mentioned already (The Godfather, GF Part 2, Pulp Fiction, Shawshank...12 Angry Men, No County.., Casablanca, Usual Suspect, The Professional, Forest Gump, Vertigo, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, As Good as It Gets, A few Good Men, There Will Be Blood, Wizard of Oz, A Bronx Tale, Matrix, Goodfellas, My Cousin Vinny, My Bodyguard and many others)

Just a few other favorites not yet mentioned:

American Beauty
The Celebration
City of God
La La Land
The Bicycle Thief
Planet of the Apes (original)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Das Experiment (2001)
Get Shorty
Pretty Woman
Trading Places
Rear Window
Mississippi Burning
Road to Perdition
A Simple Plan
Blood Simple
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Bullets Over Broadway
Midnight in Paris
Deconstructing Harry
Small Time Crooks (many W. Allan films)
Hot Fuzz
Best In Show
Groundhog Day
There’s something about Marry
Lost in Translation

Some good ones in there...
Big fan of Moonstruck, Bronx Tale, Monsters Ball, Ricky Bobby, Roadhouse, Win Dixie.. to name a few..
Fun thread. So many good movies already mentioned. although I am a big AMC movies fan, my current favorite is Field of Dreams. The prospect of playing catch one more time with my dad just gets me.
Forgot about a few good sci Fi movies.

Moon - Sam Rockwell is an underrated actor if there ever was one.
The Black Hole - cheesy Disney 70s sci Fi but one of my favorites as a kid
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Boogie Nights
Zombie Land
Talladega Nights
Smokey and the Bandit
Cannonball Run
LOTR (all of them)
Saving Private Ryan
The Note Book
Love and Other Drugs
Wolf of Wall St.
Americain Hustle
Americain Sniper
Christmas Vacation
Blues Brothers
Top Gun
The Martian
Good Will Hunting
Tin Cup
Rogue One
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Boogie Nights
Zombie Land
Talladega Nights
Smokey and the Bandit
Cannonball Run
LOTR (all of them)
Saving Private Ryan
The Note Book
Love and Other Drugs
Wolf of Wall St.
Americain Hustle
Americain Sniper
Christmas Vacation
Blues Brothers
Top Gun

Josie Wales... almost all Clint’s movies with the exception of ape movies... Grand Torino..

This one scene, in under two minutes, sets in motion the resolutions to a love triangle romance plot, a political plot, and the hopes of winning World War II itself. Some of that done solely through characters' faces, without dialogue.
The backstory of the extras in this scene being almost entirely made up of refugees of the Nazi's makes it even more powerful. Greatest scene of all-time. Unfortunately, there was very little acting being done in it.
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I don’t get the love for forest gump

that movie bored me to tears

Wow... Really? Boring? Maybe one or two scenes were a tad slow, but the movie was anything but boring.

Is it possible that you ate a few too many bagels or plates of pasta just before the movie, causing a sugar crash? Otherwise, I don’t know what to say.
It’s a 3 hour snooze fest
It took me the longest time before I actually sat down and watched it. I found it fairly entertaining. I think Tom Hanks is a terrific actor. He looks and morphs into the role, instead of being "Tom Hanks playing this guy or that guy."

I am going to start a thread on that.....truly good actors vs big name actors.
It’s a 3 hour snooze fest

Always appreciate sincere opinions.

Don’t happen to agree with your take at all. Certainly not a snooze fest to most people.

Lots of really good movies that probably could have worked just as well if a few minutes here and there were trimmed. It doesn’t make them bad movies.

Glengarry Glen Ross (one of your favorites) has a number of amazing actors who deliver well written lines beautifully and yet still there are more than a few boring moments to be had in the film.

I would not call it a snooze fest. I would definitely fall asleep watching that film before Forrest Gump... as a matter of fact I have fallen asleep on G G Ross before.
Always appreciate sincere opinions.

Don’t happen to agree with your take at all. Certainly not a snooze fest to most people.

Lots of really good movies that probably could have worked just as well if a few minutes here and there were trimmed. It doesn’t make them bad movies.

Glengarry Glen Ross (one of your favorites) has a number of amazing actors who deliver well written lines beautifully and yet still there are more than a few boring moments to be had in the film.

I would not call it a snooze fest. I would definitely fall asleep watching that film before Forrest Gump... as a matter of fact I have fallen asleep on G G Ross before.

and that’s fine
It’s an terrifically written movie (glen ross) which gets better every time I watch it
I can get people not liking it.

Gump- I dont get it - here’s dozens of historic events this simpleton from Alabama coincedentally just happens to be in. It’s boring to me
Forrest Gump being popular on this board doesn't surprise me. It's a (lowercase-c) conservative love letter to boomers from boomers and a nostalgia for something that never quite was.

To each their own.
Imho the better Zemeckis nostalgia fest is Back to the Future. Great comedy. Used Cars and Who Framed Roger Rabbit are both pretty funny for an hour or so.
and that’s fine
It’s an terrifically written movie (glen ross) which gets better every time I watch it
I can get people not liking it.

Gump- I dont get it - here’s dozens of historic events this simpleton from Alabama coincedentally just happens to be in. It’s boring to me

It’s much more than that... We often struggle so hard to achieve what we want and we often don’t get it and yet here is a guy with a low IQ (someone who should never even sniff the success of most people) and yet everything seems so damn easy for him- Why... because his brain doesn’t overthink things- he just simply focuses on something and does it- And he gets better and better.

It’s a brilliant idea to take that thought and run with it
(literally and figuratively) making this mentally challenged person a hero and an inspiration...teaching us that anything is possible for anyone. Superimposing him into old footage and had him be part of such meaningful historical events adds to the charm and originality and allows for wonderfully unexpected humor.

How the hell can THIS guy possibly do what he does. It doesn’t seem possible. It doesn’t seem fair. It’s both frustrating and beautiful. He is simply and purely living life as it comes - FEELING his way through it - not wasting time THINKING about excuses for why something isn’t fair or how we want it to be, like many of us do from time to time... which leads to cynicism and outside forces dictating what we do or think next - which often creates hurdles that otherwise would not have been there.

This is an amazing movie- I’m just sorry you missed the whole pointed of it.

As Roger Ebert put it in his review:
“The movie is more of a meditation on our times, as seen through the eyes of a man who lacks cynicism and takes things for exactly what they are. Watch him carefully and you will understand why some people are criticized for being "too clever by half." Forrest is clever by just exactly enough... what a magical movie.”
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It’s much more than that... We often struggle so hard to achieve what we want and we often don’t get it and yet here is a guy with a low IQ (someone who should never even sniff the success of most people) and yet everything seems so damn easy for him- Why... because his brain doesn’t overthink things- he just simply focuses on something and does it- And he gets better and better.

It’s a brilliant idea to take that thought and run with it
(literally and figuratively) making this mentally challenged person a hero and an inspiration...teaching us that anything is possible for anyone. Superimposing him into old footage and had him be part of such meaningful historical events adds to the charm and originality and allows for wonderfully unexpected humor.

How the hell can THIS guy possibly do what he does. It doesn’t seem possible. It doesn’t seem fair. It’s both frustrating and beautiful. He is simply and purely living life as it comes - FEELING his way through it - not wasting time THINKING about excuses for why something isn’t fair or how we want it to be, like many of us do from time to time... which leads to cynicism and outside forces dictating what we do or think next - which often creates hurdles that otherwise would not have been there.

This is an amazing movie- I’m just sorry you missed the whole pointed of it.

As Roger Ebert put it in his review:
“The movie is more of a meditation on our times, as seen through the eyes of a man who lacks cynicism and takes things for exactly what they are. Watch him carefully and you will understand why some people are criticized for being "too clever by half." Forrest is clever by just exactly enough... what a magical movie.”
Didn’t miss any point

As noted it’s boring to me - and devoid of any realism
Cool. So you are not into fantasy. Neither am I. I am glad you agree with me that these ridiculous Marvel comic remakes are boring.

those actually have story lines and character arches -
Not just nostalgia and a magical simpleton

and I don’t mind if you don’t like them -
They aren’t great movies - just entertaining
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I can see Souf's point. I was struck by the story and the effects for awhile then it dragged because there wasn't any development. The premise was good and the acting was very good but the story should've been condensed. It was too long to be a popcorn flick. It was a studio indulgence flick.

I also don't get the love for Citizen Kane, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest or the English Patient. I've also always found The Shining to be boring and stupid. Then again, I like Adam Sandler movies so I'm no worthy critic.
I am not sure what defines a “good movie”. I am more into history/biographical stories. But also entertainment is important, laughing is fun and important.
On a serious note, it's impossible to name my favorite movie. It depends on my mood. But if I had to pick it would be the movie I am most likely to watch all of every single time I stumble upon it on tv.

And that movie is The Sandlot.
Casablanca, for my money, is the best movie ever made. The Godfather is 2nd.

Other movies I especially like:
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Local Hero, Tombstone, Animal House, Airplane. Top Secret, Blazing Saddles, Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, The Outlaw Josie Wales, For a Few Dollars More (my fave of the Man With No Name trilogy).

Guilty pleasures: Road House, Weekend at Bernie's
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Didn’t miss any point

As noted it’s boring to me - and devoid of any realism

You mean like the kind of realism seen in Glengarry Glenn Ross where most of the characters are unlikable, depressed and miserable who have to shout and use profanity to demoralize and manipulate one another... No thanks.

You can keep your films that try to remind us that our life sucks and everyone in it is a back stabbing a-hole and I’ll keep enjoy movies that inspire sometimes with a bit of imagination and offer a belief, possibility or at least a glimmering hope that there may be another way - a better way or at least a more interesting, enjoyable and harmonious way to live ... even if that means being labeled an optimist or dare I say... an idealist.

Personally, I can only take so much realism in a movie. I much prefer to be inspired by new ideas and new approaches in sharing those ideas. A bit of idealism and the thought of WHAT COULD BE is what moves me. It doesn’t mean the films I watch have to be purely imaginative or inspirational, but there has to at least be something new in it to experience and some feeling of meaningful growth or something learned on my part and on the part of the a character(s)... and a feeling that there is a real chance for something better, even if it isn’t realized by the end of the movie.

I have grown to be a bit of an unapologetic idealist simply because I have been fortunate to see enough of my ideas and dreams (once thought by many to be impossible) realized over the years. Realizing you CAN create what does not exist today- that you can actually change reality by inventing a new reality allows you to not feel naive for being a believer in what could be. Yet, at the same time, it’s important for any idealist to acknowledge that many things do not turn out like you’d hoped and not all dreams come true.

Life isn’t always perfect. But it absolutely can be made better partly by being focused and just doing it.

Forrest Gump’s simpler brain actually better equips him to have a more focused “Just do it” approach to things which improves his chance of succeeding at whatever he takes on.

There is a simple and wonderful lesson from which we all can learn if we want to be open to it: Don’t waste time thinking about all of the obstacles in your path and wonder about all of the reason Something isn’t possible. Just decide what you want to do - and do it... run full speed ahead... and just keep running.
I don't think Chinatown was mentioned yet. I've seen most of my favorites listed.

I probably would have liked Forest Gump more if I hadn't heard so much hype about it beforehand. Besides critics, so many friends and relatives told me how good it was that I couldn't help feeling it was overrated.
I don’t get the love for forest gump

that movie bored me to tears
wouldn't go that far but the fact that it won picture of the year over Shawshank was beyond ridiculous.. i put this movie in same category as Wolf of Wall St. entertaining to watch once, couldn't watch it twice without killing myself and completely confused why it got so much national attention..

watching Leonardo and the chubby kid coked up for 2 hours and acting obnoxious is kind of amusing, for a short period of time..
I also don't get the love for Citizen Kane, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest or the English Patient. I've also always found The Shining to be boring and stupid. Then again, I like Adam Sandler movies so I'm no worthy critic.

Nothing wrong with that.

This thread is about our favorite movies not the critics pick for best movie. like you, I enjoy Sandler Movies. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, 50 First Dates (and several others) were enjoyable indeed.

So what if none of them are included in some critic’s list of 100 best films of all time. They will always be some of the more enjoyable films watched for millions (or at least thousands) of views out there.

We all like what we like and that is how it should be- we can explain why we think a movie is great- we can even rewatch a film we thought we didn’t like and realize it was better than we originally thought - But ultimately what moves us is something that is unique and special that we alone feel. Reading about what moves people is often interesting and can even lead to a better appreciation for that person’s viewpoint or a better appreciation for the films they like.
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