Movies... name your fav

Nothing wrong with that.

This thread is about our favorite movies not the critics pick for best movie. like you, I enjoy Sandler Movies. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, 50 First Dates (and several others) were enjoyable indeed.

So what if none of them are included in some critic’s list of 100 best films of all time. They will always be some of the more enjoyable films watched for millions (or at least thousands) of views out there.

We all like what we like and that is how it should be- we can explain why we think a movie is great- we can even rewatch a film we thought we didn’t like and realize it was better than we originally thought - But ultimately what moves us is something that is unique and special that we alone feel. Reading about what moves people is often interesting and can even lead to a better appreciation for that person’s viewpoint or a better appreciation for the films they like.
not a huge sandler fan but i liked "50 first dates" a lot. good movie.. also, i actually dislike Julia Roberts and the English dude and i don't like chick flicks but i really liked Notting Hill.

i mean, two actors i don't like, romantic comedy, no nudity, and i thoroughly liked it. no idea why or how but i do..
Forest Gump and Glen Gary Glen Ross are both terrible movies.
Glen Gary Glen Ross is like Office Space. Anyone who can identify with them thinks they are genius but if you can't put yourself into the stories, they are dreadful. I guess most movies are like that in a way.
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not a huge sandler fan but i liked "50 first dates" a lot. good movie.. also, i actually dislike Julia Roberts and the English dude and i don't like chick flicks but i really liked Notting Hill.

i mean, two actors i don't like, romantic comedy, no nudity, and i thoroughly liked it. no idea why or how but i do..
Sorta off topic but along the lines of what you shared....I hate chick flicks with a white hot passion but I really like 4 Weddings and A Funeral. My buddy just laughed and said it was a chick flick. It can't be?!?! Can it?
Nothing wrong with that.

This thread is about our favorite movies not the critics pick for best movie. like you, I enjoy Sandler Movies. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, 50 First Dates (and several others) were enjoyable indeed.

So what if none of them are included in some critic’s list of 100 best films of all time. They will always be some of the more enjoyable films watched for millions (or at least thousands) of views out there.

We all like what we like and that is how it should be- we can explain why we think a movie is great- we can even rewatch a film we thought we didn’t like and realize it was better than we originally thought - But ultimately what moves us is something that is unique and special that we alone feel. Reading about what moves people is often interesting and can even lead to a better appreciation for that person’s viewpoint or a better appreciation for the films they like.
There are so many films that I love. Some of them others would think are trash. For example we really enjoy "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds. It's so stupid and SO funny. Another film I love is "The Way Way Back". Sam Rockwell is terrific in it.

Everyone has their own favorites.
Not my favorite movie but I stan Children of Men as a film that doesn't get enough love. I think everything about it is really good: the concept, plot, acting, and especially the way Cuaron is able to do super-long shots in one take. The army invasion of the barrio/ghetto at the end of the movie and the fighting that takes place is incredible and probably the perfect capture of what modern urban war is like.
You mean like the kind of realism seen in Glengarry Glenn Ross where most of the characters are unlikable, depressed and miserable who have to shout and use profanity to demoralize and manipulate one another... No thanks.

You can keep your films that try to remind us that our life sucks and everyone in it is a back stabbing a-hole and I’ll keep enjoy movies that inspire sometimes with a bit of imagination and offer a belief, possibility or at least a glimmering hope that there may be another way - a better way or at least a more interesting, enjoyable and harmonious way to live ... even if that means being labeled an optimist or dare I say... an idealist.

Personally, I can only take so much realism in a movie. I much prefer to be inspired by new ideas and new approaches in sharing those ideas. A bit of idealism and the thought of WHAT COULD BE is what moves me. It doesn’t mean the films I watch have to be purely imaginative or inspirational, but there has to at least be something new in it to experience and some feeling of meaningful growth or something learned on my part and on the part of the a character(s)... and a feeling that there is a real chance for something better, even if it isn’t realized by the end of the movie.

I have grown to be a bit of an unapologetic idealist simply because I have been fortunate to see enough of my ideas and dreams (once thought by many to be impossible) realized over the years. Realizing you CAN create what does not exist today- that you can actually change reality by inventing a new reality allows you to not feel naive for being a believer in what could be. Yet, at the same time, it’s important for any idealist to acknowledge that many things do not turn out like you’d hoped and not all dreams come true.

Life isn’t always perfect. But it absolutely can be made better partly by being focused and just doing it.

Forrest Gump’s simpler brain actually better equips him to have a more focused “Just do it” approach to things which improves his chance of succeeding at whatever he takes on.

There is a simple and wonderful lesson from which we all can learn if we want to be open to it: Don’t waste time thinking about all of the obstacles in your path and wonder about all of the reason Something isn’t possible. Just decide what you want to do - and do it... run full speed ahead... and just keep running.
Then we as a nation elected a foul mouthed simpleton . :)
Bridging both movies
not a huge sandler fan but i liked "50 first dates" a lot. good movie.. also, i actually dislike Julia Roberts and the English dude and i don't like chick flicks but i really liked Notting Hill.

i mean, two actors i don't like, romantic comedy, no nudity, and i thoroughly liked it. no idea why or how but i do..

Funny how that can happen. I can think of at least a dozen instance where I somehow still liked a movie even though it had a lead character played by someone whose acting I normally do not care for.

I am not a fan of Keanu Reeves’ acting and yet I really liked the Matrix. Not a fan of Kevin Costner’s acting (so much that I never saw any movie he was in at a theater) and yet I liked NO Way Out. I think Ben Affleck is a pretty bad actor, but I still enjoyed the movie Chasing Amy.
I don't think Chinatown was mentioned yet. I've seen most of my favorites listed.

I probably would have liked Forest Gump more if I hadn't heard so much hype about it beforehand. Besides critics, so many friends and relatives told me how good it was that I couldn't help feeling it was overrated.
Here's something...same era, same actor, I liked Apollo 13 better than Forest, Forest Gump.
There are so many films that I love. Some of them others would think are trash. For example we really enjoy "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds. It's so stupid and SO funny. Another film I love is "The Way Way Back". Sam Rockwell is terrific in it.

Everyone has their own favorites.
Waiting is so is good. It is a fun movie that I can't help watching a bit. Doesn't hurt there is a lot of eye candy in the movie. I love the Packer character as the restaurant manager trying to find out where the party is and trying to get with the hot underage chick.
Casablanca, for my money, is the best movie ever made. The Godfather is 2nd.

Other movies I especially like:
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Local Hero, Tombstone, Animal House, Airplane. Top Secret, Blazing Saddles, Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, The Outlaw Josie Wales, For a Few Dollars More (my fave of the Man With No Name trilogy).

Guilty pleasures: Road House, Weekend at Bernie's
I can't help watching Road House and Dumb and Dumber (love the soundtrack) any time they're on.
Rushmore - no contest

There are so many films that I love. Some of them others would think are trash. For example we really enjoy "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds. It's so stupid and SO funny. Another film I love is "The Way Way Back". Sam Rockwell is terrific in it.

Everyone has their own favorites.

Hey Pitt/girl- Thanks telling me about “The Way Way Back.” I don’t know how I missed it - just looked at the trailer online - it looks really good. I am a big fan of Sam Rockwell and Allison Janney. I like Steve Carell too. I’m going to somehow find a way to watch it this weekend. Again Thanks!

Unfortunately, I’m not feeling the same way about “Waiting.” I watched about 10 available clips (partial scenes from the movie) online and it’s just too juvenile for me (and that is coming from someone who enjoys Sandler movies).

From what I saw, I liked some of the characters and some of the acting and even some of the dialog - especially between Monty and Serena (Anna Faris) and Monty and his mom (Wendie Malick).

Unfortunately, the writer and director’s over use of gratuitous profanity and their decision to include other unoriginal gratuitous scenes (like the gross kitchen scene where they were doing disgusting things to the female customer’s food) simply ruined (at least for me) what might otherwise have been an entertaining film.
Hey Pitt/girl- Thanks telling me about “The Way Way Back.” I don’t know how I missed it - just looked at the trailer online - it looks really good. I am a big fan of Sam Rockwell and Allison Janney. I like Steve Carell too. I’m going to somehow find a way to watch it this weekend. Again Thanks!

Unfortunately, I’m not feeling the same way about “Waiting.” I watched about 10 available clips (partial scenes from the movie) online and it’s just too juvenile for me (and that is coming from someone who enjoys Sandler movies).

From what I saw, I liked some of the characters and some of the acting and even some of the dialog - especially between Monty and Serena (Anna Faris) and Monty and his mom (Wendie Malick).

Unfortunately, the writer and director’s over use of gratuitous profanity and their decision to include other unoriginal gratuitous scenes (like the gross kitchen scene where they were doing disgusting things to the female customer’s food) simply ruined (at least for me) what might otherwise have been an entertaining film.
Oh trust me, Waiting is really stupid but for whatever reason it makes us laugh every time we watch it. Just an example of how we all differ in what we like/don't like. (Thank God - how boring would it be if we all agreed??)
Oh trust me, Waiting is really stupid but for whatever reason it makes us laugh every time we watch it. Just an example of how we all differ in what we like/don't like. (Thank God - how boring would it be if we all agreed??)

Ahh... Maybe I’ll watch the entire thing... but first The Way Way back.
Was thinking about good horror films today. Totally different category but my favorites would have to include The Thing and The Descent.

Another favorite of mine is the severely underrated Excorcist 3. And it contains what has to be the best jump scare in all of movie history.
Casablanca, for my money, is the best movie ever made. The Godfather is 2nd.

Other movies I especially like:
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Local Hero, Tombstone, Animal House, Airplane. Top Secret, Blazing Saddles, Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, The Outlaw Josie Wales, For a Few Dollars More (my fave of the Man With No Name trilogy).

Guilty pleasures: Road House, Weekend at Bernie's

I love Local Hero. It’s a very under appreciated classic. Bill Forsyth’s best, and he made some terrific movies when he stuck to his roots in Scotland: Gregory’s Girl, That Sinking Feeling and Comfort & Joy. Unfortunately, when he went to Hollywood to direct, he lost the charm that made those Scottish movies so enjoyable.

If anyone hasn’t seen Local Hero, find it online for streaming. It stars Peter Riegert of Animal House fame and Burt Lancaster, along with Forsyth’s regular group of players.

Although neither is close to Casablanca, which I have seen 41 times, Local Hero and Whit Stillman’s Barcelona are probably the next two movies that I have watched the most times.
Casablanca, for my money, is the best movie ever made. The Godfather is 2nd.

Other movies I especially like:
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Local Hero, Tombstone, Animal House, Airplane. Top Secret, Blazing Saddles, Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, The Outlaw Josie Wales, For a Few Dollars More (my fave of the Man With No Name trilogy).

Guilty pleasures: Road House, Weekend at Bernie's

Some great movies in there. Never saw Local Hero.

Cracking up that you mention Airplane, Top Secret, Blazing Saddles... and then you mention other films as your “Guilty pleasures”

I am a big fan of those movies too.