Nearly two weeks later, how do you feel about HC Kevin Stallings?

High ceiling? He couldn't get to the tournament even half the time at his old job, where they were pushing him out the door to St. Louis, Pitt, whoever would take him off their hands.

High ceiling is the opposite of what this coach is.
Embarrassed by the knee-jerk negativity of this forum which ordinarily is well informed. We got a proven strong P5 coach who was thrilled to take the helm of a potential top tier team of the best conference in NCAAM. And, a coach who will smoke JD's recruiting results from the last few years. Embarrassed !
Hell, he barely was toptier in the SEC. Perhaps those touting his recruiting prowess need to see how little he accomplished.
Nothing dumb about a statement that clearly hit too close to home for the chicken little's on the board who have been picking apart Stallings record and predicting gloom and doom for the program

I suggest a remedial reading comprehension course, dude. No one is trashing Stallings. His record speaks for itself and is underwhelming. Nothing stellar. He has a chance now to prove he is better than his record. For Pitt's sake, I hope he is up to it. Nothing at all against Stallings; this is totally on Barnes and the difficult position he has put Stallings in. Not a real smart man there. Expectations here are high and being below 0.500 almost as many times as winning more than 24 games, with 26 wins as the most wins, won't cut it. That is Stallings' record and a statement of fact. Deal with it.
I wasn't a fan of the initial hire and still don't think this was the direction Pitt needed to go after stagnating under Dixon. However, Stallings is the coach now and he has my 100% support. I hope he makes me looking dumb for being against the move, but he has a lot to prove.
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I wasn't a fan of the initial hire and still don't think this was the direction Pitt needed to go after stagnating under Dixon. However, Stallings is the coach now and he has my 100% support. I hope he makes me looking dumb for being against the move, but he has a lot to prove.
Agreed. This will be his last shot at relevance. I hope he wins every game, while never scoring 70 points. I know, I'm a bit twisted. ;)

Very accurate and insightful account of where we are now within college basketball and where Pitt is with this hiring of Stallings by Barnes. Collier nails it and rightfully questions Barnes' motivation and objectives with this hire.

Pitt is at a crossroads. Do we want to go down the path that a UNC, SU or Kansas follow or do we maintain our academic and institutional integrity while striving as best we can to recruit the best players we can while graduating them, not sacrificing what has been built by Dixon?
Accurate and insightful? I read it and thought that it was another typical example of a Gene Collier column, a little (very little) insight surrounded by a whole lot of snark. Him and John Steigerwald should get together and start a web site called the "Two Grumpy Old Men Who Hate Sports But Can't Make a Living at Anything Else" Blog.
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Very accurate and insightful account of where we are now within college basketball and where Pitt is with this hiring of Stallings by Barnes. Collier nails it and rightfully questions Barnes' motivation and objectives with this hire.

Pitt is at a crossroads. Do we want to go down the path that a UNC, SU or Kansas follow or do we maintain our academic and institutional integrity while striving as best we can to recruit the best players we can while graduating them, not sacrificing what has been built by Dixon?

You've got to be kidding me. Gene Collier knows less about sports in general and Pitt basketball in particular than you or I.
I love all these great PItt fans.............they'll give Stallings a chance to prove himself but until then they reserve the right to trash him with every post..............

I wasnt happy at all with the hire initially but I can at least see what Barnes saw in the guy. Im 100% behind him not only because I a bigger fan of Pitt than any coach, but also because it will be awsome watching all these UJD fans eat crow.

It is highly ironic, that you who has bashed and rooted against Dixon and openly rooted against Chryst when he was here, would have the gall to make this post.
I'm looking forward to the season. After having heard him speak and handle undue hostility at the introductory presser...and then subsequently speak in other interviews, he seems like a very bright and affable guy. I was impressed that he kept the remaining players intact and salvaged all 3 incoming recruits.

It will be fun to see what a new guy can do with the program.
The sharks are circling in the water, just waiting to strike. It will be interesting to see if Stallings can hold off the predators and perhaps change their opinion of him with a solid season of recruiting, good play and good wins. I wonder what the number of wins would be to keep the Sharks at bay? I feel that his recruiting effort this first year will be huge in changing opinions off him also. By the way, some suggest that his past record would indicate he won't cut it. There are indications in his past record that also suggest that he could do a good job. Yes there were some down years but he had some very good years also. Anyway time will tell.
When the hire was first announced I was very disappointed since I was told there was going to be a "Big Splash", but I didn't know much about Stallings so I hoped for the best.

After that I learned of Stallings miserable record at Vandy, his NCAA failures, his one great recruiting class that he couldn't even get to the round of 64, and my disappointment got greater.

Then I heard his pronouncements here at Pitt: excuses about why he can't recruit, fantastically changed story about Jeter, saying he's going to waste recruiting time going against the Blue Bloods, and I realize that it's even worse than I thought. Sounds like a politician that will drift with the winds.
Sounds like you don't actually listen to what he is actually saying Brian..........but I am not surprised, your over the top ramblings are entertainment for me
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It is highly ironic, that you who has bashed and rooted against Dixon and openly rooted against Chryst when he was here, would have the gall to make this post.

Ahh, another goofball with multiple handles......You must have me confused spanky because I supported JD and often said it was in PItts best interest that he stay. Try again dufus
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Ahh, another goofball with multiple handles......You must have me confused spanky because I supported JD and often said it was in PItts best interest that he stay. Try again dufus

I saw enough of you on TOS to see you blast him constantly.
Lol. Some real gems in this thread.

Yeah. I think this kind of dispells the whole "I didn't want jamie to leave" line many are now saying. People like recruits, pirahna, and others were talking about all the great things stallings would do, comparing him to Dana Altman, saying he wasn't someone that mumbled like Dixon and would sale the program, and that Pitt would do better under stallings.

Lol. What a joke. Anyone that thought he would improve over even the last 5 years of Dixon were and still are brain dead.

BTW, I see the great steel curtain who is never wrong, making wonderfully awful proclamations in here.
I don't know how some of you people involved in this thread have jobs. So much stupidity. Complaining about a 22 win tournament season where we beat a final four team 3 times, were the only team to beat ND at their place and handed Duke their worst loss of the year. When's the next time we are going to accomplish that? If those are "down" years than a lot of you are in for a rude awakening.
Why? Are you going to beat them up? Is the local Munhall mob going to take them out?

I think, if people could get over the Barnes disappointment, and give Stallings a chance, they will find him much more engaging and personable than mumbles Dixon. Which has to translate to recruiting and getting the message across to players.

Good hire.
BTW, this post is an all timer lol.
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What a fascinating time capsule this thread makes. So many ridiculous statements.

Didn't remember writing this, but two weeks after the hire I felt "perplexed scorn" at what Barnes had done. A year later I'll stick with that answer.
I hope to bump some of these threads and gloat when Gallagher gets fired. Then again since it's Pitt, I better see who they hire as his replacement first...
It's funny how smug many were despite 17 years of evidence they were wrong.

I think what it showed more than anything that so many people irrationally hated Dixon, that they literally thought anyone would be better than him.

Meanwhile, Pitt won't be duplicating dixon's "awful" final season anytime in the next 5 years in all likelyhood.

They got what they wanted, and are now having major buyer's remorse.
I like the hire, think we will be a top 20 program most years and some deep runs in march every now and then. Maybe a final 4 as well in a few years

I think Stallings will do a better job selling the program, not just to recruits but to fans. In fact, Pitt rarely tried to sell the program. I think Stallings will be much more media friendly.

-Look. The one thing Im going to say is, the vibe internally is changing if you cant see it. The players are actually excited about next year, and are tweeting about it. The players and the recruits are buying into Stallings as a Coach. The recruits are looking forward to playing with us next year. It was less than a month ago people were talking about half the roster leaving. Now every single player is staying and working toward next year. That is the direct reflection of our new basketball coach.

Stallings is a very good hire, watch recruiting jump up big time, eat crow for some soon, can't wait.

Embarrassed by the knee-jerk negativity of this forum which ordinarily is well informed. We got a proven strong P5 coach who was thrilled to take the helm of a potential top tier team of the best conference in NCAAM. And, a coach who will smoke JD's recruiting results from the last few years. Embarrassed !

-If you want Stallings or Barnes to fail, you better hope Kithcart doesnt make it to Pitt somehow. Because all the guy does is win Championships year over year. Just saying, place your bets accordingly.

That's gold, Jerry! Gold!
I hope to bump some of these threads and gloat when Gallagher gets fired. Then again since it's Pitt, I better see who they hire as his replacement first...

Gallagher may be fired at some point in the future.

But the reason will have nothing to do with the win-loss % of the Hoop Team.
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Gallagher may be fired at some point in the future.

But the reason will have nothing to do with the win-loss % of the Hoop Team.
Because Pitt tolerate gross mismanagement of one of their very critical assets?

I know it's distasteful and makes you uncomfortable that I'm right that basketball (or football, or baseball too for a select few) IS so high profile for a P5 university, but please at least acknowledge that I'm right that it is.

And In turn I'll acknowledge that Pitt would indeed never remove a chancellor because of it (but strictly due to political correctness, not because they shouldn't).

EDIT ... MY edit is because it looked like you edited yours ... specifying the w-l record (instead of just "for basketball". And I agree that no chancellor should be fired for merely a poor w-l record ... if it came about by "conventional" means. Hired a coach with an earnest process, he successfully recruited players, but they simply didn't win much. Conventional! But (and i suspect you specified w-l later because you know the same), this whole episode transcends "conventional".
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Because Pitt tolerate gross mismanagement of one of their very critical assets?

I know it's distasteful and makes you uncomfortable that I'm right that basketball (or football, or baseball too for a select few) IS so high profile for a P5 university, but please at least acknowledge that I'm right that it is.

And In turn I'll acknowledge that Pitt would indeed never remove a chancellor because of it (but strictly due to political correctness, not because they shouldn't).

I acknowledge that football and hoops are indeed very high profile..
Because Pitt tolerate gross mismanagement of one of their very critical assets?

I know it's distasteful and makes you uncomfortable that I'm right that basketball (or football, or baseball too for a select few) IS so high profile for a P5 university, but please at least acknowledge that I'm right that it is.

And In turn I'll acknowledge that Pitt would indeed never remove a chancellor because of it (but strictly due to political correctness, not because they shouldn't).

EDIT ... MY edit is because it looked like you edited yours ... specifying the w-l record (instead of just "for basketball". And I agree that no chancellor should be fired for merely a poor w-l record ... if it came about by "conventional" means. Hired a coach with an earnest process, he successfully recruited players, but they simply didn't win much. Conventional! But (and i suspect you specified w-l later because you know the same), this whole episode transcends "conventional".

G-man, I have no inner knowledge but just wondering if J Dennis was removed in part due to his failures in managing big time sports? I'm guessing no, more likely that Detre probably had no more use for him but I really don't know all the details concerning it at the time.
-Look. The one thing Im going to say is, the vibe internally is changing if you cant see it. The players are actually excited about next year, and are tweeting about it. The players and the recruits are buying into Stallings as a Coach.

Couldn't resist resurrecting this valuable insight into the team chemistry.
Why? Are you going to beat them up? Is the local Munhall mob going to take them out?

I think, if people could get over the Barnes disappointment, and give Stallings a chance, they will find him much more engaging and personable than mumbles Dixon. Which has to translate to recruiting and getting the message across to players.

Good hire.

Here you go recruits, since you deny saying it.