Negative Recruiting?

Originally posted by Pittnerski:
What? Shots on Twitter by the UPS coach. Any idea what he was referring to?
I find this "sudden" outright hostility a bit funny. In what, 3 weeks?, this brand new Pitt coaching staff generated this much confrontation with a completely entrenched PSU coaching staff and recruiting class? I suspect that some if not most of this goes back to Narduzzi/MSU/B1G vs. Franklin then Narduzzi/Pitt/ACC vs. Franklin. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some amount of bad blood within the coaching ranks of the B1G in regards to Franklin already. Just seems odd that Franklin would take the bait so quickly if not for some previous history. But maybe I'm wrong - maybe the PSU coaches ARE that thin-skinned and if so, this is going to be fun. Game on.

This post was edited on 2/3 2:05 PM by pitt-girl
There were some rumors that Narduzzi and staff may have gone a little too far with Bowers and family. TIFWIW
Originally posted by kjb32812:
There were some rumors that Narduzzi and staff may have gone a little too far with Bowers and family. TIFWIW
What is considered "too far"??
Originally posted by daminals76:

Originally posted by kjb32812:
There were some rumors that Narduzzi and staff may have gone a little too far with Bowers and family. TIFWIW
What is considered "too far"??
He forced them to eat Primanti bros and not puke.
Are you referring to the rumors that Narduzzi lost his temper w/ Bowers after he flipped? I haven't heard this rumor substantiated anywhere else, I tend to think this was just slander made up to paint an ugly picture of our coach.
Negative recruiting is a reality everywhere. Schools take shots at each other, either overtly or discretely. It would be laughable if PSU complained about Pitt. After all, it is common knowledge that Franklin arrogantly pissed off many coaches with his 'we will dominate' rant. Anyone notice that Rutgers and Maryland have already shown their displeasure with Franklin's arrogance? Then, after Narduzzi's hire, Franklin interrupts a FAN commentary on Narduzzi, by phoning in to disrupt the conversation. It is obvious that Franklin is an attention-seeking leader, and a me-me-me kinda guy. I just hope that Narduzzi and staff have the wherewithal to combat their attitude, and neutralize their snake-oil salesmen pitch.
Plus... of course we will negative recruit and so will they

We can say what normal sane ethnic kid would want to move to KKK land where they are completely mediocre playing for a loudmouth buffoon that is hurt by weak sanctions from having the worst football scandal in history of sports

And they say we play in a half empty stadium and have had 57 head coaches the last 8 years.
Originally posted by Pittnerski:
What? Shots on Twitter by the UPS coach. Any idea what he was referring to?
He is referring to Pitt coaches talking a lot of smack to PSU recruits, Bowers, Petrishen, Miller, Givens and so on. This is not Michigan.
My guess is Givens wanted to flip and instead of just saying that, he made up some excuse about Pitt being negative.That probably made him feel better about going back on his commitment ( Which I have no problem with by the way)
Originally posted by sbmoney1:

Originally posted by daminals76:

Originally posted by kjb32812:
There were some rumors that Narduzzi and staff may have gone a little too far with Bowers and family. TIFWIW
What is considered "too far"??
He forced them to eat Primanti bros and not puke.
That's funny.
Originally posted by sputnick3:
Originally posted by Pittnerski:
What? Shots on Twitter by the UPS coach. Any idea what he was referring to?
He is referring to Pitt coaches talking a lot of smack to PSU recruits, Bowers, Petrishen, Miller, Givens and so on. This is not Michigan.
Right, because Bill O'Brien didn't tell Dorian Johnson's mother that he would be shot if he went to school in Oakland. That never happened. Also, no PSU assistant coaches were sending links to the West Penn Hospital shootings to coveted recruits under the header of "Did you see this?" and "How close is this to campus?" Those rumors were all bunk but the other rumors are dead on accurate.

You know what I think? I think everyone is full of schitt here and everyone is doing whatever they can to land the best players they can find. Penn State landed a few recently at Pitt's expense. Good for them. If you are naive enough to think that changes anything then I wish you the best of luck going forward.
Very true, PSU isn't Michigan. They have a lot more wins, and almost six times as many national championships. I'll give you credit though, you've got us all beat in the total number of admin/coach criminal trials. So you have that going for ya-which is nice.

Originally posted by sputnick3:

Originally posted by Pittnerski:
What? Shots on Twitter by the UPS coach. Any idea what he was referring to?
He is referring to Pitt coaches talking a lot of smack to PSU recruits, Bowers, Petrishen, Miller, Givens and so on. This is not Michigan.
Everybody knows about the horrific scandal that happened at PS and that Franklin was accused of having knowledge of the rape scandal at Vandy as well. There is nothing wrong with speaking the truth.

This post was edited on 2/3 8:27 PM by Piranha
I love that we have a coach that is willing to go TOO FAR to get a recruit -- love the aggressiveness

LOVE the fact that Ped State feels THREATENED by Pitt!! That is the freakin' BEST PART!!

Wait til we kick their a$$ on the field -- that will be EPIC
Originally posted by kjb32812:
There were some rumors that Narduzzi and staff may have gone a little too far with Bowers and family. TIFWIW
So isn't using negative recruiting against someone when recruiting also negative recruiting?
Originally posted by steel1975:
I love that we have a coach that is willing to go TOO FAR to get a recruit -- love the aggressiveness

LOVE the fact that Ped State feels THREATENED by Pitt!! That is the freakin' BEST PART!!

Wait til we kick their a$$ on the field -- that will be EPIC
Originally posted by kjb32812:
There were some rumors that Narduzzi and staff may have gone a little too far with Bowers and family. TIFWIW
The problem is it didn't work. You may want to look at the kids we went head to head for this year and then come back.

Penn State should always be aware of PITT. I don't know if threatened is the word but you are the biggest competition for in-state recruits. Are we supposed to be worried about Temple?

Can's wait for those games as it will really sort out what's what amongst our fanbases. There haven't been any games played between us for a long time and it will be great to settle it on the field.
What exactly did Pitt do to "negatively recruit"? Just play games on twitter? Penn State never negatively recruited? They never brought up attendance? Never brought up attendance to every recruit in every conversation? What that jackass did on Twitter calling out Pitt? This is more typical Nitter narrative, especially knowing they got fanboys journalists in their back pocket?

Penn State has been bad mouthing Pitt for years. For years. I guarantee negative recruiting is probably 10 to 1 in favor of Penn State, So Pitt fired back and PSU had a tizzy.

Remember, what goes around comes around. You aren't ducking us anymore.
PED STATE negative recruits itself. Anybody who wants to hang around that locker room with the sticky shower floors has got to have issues.
Originally posted by kjb32812:

Can's wait for those games as it will really sort out what's what amongst our fanbases. There haven't been any games played between us for a long time and it will be great to settle it on the field.
You WON'T be saying this afterwards, b/c WE ARE GONNA KICK YOUR A$$

And I guarantee that Ped St. will cancel the series soon after....