Not Sports related and New to this site but Do you believe in the afterlife?

Yes, but I do not believe in eternal punishment…It has been misinterpreted by scholars for centuries. The concept of “eternal punishment” was introduced into Christianity in the 2nd century.

It is not biblical as well.. Go to YouTube and search for “is eternal punishment biblical”. You will find many videos on the subject. My conclusion is that eternal punishment does not exist. A purgatory state is what is real.

The wages of sin is death, not eternal punishment.,.
So, Paterno escaped any retribution for the horrors he caused enabling Sandusky? That’s awful to contemplate
Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
Oh my...
That's like trying to define infinity.

Recently, scientists have hypothesized, not proven, that our universe is finite and has boundaries. Also, they hypothesize that there are multiple universes outside our universe. How did they get there? Some "force" made our universe and other universes, if they do exist. How do you explain all of this without the existence of some supreme force or being like God, or whatever name we humans assign to that being? We don't have the words or numbers or laws to explain any of this.
I find this one of the most fascinating and interesting things we can discuss. But that "bigness" and the "humanizing" of God just is nonsensical. If there truly is a supreme being, I thing there is no "god's plan" for an individual and he certainly could care less if I attend church on Sunday.

I think we created God. We need something to make sense of nature. It was also convenient to apply obedience to rules within communities with this structure. But the fact that so many regions have so divergent mythologies or religions on how it is structured and hierarchy, it reeks of humans once completely separated from each other all having their theories on how life has evolved that became their dogma, their religion.
If Hell, as depicted in pop culture, did exist, I would absolutely not wish it upon anybody. Any eternity of torture for a miniscule period of Earthly sins? No way, man.

But that's one of the things I have always found interesting: Like, if you DO believe in that notion of Heaven and Hell, well then my goodness - why would you do anything on this Earth other than perform constant acts of charity? No amount of sacrifice during your short stint on Earth would be unjustified when eternity is at stake.
I find this one of the most fascinating and interesting things we can discuss. But that "bigness" and the "humanizing" of God just is nonsensical. If there truly is a supreme being, I thing there is no "god's plan" for an individual and he certainly could care less if I attend church on Sunday.

I think we created God. We need something to make sense of nature. It was also convenient to apply obedience to rules within communities with this structure. But the fact that so many regions have so divergent mythologies or religions on how it is structured and hierarchy, it reeks of humans once completely separated from each other all having their theories on how life has evolved that became their dogma, their religion.

Yeah, that's the thing. I mean, every society that has ever existed has either concocted their own story or adopted and/or merged with someone else's stories to "explain it all." I'm supposed to believe this one just so happens to be correct, because the Romans were really good at war and forced it upon the nations they conquered? And if I was born in China, well of course theirs just so happens to be THE correct version. And so forth and so on. Religion has always been a means for hope and also a means for control.
Many really good thoughts....well done folks! It does come down to faith as it is not verifiable. Maybe we can sick AI on this subject and let it burn its motors out! haha
As I have been deconstructing, I've been looking at some of this. There is a long history of subjective and unintentional misinterpretations of the language in the texts. When you consider that the religious institutions (broadly gesturing) are so wealthy and powerful, it is much easier to consider why they may choose to tilt things in their own direction. There is also a tendency to cherry pick long abandon ancient laws that are referenced in the text as absolute and use them to demonize people.

I've arrived somewhere around the notion that the message of "just be a good person and take care of each other" is probably the most positive influence that religion provides. Gets pushed pretty heavily to the kids but ends up being overshadowed or abandoned when you head upstairs and the rhetoric clouds up the message. That's been my experience, at least. I quit organized religion when a self-ordained pastor that was hired by the local church I attended started popping racist jokes on a Sunday morning and the loudest retort from the congregation was a series of "A-men's". He was eventually canned but only because he wanted more money. I've walked away and haven't looked back.

So you believe as Homer Simpson does...

“I’m not a bad guy! I work hard, and I love my kids. So why should I spend half my Sunday hearing about how I’m going to hell?” - Homer Simpson :)

I still go to church on Sundays, but I understand peoples distain for organized religion. I go there to pray and seek wisdom.

I believe in a loving and forgiving God. As I said previously, it takes a lot of faith to believe that something came from nothing. Christians may fear the pain of physical death but embrace Heaven. Atheist fear the possibility God exist (My opinion).

This concept of eternal punishment is the main reason many reject Christianity.

The Greek plain text which the original scriptures were written in tells a different story. The word they used often was "aionion"…

He’s not a scholar, but he explains it well…


A longer explanation…

I believe the afterlife is a new life. When you die, you are reincarnated into something new to this earth.
As I said previously, it takes a lot of faith to believe that something came from nothing.

It was easy for me to believe in God. Always someone to talk to... a safety net... and reason to attach some sense to it all.

But not believing... that takes faith, too. You're willing to bet on this life being all you'll ever get. Instead of dedicating five hours per week (random estimate) to religion in order to preserve your eternal soul, you'll take those five hours per week back just to have another 10,000 hours freed up on Earth.

Depends on your perspective, I guess. But I see the latter as a hell (no pun intended) of a gamble.
If Hell, as depicted in pop culture, did exist, I would absolutely not wish it upon anybody. Any eternity of torture for a miniscule period of Earthly sins? No way, man.

But that's one of the things I have always found interesting: Like, if you DO believe in that notion of Heaven and Hell, well then my goodness - why would you do anything on this Earth other than perform constant acts of charity? No amount of sacrifice during your short stint on Earth would be unjustified when eternity is at stake.
Ahhhhh but there's the rub. There is one specific religion, or at least an extreme version of it, that states what we do here doesn't matter. Pol Pot, Hitler, Dahmer, etc...all are in heaven their pledge allegiance to the lord, and say Mother Theresa or Ghandi didn't, well they are doomed to an eternity of hell.

I just find that strange, you would think this is the dress rehearsal if all of that (heaven, hell, etc..) is true. Not, it just doesn't matter.
It was easy for me to believe in God. Always someone to talk to... a safety net... and reason to attach some sense to it all.

But not believing... that takes faith, too. You're willing to bet on this life being all you'll ever get. Instead of dedicating five hours per week (random estimate) to religion in order to preserve your eternal soul, you'll take those five hours per week back just to have another 10,000 hours freed up on Earth.

Depends on your perspective, I guess. But I see the latter as a hell (no pun intended) of a gamble.
That's where I am. I don't know. There is "faith" in either position. Right? Like I said, I have doubts, I profess I don't know (atheists are as annoying as vegans in telling you they are atheists).....I just have hope that there is more. And my general mostly good will be rewarded. But again, I can't imagine it is like Santa, checking a list, checking it twice, to find out who was naughty or nice. Which if you think about that, that (Santa) is rooted in all of this Christian dogma.
Again, if heaven is the ultimate paradise, wouldn't it be constant, egregious torture for all eternity to know you've been excluded? Not sure why something sadistic would be worse.
Eh. He and his followers would just try to redefine their relative comfort as the “true” heaven. And that Heaven isn’t REALLY heaven with out them in it. Kind of like how they claim a recruit that doesn’t choose them isn’t PsU material.

For this reason, they need to be perpetually burned.
That's where I am. I don't know. There is "faith" in either position. Right? Like I said, I have doubts, I profess I don't know (atheists are as annoying as vegans in telling you they are atheists).....I just have hope that there is more. And my general mostly good will be rewarded. But again, I can't imagine it is like Santa, checking a list, checking it twice, to find out who was naughty or nice. Which if you think about that, that (Santa) is rooted in all of this Christian dogma.

I don't identify as atheist. I just see so many flaws in religion that I tend to engage in heated discussions about it every time the topic comes up, haha. Actually, if anything, I kind of miss some of the nostalgia of it all. Not enough to be a faux follower of it or anything; I mostly just miss the sense of structure it brought to my worldly thought process (I mean, aside from missing silly things like how everyone's perfume and cologne meshed together, how the organ sounded, how the bread tasted, etc.). Before I had to go gluten free, I actually bought some communion wafers to snack on - missed it that much.

I'm actually vegan, too (haha, not kidding). That's another thing I don't go around and promote... if for no other reason than because I hate the stereotypes associated with doing though. But I get it - if you're vegan, you're passionate about that... so you kind of want to wear it on your sleeve in hopes that others will emulate your passion. That's why I have no problem with "Jesus freaks," as one might call them. I mean, if the setting was right I would probably engage in a fierce debate with them. But if I see someone on a sidewalk passing out pamphlets and preaching the word... shit, you do it, man. If that's what you believe, then why wouldn't you do that? More power to you. It's better than the ones who are only religious when they need it to prove a point.

I can't tell you how many friends I had whom I've watched fake so many behaviors just to fit in with the group on either side of the political spectrum. Like, ah... now you're this religious family man all of a sudden, just so you can gloat among your peers on that side of the political coin. But it wasn't all that long ago when we were at your bachelor party and you were in the room with those two strippers...

Or, on the other side... oh, now you're posting a picture of you with your vaccine card on Instagram. Hey, remember when the other guy was in office talking about a vaccine and you proclaimed, "Over my dead body would I ever let someone inject me with some experimental drug; those things take years to test properly!"

I mean, I'm definitely veering of on a tangent. Point being - if you're truly religious, even though I'm not, and you want to go all in... I commend you.
One thing that does tug on my nerves a bit with my parents, though, is their dedication to structured religion. Like, they cancel plans to make sure they get to church each week (e.g. "We can't go now because we missed church last night so we have to go today instead."). And then they give a nice amount of money away each week that I'm quite confident would be more helpful if it went elsewhere. And then even just silly things, like my dad (who also has celiac disease) taking communion when my grandma died... like, hell yeah, dad; eat that bread! That'll get Mom Mom to Heaven!

But they do like nothing else in their lives that would ever lead you to believe they're religious. Is going to church (which is like 65% the same exact thing every week anyway) and cutting a check to some priest's cost of living fund really going to tilt the scales? I don't know. I was never good at church, though. Always used to get in trouble. Even when I was a toddler, we were asked to leave because I stood on the pew, stomped my foot until I had the priest's attention, and proceeded to ask, "Where is God? I demand you show him to me."
I think the odds are that there is no afterlife. On the other hand, it would seem really unfair if some truly horrible people like Adolf Hitler and others aren’t burning in Hell, so I’m hoping there is a Hell (even though my religion doesn’t believe there is one).

If there is a Heaven, I don’t really care unless the Rainbow Bridge is true and I will be reunited there with the pets I have lost. If there are no animals then it shouldn’t be called Heaven.
I find this one of the most fascinating and interesting things we can discuss. But that "bigness" and the "humanizing" of God just is nonsensical. If there truly is a supreme being, I thing there is no "god's plan" for an individual and he certainly could care less if I attend church on Sunday.

I think we created God. We need something to make sense of nature. It was also convenient to apply obedience to rules within communities with this structure. But the fact that so many regions have so divergent mythologies or religions on how it is structured and hierarchy, it reeks of humans once completely separated from each other all having their theories on how life has evolved that became their dogma, their religion.

Yes, God can't be humanized in any way, shape or form. A God can't be quantified, heard, or seen in the traditional senses of how we humans interpret those words. But I do believe there is a God, a supreme force and Jesus was the incarnation of that supreme force. I have no idea how that happened as I wasn't there as far as I know. All I know is that I believe that there is a God and there is a Son of God and I pray to each of them for inspiration and guidance for my life. I believe that we are on this earth for this millisecond to help each other do our best and live lives that are full and fulfilling and full of love.

I also believe that ALL faiths are part of the consciousness of God or whatever it is that may be there. I know that true Christians believe that the ONLY way to get to heaven, as they believe there is one, is by believing in your heart that Christ is your savior. They believe that people like Hitler can be in heaven if he believes on his deathbed that Christ is his savior. They also believe that a Jew who lived a true giving and moral life can't be in heaven because strictly speaking, Jews don't believe that Christ is their savior. I view that as a pompous perspective and belief. That's where I lose it with Christians who call themselves Christians. If they were, they wouldn't have such narrow-minded beliefs.
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When Jesus came back from the dead for 40 days, do you think he partied a lot. Thinking everybody was buying him shots, and he was jumping on stage singing with all the best bands of the time. And the ladies, forget about it!!!!!!!
Yes, God can't be humanized in any way, shape or form. A God can't be quantified, heard, or seen in the traditional senses of how we humans interpret those words. But I do believe there is a God, a supreme force and Jesus was the incarnation of that supreme force. I have no idea how that happened as I wasn't there as far as I know. All I know is that I believe that there is a God and there is a Son of God and I pray to each of them for inspiration and guidance for my life. I believe that we are on this earth for this millisecond to help each other do our best and live lives that are full and fulfilling and full of love.

I also believe that ALL faiths are part of the consciousness of God or whatever it is that may be there. I know that true Christians believe that the ONLY way to get to heaven, as they believe there is one, is by believing in your heart that Christ is your savior. They believe that people like Hitler can be in heaven if he believes on his deathbed that Christ is his savior. They also believe that a Jew who lived a true giving and moral life can't be in heaven because strictly speaking, Jews don't believe that Christ is their savior. I view that as a pompous perspective and belief. That's where I lose it with Christians who call themselves Christians. If they were, they wouldn't have such narrow-minded beliefs.

I kind of see both sides of it. On one hand, the fact that Catholics are constantly bending the rules to let more and more people in as attendance wanes... well, did they ever have much of a belief system in the first place?

In general, most people I've known seem to interpret the Bible and religion in a way that suits them best. If they're a ruthless, throw-the-book-at-'em person, they'll cite the eye for an eye bits in the Old Testament. If they have a more loving and forgiving heart, they'll talk about turning the other cheek. If a husband wants to cheat, well adultery doesn't really matter. If a wife wants to leave, we'll divorce doesn't really matter.
I think the odds are that there is no afterlife. On the other hand, it would seem really unfair if some truly horrible people like Adolf Hitler and others aren’t burning in Hell, so I’m hoping there is a Hell (even though my religion doesn’t believe there is one).

If there is a Heaven, I don’t really care unless the Rainbow Bridge is true and I will be reunited there with the pets I have lost. If there are no animals then it shouldn’t be called Heaven.
LOL Mike. Amen to that.
If Hell, as depicted in pop culture, did exist, I would absolutely not wish it upon anybody. Any eternity of torture for a miniscule period of Earthly sins? No way, man.

But that's one of the things I have always found interesting: Like, if you DO believe in that notion of Heaven and Hell, well then my goodness - why would you do anything on this Earth other than perform constant acts of charity? No amount of sacrifice during your short stint on Earth would be unjustified when eternity is at stake.
You realize that you just really came close to articulated a large chunk of Christian theology: eternity is at stake but it is impossible to perform constant acts of charity and sacrifice. No one can justify themselves.

It may not be the best idea to judge a particular message by self-proclaimed adherents since, in the first place, one essence of that particular message is that no one is able to adhere to the prescribed standard. Warnings of religiosity and hypocrisy are a big theme which everyone ultimately fails.

Is there a message? Is there a creator that has attempted to reach out to the creation?
Of course, I believe there is an afterlife. I also believe there is a Heaven and a Hell. Heaven is not gained by good works and Hell is not assigned based on sins as some have stated/implied here.
I read the PSU board, they were kinda sad they had no rivals when the B10 handed out games...
some wished for
Yes, and those "bright light" near death experiences have been absolutely shredded by scientists. Not quite as much as the Bible has been objectively shredded, though.

That said, I'm all for people believing in whatever gets them through the day. So be it.
How has the Bible been shredded? Lol TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE!

Jesus Christ is the most documented person in human history, if it were a lie then why did the other 11 disciples die for a “lie”? That must have been one heck of a troll job amiright? Heyyy let’s be beheaded, stoned, stabbed and crucified upside down to keep the joke going!

If you don’t have faith or choose to believe then that’s on you, but there is nothing shredded about the Bible.

For those that are on the fence ask God for help, ask him for forgiveness for your sins.

In times when I had doubt I read about miracles that have happened, my favorite is reading and listening to stories about Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Tilma, outside of the crucifixion and Resurrection it is the greatest miracle God has given us. It is truly mind blowing
How has the Bible been shredded? Lol TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE!

Jesus Christ is the most documented person in human history, if it were a lie then why did the other 11 disciples die for a “lie”? That must have been one heck of a troll job amiright? Heyyy let’s be beheaded, stoned, stabbed and crucified upside down to keep the joke going!

If you don’t have faith or choose to believe then that’s on you, but there is nothing shredded about the Bible.

For those that are on the fence ask God for help, ask him for forgiveness for your sins.

In times when I had doubt I read about miracles that have happened, my favorite is reading and listening to stories about Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Tilma, outside of the crucifixion and Resurrection it is the greatest miracle God has given us. It is truly mind blowing
first post I seen of this guy. Love em.
Yes, but I do not believe in eternal punishment…It has been misinterpreted by scholars for centuries. The concept of “eternal punishment” was introduced into Christianity in the 2nd century.

It is not biblical as well.. Go to YouTube and search for “is eternal punishment biblical”. You will find many videos on the subject. My conclusion is that eternal punishment does not exist. A purgatory state is what is real.

The wages of sin is death, not eternal punishment.,.
Death has been defeated by the Resurrection, Eternal punishment is certainly a thing.
Again, if heaven is the ultimate paradise, wouldn't it be constant, egregious torture for all eternity to know you've been excluded? Not sure why something sadistic would be worse.
Hell is Eternal punishment and a complete absence of God.
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I kind of see both sides of it. On one hand, the fact that Catholics are constantly bending the rules to let more and more people in as attendance wanes... well, did they ever have much of a belief system in the first place?

In general, most people I've known seem to interpret the Bible and religion in a way that suits them best. If they're a ruthless, throw-the-book-at-'em person, they'll cite the eye for an eye bits in the Old Testament. If they have a more loving and forgiving heart, they'll talk about turning the other cheek. If a husband wants to cheat, well adultery doesn't really matter. If a wife wants to leave, we'll divorce doesn't really matter.
These are called Mortal Sins, people can justify and interpret them anyway they choose to make themselves feel better but if you die with Mortal sins then there is only one place you’ll go.
Of course, I believe there is an afterlife. I also believe there is a Heaven and a Hell. Heaven is not gained by good works and Hell is not assigned based on sins as some have stated/implied here.
But there is a key phrase here. "I believe". I am humble enough to say "I don't know". Therefore it is hard to believe. I know faith and stuff, but again I hate to bring up something as trivial as Santa Claus, but at one time we all had faith, belief that he was traveling the world in a sled, led by reindeer on Christmas Eve to deliver presents to the good. The analogy to god and heaven is not really that far from that.
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Mind you I respect anyone's views and opinions here. It is why this is such a fascinating topic to discuss. Probably best served with some nice bourbon and a bong hit or three. I don't know. But I often sit on my deck, late at night and look up and just cannot comprehend the vastness. I am an engineer/scientist by trade. "Trust the science". And there is no math that can explain this. Which is what makes it fascinating. On the surface in saying this, you can say "score one for God". But then I think of things logically, mathematically and it doesn't add up.

On another thing, and at the risk of being Doc Von Y, what I find most dangerous in this country is religion has been replaced. We now worship at the alter of a political party. So we accept, (faith ya know) all the bullshit that goes with either side. That is the most idiotic thing I have ever seen. People are eschewing common sense to worship at the alter of red or blue. I mean, I can understand God. Worshipping and having blind faith in something that is unknown and unproveable. I can't understand it politically because it is known and very easily proven (mostly bad). What is wrong with us???
These are called Mortal Sins, people can justify and interpret them anyway they choose to make themselves feel better but if you die with Mortal sins then there is only one place you’ll go.

I went to Catholic school in the 60’s and 70’s. I was taught that if you ate a hot dog on Friday during Lent and died choking on it, you would go straight to Hell and burn for eternity because that was a mortal sin. So If that was the case, I’d be sitting next to Hitler in Hell.

How do you square that?

There is a difference between the word of God and church doctrine. Much of the church doctrine is not Biblical. Many things such as eternal torment, Limbo, the virginity of Mary, etc…

If you want to aspire people to believe in God and Jesus as our Savior, you need to educate yourself on why you believe the things you do. That means educating yourself.

Saying that: “If you die a sinner you will burn for all eternity !”, inspires no one. It creates rejection.

On your direct point to me: “Death has been defeated by the Resurrection, Eternal punishment is certainly a thing.”

As I said in a previous post, the original scriptures was written in Greek. The original scriptures contradict the meaning of eternal. It refers to an “age” as in a lifetime (a temporary corrective punishment for your sins), not “ages” which means eternity. But unfortunately, St Augustin didn’t like the Greeks so the language was changed. That is fact.

In the case of people like Hitler, the corrective punishment may in deed be eternal separation from God.

That is what I believe based on the evidence, but you are welcome to believe what you want.

I believe God is a loving, just and forgiving God.
Mind you I respect anyone's views and opinions here. It is why this is such a fascinating topic to discuss. Probably best served with some nice bourbon and a bong hit or three. I don't know. But I often sit on my deck, late at night and look up and just cannot comprehend the vastness. I am an engineer/scientist by trade. "Trust the science". And there is no math that can explain this. Which is what makes it fascinating. On the surface in saying this, you can say "score one for God". But then I think of things logically, mathematically and it doesn't add up.

On another thing, and at the risk of being Doc Von Y, what I find most dangerous in this country is religion has been replaced. We now worship at the alter of a political party. So we accept, (faith ya know) all the bullshit that goes with either side. That is the most idiotic thing I have ever seen. People are eschewing common sense to worship at the alter of red or blue. I mean, I can understand God. Worshipping and having blind faith in something that is unknown and unproveable. I can't understand it politically because it is known and very easily proven (mostly bad). What is wrong with us???

I saw 2 really good points in this response:

1) There just isn't any scientific evidence, numerical evidence or empirical evidence of any kind o support God as the Creator. It goes way beyond science, which is what we always count on to explain everything. Science can't explain the Resurrection.
2) It is true that America has lost religion and faith. It is one of the reasons that we are now so divided so extremely. In history, which we actually can read about and is actually factual, those civilizations that lost religion and replaced it with something else, like politics, were doomed to become something terrible socially, fundamentally and historically. It's happened over and over and without exception, given time. Look it up in the teachings of Karl Marx and what happened to socialist and communist states.

Yes, indeed. What is wrong with us?
Science does explain the existence of God. It’s called the third law of thermodynamics. It would be impossible to form the world and reduce entropy without some outside force Something had to reduce the entropy of the universe in going from completely randomized molecules to this incredible structured world and human body

Clearly I believe in God and more importantly Jesus Christ. I will be the first to admit that I’m far from perfect and at times am not a great advertisement for Christ. But that’s just the point We are all sinners which is why Christ came and died for our sins. Knowing that I don’t allow others behavior to influence my faith in God/Christ. Man is flawed and subject to sin so it’s not surprising that Christian leaders (priests, ministers etc) are also subject to sin So it’s not surprising that religions (Catholic Protestant etc) are all flawed as they are made up of men who are flawed I see organize religion as a fellowship we choose to participate in to worship God and support each others faith in God. It’s why I’m not a fan of the larger church but the local community church. As an example I think the larger Catholic Church and in particular this pope are corrupt and don’t support them. I do however believe our local church has a man truly filled with the spirit of God

Regarding hell I do believe there is a hell and I believe hell is essentially eternally being separated from God and our loved ones who are with God.

I also believe Satan exists whose goal is to deceive us and separate us from God.

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