Off-topic posts

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SMF is typical lib. Everyone that disagrees with him is wrong and needs to be silenced. He screams racism at first hint of a differing opinion. He gets offended at the drop of a hat.

Dude should be a professor at pitt for as open minded as he is.
Just because the righties were more knowledgable and ballsy enough to start threads has ZERO to do with your fantasy of lefties being outnumbered 5-1 or 10-1.
You're really nipping at that hyperbole bottle today.

Funny how all of a sudden when the sub forum is now shut down and unsearchable you can *recall* all these little tidbits we cant verify

Heres only 7 lefties.


Now name me 35-70 righties please.
He’s off his nut.
But it is SMF so go figure
This is actually the perfect thread for an off topic forum. If only there was one.

I will moderate it.

KanePA... Not Pleased!
That’s how one of the national boards work, the College Football Soundoff board. One big thread for political talk and civil discussion, instead of a separate board altogether. It works well.
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Out of all the things I would do to make Pantherlair better......eliminating the locker room would not have been in my top 100.

I hope you stay true to your new “policy” and delete all threads about politics.

If you really wanted to make a change for the better:

1.) find a way to prevent posters from having multiple handles.
2.) find a way to limit non Pitt fans from posting here. A 10 day wait period imo is a good way.
3.) find a way to limit the PSU threads and ban them like the political posts for good in 2 years after they are no longer an opponent.
I think what would also help is the ability to IP-ban the PSU trolls who come over here, which means they wouldn’t be able to create separate accounts. However, I think Rivals discontinued this option for mods in 2016 and if you’d want to do it, you’d have to contact Yahoo’s IT team.
Out of all the things I would do to make Pantherlair better......eliminating the locker room would not have been in my top 100.

I hope you stay true to your new “policy” and delete all threads about politics.

If you really wanted to make a change for the better:

1.) find a way to prevent posters from having multiple handles.
2.) find a way to limit non Pitt fans from posting here. A 10 day wait period imo is a good way.
3.) find a way to limit the PSU threads and ban them like the political posts for good in 2 years after they are no longer an opponent.
I think what would also help is the ability to IP-ban the PSU trolls who come over here, which means they wouldn’t be able to create separate accounts. However, I think Rivals discontinued this option for mods in 2016 and if you’d want to do it, you’d have to contact Yahoo’s IT team.

I think Yahoo sold not too long ago but i get your point.

Let me just say, i had a little issue that needed handled through the Yahoo IT dept and even after being served with a subpoena they were sketchy on how to do an IP trap and trace.
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I think what would also help is the ability to IP-ban the PSU trolls who come over here, which means they wouldn’t be able to create separate accounts. However, I think Rivals discontinued this option for mods in 2016 and if you’d want to do it, you’d have to contact Yahoo’s IT team.

Can I triple like this?
Out of all the things I would do to make Pantherlair better......eliminating the locker room would not have been in my top 100.

I hope you stay true to your new “policy” and delete all threads about politics.

If you really wanted to make a change for the better:

1.) find a way to prevent posters from having multiple handles.
2.) find a way to limit non Pitt fans from posting here. A 10 day wait period imo is a good way.
3.) find a way to limit the PSU threads and ban them like the political posts for good in 2 years after they are no longer an opponent.

Anything else you'd like to eliminate to fit your insinuative ?
I think what would also help is the ability to IP-ban the PSU trolls who come over here, which means they wouldn’t be able to create separate accounts. However, I think Rivals discontinued this option for mods in 2016 and if you’d want to do it, you’d have to contact Yahoo’s IT team.
Not sure where you came up with the 2016 date, but we still have the ability to ban an IP address.

Two problems:

1. People can pretty easily mask their IP address or use a VPN to browse the internet anonymously, which renders the IP ban more or less useless.

2. IP addresses get shared or reassigned (by internet service providers? I don't really know the science). So I've seen instances where a clear and present troll is posting, I check the IP address and find 20 other usernames associated with that IP address - oftentimes including long-time posters who would clearly not be trolling.

As such, given the ineffectiveness of IP bans and the potential to disrupt the user experience for other posters, we've been hesitant to go that route except in the most extreme cases (we've had a few this year).
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Below: Chris Peak chilling out, reading this thread on his computer and feeling good about himself tonight...
Anyone see Infinity War? I have a vision of Peak, looking like Thanos at the end of the movie...after he snapped his finger, half of the universe was gone, and he achieved his goal.
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The locker room was way more fun to read than any other board. I enjoyed reading posts from posters with different opinions than mine. In fact i sought out there posts among the ones from posters that I usually agreed with. It was usually done in entertaining fashion

I enjoyed DOP/CMU&Pitt/EHT/Johnny Gentile calling me a p*ssy and sh-tface because I think people have to work to get something
I enjoyed Pitt81 reminding me how stupid and racist I am because I want more than just US citizens to have to go through customs with a valid passport to get into the country.
I enjoyed Souf telling me I had a small penis because I support gun rights
Now I may forget all this stuff without the Locker Room

Now we will all be stuck here with a bunch of yinzers thinking the 70s was the best time ever, and want to discuss 3 star v 4 star recruits....and relate everything back to PSU.
I wasn’t in the Locker Room for over a week and I’m trying to figure what broke the camel’s back to cause this shut down? For years there was very heated political discussion. This could not now be the reason?

But could there have been racial slurs posted that were very offensive? Particularly at This time it would be at the detriment of the University and its image, and it could hurt recruiting. This is what I’m wondering about.
I can tell you what happened. There was a post about the 2 cops struggling to arrest a black man in Eastern PA and the black guy got a gun and shot both officers. I made a comment that included the words “Dinndu Nuffin” and immediately was berated by the Lefties for being racist. One of them complained to Chris and Chris shut it down. Apparently, racist overtone has been a long standing issue on that board, mainly from the 3 leftists on the board.

I am going to miss @Swervin27 posts the most. You had a little more liberty to say what you wanted over there, and his posts were amazing.

CMU and his sissyness reported it....
Not sure where you came up with the 2016 date, but we still have the ability to ban an IP address.

Two problems:

1. People can pretty easily mask their IP address or use a VPN to browse the internet anonymously, which renders the IP ban more or less useless.

2. IP addresses get shared or reassigned (by internet service providers? I don't really know the science). So I've seen instances where a clear and present troll is posting, I check the IP address and find 20 other usernames associated with that IP address - oftentimes including long-time posters who would clearly not be trolling.

As such, given the ineffectiveness of IP bans and the potential to disrupt the user experience for other posters, we've been hesitant to go that route except in the most extreme cases (we've had a few this year).
Okay, thanks for the clarification. I only used that because the national board’s mod said Yahoo took that away from them a while ago, with an exception in 2016. Perhaps you’re still able to since this is a home board and not a national board, which is owned/operated by Yahoo?
Not sure where you came up with the 2016 date, but we still have the ability to ban an IP address.

Two problems:

1. People can pretty easily mask their IP address or use a VPN to browse the internet anonymously, which renders the IP ban more or less useless.

2. IP addresses get shared or reassigned (by internet service providers? I don't really know the science). So I've seen instances where a clear and present troll is posting, I check the IP address and find 20 other usernames associated with that IP address - oftentimes including long-time posters who would clearly not be trolling.

As such, given the ineffectiveness of IP bans and the potential to disrupt the user experience for other posters, we've been hesitant to go that route except in the most extreme cases (we've had a few this year).

Right. The IP ban with technology anymore is worhtless....which is why I say give new handles a 7-10 day wait period. Most people who want to troll, are bored and want to screw with people now. If i have to wait 10 days, i’ll get over it and find something else to do.
Actually, I asked a question over there would you rather have a Pitt fan neighbor who was a Democrat or a Penn State fan neighbor who was a Republican. Everyone who answered went with the PSU Republican. The folks over there are Republican fanboys more than anything. There are some, like NCPitt, who I don't remember ever seeing him post on a Pitt sports board.

Really? Everyone? Did I? More lies and generalizations. You are just as guilty and deceiving as those you decry. You are almost a caricature of yourself. To be honest, I could care less on either accounts if they are good people.

I said everyone who answered. Not everyone.

As for me, Pitt fandom is more important than most things, politics included. I'd rather have a Pitt fan neighbor that didn't agree with me politically than a PSU one that did. Would rather discuss Narduzzi recruiting and relive the glory days of Pitt bball than have a political discussion
I said everyone who answered. Not everyone.

As for me, Pitt fandom is more important than most things, politics included. I'd rather have a Pitt fan neighbor that didn't agree with me politically than a PSU one that did. Would rather discuss Narduzzi recruiting and relive the glory days of Pitt bball than have a political discussion

For someone who says he doesn’t want to discuss politics you sure seem to bring it up a lot.

Agree with you about the neighbor though, I would take a Pitt fan over a PSU fan under nearly any circumstances.
I said everyone who answered. Not everyone.

As for me, Pitt fandom is more important than most things, politics included. I'd rather have a Pitt fan neighbor that didn't agree with me politically than a PSU one that did. Would rather discuss Narduzzi recruiting and relive the glory days of Pitt bball than have a political discussion

For someone who says he doesn’t want to discuss politics you sure seem to bring it up a lot.

Agree with you about the neighbor though, I would take a Pitt fan over a PSU fan under nearly any circumstances.

Mostly in responses. I only bring it up in this thread in reaponse to people being flabbergasted about why it was removed. It doesn’t take a Pitt education to figure it out. It got way out of hand. Sad, but true.
2. IP addresses get shared or reassigned (by internet service providers? I don't really know the science).

If you turn off or reboot your modem/router you are very likely going to be assigned a new IP address when you reconnect to the internet. If I posted something right now, rebooted my router and then posted something a minute from now the IP address that those two posts come from would be completely different. Well, not "completely" different because of the way IP addresses are assigned, but they absolutely would not be the same.
Hey, I am "unprincipled" according to some righties because I don't agree with all things Trump and right. So I guess we need some room for middle of the road, unprincipled moderates, because at the end of the day, I think there are probably more of us than any others.
If you're referring to my calling you unprincipled, it has nothing to do with being "right". Those on the left and and the right both have principles that guide their positions on issues. Those in the middle - like you claim to be - have no guidance. I really don't know how you can make a decision on an issue when you claim to be in the middle...unless its just how you feel at that particular moment.
SMF is typical lib. Everyone that disagrees with him is wrong and needs to be silenced. He screams racism at first hint of a differing opinion. He gets offended at the drop of a hat.

Dude should be a professor at pitt for as open minded as he is.
I think we also now know who was one of the complainers. I am sure he was constantly running to the powers that be crying about racist posts. Everything to him is racist. Part of a major problem in this country today. Liberals have learned that screaming racism constantly shuts down the discussion which they know they can't win. Point is proven here. Chris takes down the locker room due to this type of complaining or just a basic fear that finally the racism will actually exist. Sad.
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Ok I think everyone has gotten the message, so I’m going to lock this thread. As always, feel free to contact me if you want to discuss further the moderation of the boards.

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