OT: Active shooter(s) on the loose after mass shooting in San Bernadino....


Board of Trustee
Gold Member
Mar 16, 2004
It happened at a Developmentally Disabled facility and they exited in a black SUV. At least 14 dead. Who shoots autistic adults? Although it appears it was centered in a conference room. Probably semi-automatic guns. Not saying if it was terrorism. So very sad.

(Edit: Shooting occurred in a conference room full of government employees having a meeting? lunch? Apparent it was carefully planned.)
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It happened at a Developmentally Disabled facility and they exited in a black SUV. At least 14 dead. Who shoots autistic adults? Although it appears it was centered in a conference room. Probably semi-automatic guns. Not saying if it was terrorism. So very sad.

(Edit: Shooting occurred in a conference room full of government employees having a meeting? lunch? Apparent it was carefully planned.)

The employees were having a Christmas party. Make no mistake. All these shootings can be classified as terrorism by definition of the word.
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Appears there has been a shoot out with the suspect(s) in a San Bernadino neighborhood. Relieved they found him/them.
It's the 2nd mass shooting today. It overshaddowed one this AM where 1 was killed and 4 injured.
There's been 355 total so far this year according to FiveThirtyEight.
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Why bother talking about it? America announced its tolerance for brutality when, nearly three years ago, someone stormed a classroom full of 1st graders, blew their brains out, and we did nothing. N-o-t-h-i-n-g. If nearly two dozen slain elementary students can't move Americans toward real and substantive change, nothing can. As long as we have a sick, deranged pro-gun culture in this country, Sandy Hook's and Aurora's and San Bernardino's will be regular occurrences.
I don't care whose political agenda gets bruised... We have s problem .. It's every day.. And I'm tired of gutless windbag pols who make every pro gun decision on the basis of some absurd "scoring" they receive from the NRA... When gun owners are polled they agree with making many of the changes proposed...something like 90% polled after Sandy Hook agreed... Then the NRA starts their crap...
Guess what people the FBI is involved and at the press conference the FBI local LA director indicated this could be International terrorism so hold off on passing judgement until the investigation is concluded. If this was a clear local incident it would be handled local and state law enforcement.
Really...? So I guess the FBI wasn't involved with McVeighs bombing? Get real.. It's a mass shooting with possible explosives ...that's why the FBI is involved... The statement made in no way implicated international terrorism ... I heard the guy word for word ... They are going where the evidence leads...period... And that changes nothing in regards to back round checks nor does it matter whose terrorism it is...domestic or international
Really...? So I guess the FBI wasn't involved with McVeighs bombing? Get real.. It's a mass shooting with possible explosives ...that's why the FBI is involved... The statement made in no way implicated international terrorism ... I heard the guy word for word ... They are going where the evidence leads...period... And that changes nothing in regards to back round checks nor does it matter whose terrorism it is...domestic or international
So odd that one of them is a female. VERY rare.
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Boyfriend and girlfriend ? Husband and wife?.... Who knows but yep kinda odd.
Why bother talking about it? America announced its tolerance for brutality when, nearly three years ago, someone stormed a classroom full of 1st graders, blew their brains out, and we did nothing. N-o-t-h-i-n-g. If nearly two dozen slain elementary students can't move Americans toward real and substantive change, nothing can. As long as we have a sick, deranged pro-gun culture in this country, Sandy Hook's and Aurora's and San Bernardino's will be regular occurrences.
You are absolutely right. We will hear lots of talk about praying for the victims and their families. We will have memorial services. And then everything will go right back to where it was.

And we will do it all again next week, or the week after.
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You are absolutely right. We will hear lots of talk about praying for the victims and their families. We will have memorial services. And then everything will go right back to where it was.

And we will do it all again next week, or the week after.
TMZ is reporting the dispute at the party in the conference room lead to the shooting. Somebody involved left and came back with others. Usually TMZ is spot on, but this sounds like it was so well coordinated - how do you do that in the heat of the moment?
Hmmmm combine that with my husband wife theory/guess... What if one or the other were a disgruntled employee...who just happens to be near the end of their rope and also happens to be well armed with a spouse at home..and lives nearby...?.... Crazy theory... Probably ... ? Who knows?
One of the shooters has been identified as Sayed Farook, a US citizen, who worked for the county as a health inspector. His father said he was a very, very religious Muslim. Coincidence? I guess we'll find out.
I don't care whose political agenda gets bruised... We have s problem .. It's every day.. And I'm tired of gutless windbag pols who make every pro gun decision on the basis of some absurd "scoring" they receive from the NRA... When gun owners are polled they agree with making many of the changes proposed...something like 90% polled after Sandy Hook agreed... Then the NRA starts their crap...
If we ban guns the nut bags, bad guys and terrorists will never have guns, correct? Just like drugs are illegal but junkies and druggies still have all they want. What a joke. Let's start calling a spade a spade, terrorist!
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It is also incredibly, and I mean I don't think it's ever happened before, rare that the shooters fled after. They've done studies and people who commit these mass shootings and such usually do it to become infamous. Usually they just wait there and don't care about getting arrested or kill themselves at the scene. So the fact these people jumped in an SUV and left the scene, meaning they weren't doing this to become notorious mass shooters and wanted to get away with the crime, is very odd IMO. Definitely an act of terrorism.
Hmmmmm...Muslim. The wife was just recently from Saudi Arabia. Coordinated. Filmed. Others involved booby trapping the apartment when they were doing the attack knowing police would return.....

Yes, just those typical, right wing Christian "mericans that leftist comics and talkies love to make fun of, abusing their guns rights. Has nothing to do with Radical Islam, right BO?

Look, I think assault weapons should be banned doubt....but this is what it is,. and it is interesting to see how the left is completely staying away from what it is, because it does not fit their political agenda. And to a similar extent, how the right is embracing the terrorism angle, because it is supporting theirs.
TMZ is reporting the dispute at the party in the conference room lead to the shooting. Somebody involved left and came back with others. Usually TMZ is spot on, but this sounds like it was so well coordinated - how do you do that in the heat of the moment?

Yeah ...

I mean, it's a meeting of county employees, social workers and the such, it goes bad and one of them comes back in body armor and assault weapons?
Hmmmmm...Muslim. The wife was just recently from Saudi Arabia. Coordinated. Filmed. Others involved booby trapping the apartment when they were doing the attack knowing police would return.....

Yes, just those typical, right wing Christian "mericans that leftist comics and talkies love to make fun of, abusing their guns rights. Has nothing to do with Radical Islam, right BO?

Look, I think assault weapons should be banned doubt....but this is what it is,. and it is interesting to see how the left is completely staying away from what it is, because it does not fit their political agenda. And to a similar extent, how the right is embracing the terrorism angle, because it is supporting theirs.

What is more sad is the relentless, breathless scramble and hope after one of these incidents that it ends up being someone other than the prior 300 to be able to point to the exception to say they are all the same ...

I mean, last one was a leftist transvestite, right?
One of the shooters has been identified as Sayed Farook, a US citizen, who worked for the county as a health inspector. His father said he was a very, very religious Muslim. Coincidence? I guess we'll find out.

So, a religious, conservative extremist?
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If we ban guns the nut bags, bad guys and terrorists will never have guns, correct? Just like drugs are illegal but junkies and druggies still have all they want. What a joke. Let's start calling a spade a spade, terrorist!

So I guess other countries are just smarter than us?

Other countries don't have this problem. Canada, UK, Japan, ect. The United States is the only country that habitually deals with DAILY mass shootings of innocent people. The United States has a gun culture problem. A classroom full of 6 year old's got slaughtered and we didn't do a darn thing. The gun lovers promote this and it's disgusting.

Radical Muslim's and the NRA are two peas in a pod. One worships a God, the other worships a Gun.
Get ready for a flurry of #PrayforSanBernardino Tweets and millions of "Thoughts and Prayers go out to the victims of the families in San Bernardino" Facebook posts.

Anyone know how to overlay an image of the California state flag on my facebook profile pic? I REALLY want to make a statement this time!
Get ready for a flurry of #PrayforSanBernardino Tweets and millions of "Thoughts and Prayers go out to the victims of the families in San Bernardino" Facebook posts.

Anyone know how to overlay an image of the California state flag on my facebook profile pic? I REALLY want to make a statement this time!

But this is a different issue. Sorry. France has among the toughest gun laws in the world. How'd that help?

Look again I am not saying our gun laws and the refusal to acknowledge a problem is not bad It is. But this is looking more and more like another act brought to you by radical Islam fundamentalism. And the left led by CNN into more referendum on gun control
Get ready for a flurry of #PrayforSanBernardino Tweets and millions of "Thoughts and Prayers go out to the victims of the families in San Bernardino" Facebook posts.

Anyone know how to overlay an image of the California state flag on my facebook profile pic? I REALLY want to make a statement this time!

Channeling the Ped defender John Ziegler? He tweeted pretty much the same thing last night.
What's odd is that in a society that is supposedly so overwrought with guns, nobody ever shoots back at these turds until law enforcement shows up. Just noticing that this morning.

It's also sad that we lose our minds over thirty people getting shot in one of these incidents but that's pretty much an average body count for a summer weekend in Chicago or Baltimore and nobody really seems to care.
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Again. Don't let it turn into what a group who cannot even bring themselves to say "radical Islam" want to turn this.

These guys had IEDs and other devices. Don't think stricter gun laws prevent this.
Again. Focus libbies focus. Just like Bernie Sanders blaming ISIS attacks on climate change. The Dems never miss an opportunity to use a tragedy to push their agenda. Focus.
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Again. Focus libbies focus. Just like Bernie Sanders blaming ISIS attacks on climate change. The Dems never miss an opportunity to use a tragedy to push their agenda. Focus.
I would say focus to the right as well. Theyre talking about Syrian refugees this morning, even though neither perp was Syrian or a refugee. One was an American citizen.

My solution will take a millenium to implement: Humanity needs to be weaned off all religions, starting with the worst one - islam.
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Folks... There are good people with guns (for the most part) like hunters and police and bad people like radicals and the insane. Why punish one group because of the other? Guns will still be illegally transported here. Look at the drug trade for crying out loud. There are other methods of killing groups of people other than guns as well. Anger management and social skills need to be stressed more right along with English and Math IMO.
What's odd is that in a society that is supposedly so overwrought with guns, nobody ever shoots back at these turds until law enforcement shows up. Just noticing that this morning.

It's also sad that we lose our minds over thirty people getting shot in one of these incidents but that's pretty much an average body count for a summer weekend in Chicago or Baltimore and nobody really seems to care.

I know, right? It's so freaking odd that when someone shoots up a kindergarten 72 year old Ms. Anne never pulls out her M16, does a barrel roll behind her desk and lay down some fire on' dem sumabitches! That'll teach'em boys - Murica.

And how come when a teenager starts shooting his classmates in the cafeteria, those other 14 year old's don't just return fire?

The gang/drug violence in our country is terrifying. It is however explainable and motivate based. Mass shootings of schools, movies theaters, ect. aren't. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you understand that difference but I'm sure your next replay will prove me wrong for doing so.

BTW - Who doesn't care about murders in those cities? People have been trying to stop for decades now, but the flow of guns into those areas is too great.
Folks... There are good people with guns (for the most part) like hunters and police and bad people like radicals and the insane. Why punish one group because of the other? Guns will still be illegally transported here. Look at the drug trade for crying out loud. There are other methods of killing groups of people other than guns as well. Anger management and social skills need to be stressed more right along with English and Math IMO.

Who is punishing them? How are they being punished? Stronger background checks to get an assault rifle? You think that's punishing hunters? LOL - So predictable.

Guns will still be illegally transported here - just as the far right likes it. Odd how Canada seems to have avoided this problem (and nearly every other civilized country), despite sharing a border with us. Perhaps we need to see what they're doing that's so smart?

But this is a different issue. Sorry. France has among the toughest gun laws in the world. How'd that help?

Look again I am not saying our gun laws and the refusal to acknowledge a problem is not bad It is. But this is looking more and more like another act brought to you by radical Islam fundamentalism. And the left led by CNN into more referendum on gun control

You. Can't. Stop. Every. Mass. Shooting.

But gun laws similar to those in all other Western countries will DECREASE gun violence. It wont eliminate it but it would decrease it. I dont know by how much, but clearly it would reduce it. Maybe instead of mass shootingd every week, we'll have them every 10 days. Would those saved lives be worth it?

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