OT: Any Good Movies/New TV Shows?


Head Coach
Gold Member
Jul 1, 2001
Santa Monica, CA
LOI day has passed and Spring Practice is still two months away. The Penguins are in free fall. The Steelers are a carnival show. The Pirates have been eliminated from postseason contention even though the season is two months away.

So, to pass the time, until the final season of Game of Thrones premiers, any good new movies out there? How about TV shows?

My own contribution: I’m a big fan of British detective shows. If you have Prime Video, there are three excellent ones available: “Inspector Morse,” about a senior inspector and his “bagman” Detective Sergeant Lewis. In British police parlance, bagman doesn’t have a negative connotation. It simply means the junior partner who does errands or whatever else the senior man wants while simultaneously soaking up his experience. Morse is an Oxford educated man who didn’t graduate, joined the British army and then took up police work. He loves classical music, especially opera, is fluent in Latin and completes the Times crossword puzzle every morning. (Just your typical detective, much like Sipowitz on “NYPD Blue.”) The show is set in Oxford, so Morse occasionally runs across old professors or fellow students.

It was voted the best British detective show ever in two separate polls last year, but in my mind it is bettered by each of two subsequent spinoffs: “Inspector Lewis,” about the aforementioned “bagman” who now is the senior partner. His bagman is Detective Sergeant James Hathaway, a young Cambridge educated detective in keeping with the tradition of one streetwise and one educated partner. Also set in Oxford, the show premiered a few years after Inspector Morse ended.

“Endeavour” which in my mind is the best of the three, is the most recent and is about the young Detective Morse (whose first name is Endeavour, a secret he attempts to protect at all cost) when he was the bagman for Senior Detective Inspector Fred Thursday, who is, of course, a streetwise policeman. Set in the 1960s, it has been on for 5 seasons and they have been filming season 6 which will soon be available on PBS’ Masterpiece Theater. The 5 earlier seasons are on Prime.

Finally, and also available in PBS, my choice as the best: “Shetland” about Detective Jimmy Perez who solves crimes on the British island between Scotland and Norway, which has more sheep than people. There aren’t a lot of crimes, but most of them take a full 8 episode season to solve. Remember these British shows each run 90 minutes to 2 hours without commercials, so the fact that a season is between 4 and 8 episodes doesn’t mean you won’t have hours of entertainment.

Suggestions of additional series warmly welcomed!

On Netflix, the documentary "Fyre".

You might even know some of the principals.

Saw it. Excellent. Didn’t know any of them, but I know or know by reputation would-be impressarios like them. They really think they can pull off these grandiose things, but they have neither the financial backing, the brains nor the intelligence to pull off an amateur talent night at the local club.
I like the AOC Show, runs all day on Cable......

We learned in this week’s episode......

Send them to Green School — it will be FREE.

The US will be retro-fitting ( love the word Retro) every house and building in America....
That means 30,000 per day for 10 yrs you’re kids can become multi millionaires and spend 50 yrs in comfortable retirement.....

But that’s not the BEST, if they don’t want to work just F it, they’re getting paid anyway...

So parents dump the fund and party on

Ain’t this country GREAT.
Not really new but new to me is Berlin Station on Epix. Really good spy thriller set in Europe. Intriguing plots and very good acting.
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I’m craving a new series on Netflix. Got into a show called “frontier" for awhile, it started out great but has declined to point of being bad

really need a new show to binge watch this time of year got nothing on til masters in april
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It’s easy to pass off what he said as something you’d only hear on Fox News.
Unfortunately AOC’s Green Deal is as crazy as many are saying.
If you actually read it, you’ll find that most of the nutty things that people make jokes about, are actually in it.

For example?
I’m craving a new series on Netflix. Got into a show called “frontier" for awhile, it stsrted out great but has declined to pointvof being bad

really need a new show to binge watch this timeof year got nothing on til masters in april

Try “The Tunnel.” It is a three season show about police on both sides of the vehicle tunnel that runs under the English Channel between Brighton and the Pas de Calais. It starts with a body being found right in the middle of the tunnel on the line marking the border. But it turns out to be two bodies, dismembered. The plot gets a little over the top at times, but the pace of the show is great and the acting is excellent. The British detective on the show also played Stannis Baratheon in Game of Thrones.

There was an American show which was modeled on it, where the bodies were found on the line separating El Paso from Juarez.

Also “The Medicis” is pretty good so far. Stars Richard Madden, Robb Stark from Game of Thrones, and Dustin Hoffman in what so far just appears to be a cameo. I’m only on episode 3 of 16.

If you shop on Amazon a lot (as my wife does), get Prime. All kinds of benefits on Amazon plus free Amazon Prime Video. With the amount of buying my wife does on Amazon, the free shipping with Prime more than covers the annual fee. I have found the overall quality of the Prime produced series to be better than Netflix: Mozart In The Jungle, Jack Ryan, The Marvelous Mrs Maizel, The Man In The High Castle, Goliath starring Billy Bob Thornton, plus BBC Masterpiece Theater series like Poldark. Plus almost all of the British detective shows.
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LOI day has passed and Spring Practice is still two months away. The Penguins are in free fall. The Steelers are a carnival show. The Pirates have been eliminated from postseason contention even though the season is two months away.

So, to pass the time, until the final season of Game of Thrones premiers, any good new movies out there? How about TV shows?

My own contribution: I’m a big fan of British detective shows. If you have Prime Video, there are three excellent ones available: “Inspector Morse,” about a senior inspector and his “bagman” Detective Sergeant Lewis. In British police parlance, bagman doesn’t have a negative connotation. It simply means the junior partner who does errands or whatever else the senior man wants while simultaneously soaking up his experience. Morse is an Oxford educated man who didn’t graduate, joined the British army and then took up police work. He loves classical music, especially opera, is fluent in Latin and completes the Times crossword puzzle every morning. (Just your typical detective, much like Sipowitz on “NYPD Blue.”) The show is set in Oxford, so Morse occasionally runs across old professors or fellow students.

It was voted the best British detective show ever in two separate polls last year, but in my mind it is bettered by each of two subsequent spinoffs: “Inspector Lewis,” about the aforementioned “bagman” who now is the senior partner. His bagman is Detective Sergeant James Hathaway, a young Cambridge educated detective in keeping with the tradition of one streetwise and one educated partner. Also set in Oxford, the show premiered a few years after Inspector Morse ended.

“Endeavour” which in my mind is the best of the three, is the most recent and is about the young Detective Morse (whose first name is Endeavour, a secret he attempts to protect at all cost) when he was the bagman for Senior Detective Inspector Fred Thursday, who is, of course, a streetwise policeman. Set in the 1960s, it has been on for 5 seasons and they have been filming season 6 which will soon be available on PBS’ Masterpiece Theater. The 5 earlier seasons are on Prime.

Finally, and also available in PBS, my choice as the best: “Shetland” about Detective Jimmy Perez who solves crimes on the British island between Scotland and Norway, which has more sheep than people. There aren’t a lot of crimes, but most of them take a full 8 episode season to solve. Remember these British shows each run 90 minutes to 2 hours without commercials, so the fact that a season is between 4 and 8 episodes doesn’t mean you won’t have hours of entertainment.

Suggestions of additional series warmly welcomed!
For my money you will find nothing better than Broadchurch.
LOI day has passed and Spring Practice is still two months away. The Penguins are in free fall. The Steelers are a carnival show. The Pirates have been eliminated from postseason contention even though the season is two months away.

So, to pass the time, until the final season of Game of Thrones premiers, any good new movies out there? How about TV shows?

My own contribution: I’m a big fan of British detective shows. If you have Prime Video, there are three excellent ones available: “Inspector Morse,” about a senior inspector and his “bagman” Detective Sergeant Lewis. In British police parlance, bagman doesn’t have a negative connotation. It simply means the junior partner who does errands or whatever else the senior man wants while simultaneously soaking up his experience. Morse is an Oxford educated man who didn’t graduate, joined the British army and then took up police work. He loves classical music, especially opera, is fluent in Latin and completes the Times crossword puzzle every morning. (Just your typical detective, much like Sipowitz on “NYPD Blue.”) The show is set in Oxford, so Morse occasionally runs across old professors or fellow students.

It was voted the best British detective show ever in two separate polls last year, but in my mind it is bettered by each of two subsequent spinoffs: “Inspector Lewis,” about the aforementioned “bagman” who now is the senior partner. His bagman is Detective Sergeant James Hathaway, a young Cambridge educated detective in keeping with the tradition of one streetwise and one educated partner. Also set in Oxford, the show premiered a few years after Inspector Morse ended.

“Endeavour” which in my mind is the best of the three, is the most recent and is about the young Detective Morse (whose first name is Endeavour, a secret he attempts to protect at all cost) when he was the bagman for Senior Detective Inspector Fred Thursday, who is, of course, a streetwise policeman. Set in the 1960s, it has been on for 5 seasons and they have been filming season 6 which will soon be available on PBS’ Masterpiece Theater. The 5 earlier seasons are on Prime.

Finally, and also available in PBS, my choice as the best: “Shetland” about Detective Jimmy Perez who solves crimes on the British island between Scotland and Norway, which has more sheep than people. There aren’t a lot of crimes, but most of them take a full 8 episode season to solve. Remember these British shows each run 90 minutes to 2 hours without commercials, so the fact that a season is between 4 and 8 episodes doesn’t mean you won’t have hours of entertainment.

Suggestions of additional series warmly welcomed!
Since you mentioned movies and brits, have you seen the two Kingsman movies? If you haven’t yet, don’t. Best way to describe the movies is to use a term the brits use all the time, which can also be used to describe my favorite American football and English football teams...

Absolute RUBBISH!
Since you mentioned movies and brits, have you seen the two Kingsman movies? If you haven’t yet, don’t. Best way to describe the movies is to use a term the brits use all the time, which can also be used to describe my favorite American football and English football teams...

Absolute RUBBISH!

I saw the first one. Your review probably is too kind. I wouldn’t watch the second one if it was the only thing playing.
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I saw the first one. Your review probably is too kind. I wouldn’t watch the second one if it was the only thing playing.

The first one wasn't bad for pure action. A movie where you can definitely turn your brain off for a while.
Also “The Medicis” is pretty good so far. Stars Richard Madden, Robb Stark from Game of Thrones, and Dustin Hoffman in what so far just appears to be a cameo. I’m only on episode 3 of 16.
If you like The Medicis, then there's the old Showtime series The Borgias on Netflix and was decent. Peaky Blinders is also a pretty damn good show.

There is also The Last Kingdom which is a good series co-produced with the BBC.

Marco Polo was an average series, but the set pieces and cinematography were fantastic. Benedict Wong is phenomenal in his role as Kublai Khan.

Probably the best Netflix series that I have watched recently is Mindhunter. It's based on the work of one of the FBI's first criminal profilers. Pretty sure it's directed, or maybe created, by David Fincher.

Also pretty good on Netflix are Luther, Turn: Washington's Spies, and Ripper Street.
For my money you will find nothing better than Broadchurch.

I thought Season 1 was superb, although the subject matter of the crime was horrific. The last 5 minutes of season 1 was some of the best television ever.

I didn’t finish the second season. I didn’t like the amount of time spent on the trial.

Interestingly, all 3 seasons are free on Netflix but $12.95 per season on Prime. Whenever I find a program that they charge for on Prime, I check to see if it’s available free on Netflix. Quite a few British shows are. But, Prime is a necessity for me because the number of free British shows available is enormous.
Based on your interests I’d recommend the new season of True Detective on HBO. The acting is great and the story is like a complex puzzle (so far anyway, tonight is the sixth of eight episodes).
Game of Thrones has gotten progressively worse with each season. It's time to put it out of its misery.
Lol. I love it. I think it’s gotten better. Or at the very least, no worse. Remind me, is this because you read the books?
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Lol. I love it. I think it’s gotten better. Or at the very least, no worse. Remind me, is this because you read the books?

It is. I also think strictly from a tv-only writing standpoint the show has gotten worse and worse.

The last season was bad and poorly written and it has little, in my opinion, to do with the show as an adaptation.
Based on your interests I’d recommend the new season of True Detective on HBO. The acting is great and the story is like a complex puzzle (so far anyway, tonight is the sixth of eight episodes).
I may have to give that a try. I’ve heard nothing but great things.

My problem is that I always have a hard time making it beyond the first episode or two of a series. And as we know, most of them require a bit of an investment before things get interesting.

Last week, i tried starting the the Marvel series from Neflix called Jessica Jones, who apparently is an ex super hero who is now a private investigator. I couldn’t make it beyond episode 1.
It is. I also think strictly from a tv-only writing standpoint the show has gotten worse and worse.

The last season was bad and poorly written and it has little, in my opinion, to do with the show as an adaptation.
I can’t wait for the final season to start. And then for the GOT show runners, it’s off to a galaxy far far away. I’m sure then that you aren’t holding your breath for the next Star Wars trilogy to be any good. In my mind, there’s only one way to go after this current trilogy.
If you don't mind subtitles, the show Gomorrah is great. There's also a movie, but the series is much better. Netflix has the first two seasons, it's the most popular TV show in Europe

Also Sburra, both the series and movie are good. The second season is coming to Netflix Feb 22nd
For my money you will find nothing better than Broadchurch.

I binge watched Season 3 of Broadchurch. Great, just like Season 1! I think I gave up on Season 2 because I knew Joe Miller was going to get off.

The creator of the show said he always envisioned it as a trilogy and there will be no more seasons. I think because the crimes were so horrific that was a good call.

I loved the ending where Miller asks Hardy if he wants to go to the pub and get a drink and Hardy says no. The typical British detective buddy show has the DI and the DS regularly in the local pub having a pint. I think the creator was making his final statement that Broadchurch was not the typical buddy detective show.
I’ve been told that Ozark on Netflix is a must watch, going to give it a shot in the next few weeks.

Very good show if you are willing to totally suspend reality, which is never a problem for me. And Jason Bateman is unexpectedly terrific.

If you like westerns and haven’t seen it, “Longmire” on Netflix is, along with “Justified,” the best series I have seen in a long, long time. It ran six seasons, only the final two of which were exclusively on Netflix, but I believe all six are available. It’s about Walt Longmire, a Marshal in modern day Wyoming. Robert Walker, an Australian plays Walter Longmire with an impeccable Western accent and Lou Diamond Phillips plays Henry Standing Bear, a Cheyenne Indian who has been his best friend since grade school.
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I’ve been told that Ozark on Netflix is a must watch, going to give it a shot in the next few weeks.
the first episode was so terrifyingly intense, I literally almost had to turn it off. I wont ruin it for you but at one point, I texted my sister (who recommended it) and told her I cant do it. I mean this one scene, I got all nervous, jittery, I was walking around my living room, looking out the window, it was that intense..

I stuck thru it, I endured and loved the show ever since..
For example?
for example, the stuff she had to retract and pull from her site, such as the “those unwilling to work” part.

Leftists like to bash Fox, but without Fox, most leftist garbage would go unchecked. And thanks to Fox, even the Washington Post had to weigh in.

Has the Huff post stopped making fun of Tucker Carlson for getting schooled by her freaky Cornell advisor, when it’s now been proven that Carlson was right all along?
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for example, the stuff she had to retract and pull from her site, such as the “those unwilling to work” part.

Leftists like to bash Fox, but without Fox, most leftist garbage would go unchecked. And thanks to Fox, even the Washington Post had to weigh in.

Has the Huff post stopped making fun of Tucker Carlson for getting schooled by her freaky Cornell advisor, when it’s now been proven that Carlson was right all along?

So stuff that actually isn't in her green new deal? And by the way, I have not read it. Where can I read it? Is there an official version that she has released?
So stuff that actually isn't in her green new deal? And by the way, I have not read it. Where can I read it? Is there an official version that she has released?
So stuff that she said was in it actually isn’t in it? Was/is she lying? Or just mistaken as always? Does she want us as confused as she is?
the first episode was so terrifyingly intense, I literally almost had to turn it off. I wont ruin it for you but at one point, I texted my sister (who recommended it) and told her I cant do it. I mean this one scene, I got all nervous, jittery, I was walking around my living room, looking out the window, it was that intense..

I stuck thru it, I endured and loved the show ever since..
Alright - I've been debating watching this show for a while now - I may have to do it now.
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