I’ve always been drawn to epic film series such as LOTR, SW, MCU (although I jumped on that bandwagon 8-9 years after it started). And I like some Sci-fi, provided it doesn’t get too campy or hokey. This being said, I never saw the original Dune film in the 80’s and it’s probably good that I didn’t because it looked pretty bad.
so I just went to YouTube and watched two videos. I am intrigued. The cast looks wonderful and the Director is well respected. I like the fact that his vision for the movie is that the original book has too much source material to squeeze into one film, so he’s doing it in two parts. I’m not a huge fan of over done action sequences in films and am more into the character development and a slower pace. This Director seems to do very well with both. I am intrigued. I look forward to seeing a trailer. What I just read about it is the movie was cast not to pigeonhole genders or races into roles for the sake of doing so...but rather did so in a way that makes sense for the film. In other words, diversity in a way that’s not gratuitous or woke. So that’s a great thing. The cast looks great so hopefully the cast indeed fits their parts. And I’m hoping for a top notch composer for the score. Maybe this could be the big movie of the year...if it stays on schedule and hits the screen this year.