OT: GOT-The Iron Throne (Predictions)

I get it, it was just was void of any drama or suspense. In the end, it wasn’t much different than the Tarly deaths, which is ok for them. But for a borderline major character, I expected something more powerful like with Littlefinger.
I was more disappointed in Cersei’s death !
That was an intense episode, but I think overall not nearly as good as I was hoping. Even though you could see it coming I didn't like the whole "burn it to the ground" aspect. And like many others I thought the Jamie and Cersei deaths were very disappointing. It was great that they found each other, but then they went out with such a whimper.

There were a few scenes that I really did like though. When the Hound convinced Arya to leave behind her need for vengeance and save herself, and then she called him by his name as he was walking away, that was a great scene. I also like the Tyrion - Jamie scene when Tyrion tells Jamie that he was the only reason he survived his childhood, and his line when Jamie tells him that Dani will kill him for being a traitor and he says "tens of thousands of innocent lives, one not particularly innocent dwarf, seems like a fair trade". Of all the characters in the show, and including Arya and Sansa, Tyrion may have (bad pun alert) grown the most from the beginning to the end.

And while I've never like the Euron character, you just had to love that he was the same guy right to the very end. "I'm the man who killed Jamie Lannister" on his way out, with a smile on his face, fit the character perfectly. Yeah, the complete happenstance of the two of them stumbling across each other like they did was kind of dumb, but I did like that scene ending.
I have a suspicion that Dany is going to try to burn Aegon to death and he’s going to walk through it.
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I think danyrus will want to kill jon over the throne but jon will end up killing her. not sure of the idea where drogon will flame jon but drogon has to play a part. If drogon flames anybody i think it will danyrus. Still have no idea who will end up on the throne.... some players have been killed leaving only a few contenders. My guess would be one of the players not having a big role in the last episode, the red head sister or wheelchair boy. Its going to be a good ending to z great series
Yes their deaths were about as weak as it gets and I understand why people are upset. I thought the highlight of the episode was the fight between the Hound and Mountain. I thought the Hound was going the way of Oberyn for a second, happy to see him finish it off.
I thought the Hound's gift to Arya was the highlight, but they did right by him for sure.
DId Cersi die? Are you SURE???

Question: How many times can Jamie get stabbed before he stops walking around?

About the same number of times as Arya. That was some impressive parkour work considering the stomach wound.
Since Arya is an assassin at this point, her ability to survive transcends everyone else’s that’s why she was able too come through alive. I think the episode entitled “The Last of the Starks” was called that way because both Bran and Arya have different identities outside of their namesakes meaning Sansa is the last one... or I’m full of crap, IDK.
I think danyrus will want to kill jon over the throne but jon will end up killing her. not sure of the idea where drogon will flame jon but drogon has to play a part. If drogon flames anybody i think it will danyrus. Still have no idea who will end up on the throne.... some players have been killed leaving only a few contenders. My guess would be one of the players not having a big role in the last episode, the red head sister or wheelchair boy. Its going to be a good ending to z great series
Wheelchair boy (Bran) gets the throne. If there’s one left.
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Varys was sending Ravens out with the message that Jon was really the rightful heir .

Jon was appalled by Danni’s destruction of Kings Landing and she needs to have him killed to keep the throne . There’s no way he’s ok with what she did .

Jon should also be impervious to fire if she tries to burn him .

Someone dies and they have no problem with killing the favs .

Jon hasn’t yet fulfilled his purpose yet , they gods didn’t bring him back for nothing !