OT: GOT-The Iron Throne (Predictions)


All P I T T !
Gold Member
Dec 3, 2007
we are close enough to the ending. After episode 4 last night, does anyone have a prediction for who gets the throne? I have some thoughts but they are probably out in left field. I’ll just say that I think Daenerys doesn’t survive the series, and john snow isn’t going to rule from Kings landing so I can’t imagine him getting it either.

Anyone have thoughts and predictions?
Jon- 'doesn't want it' and Tormund said'you never know' about meeting again, took dire wolf north-Jon out
Daenerys- goes 'mad', not 'family'-out
Ayra-my pick from early on, 'not that kind of lady'- out
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Cersei Lannister.

The other Kingdoms split from kings landing and all agree to rule their individual kingdoms instead of having one on the iron throne. They others allow Cersei to remain on the iron throne but ruling obviously less land
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Daenarys and Jon's armies win the Last War and then Daenarys kills Jon when she finds out that everyone knows his secret.

My sleeper pick is Varus. I don't know how but I remember him motioning that he wanted to sit on the Iron Throne during a conversation, with I think, Obrin a few seasons ago.
Jon- 'doesn't want it' and Tormund said'you never know' about meeting again, took dire wolf north-Jon out
Daenerys- goes 'mad', not 'family'-out
Ayra-my pick from early on, 'not that kind of lady'- out
My thinking is Jamie goes south and becomes the kingslayer or queenslayer again. But I’m not sure if that’s going to be Cersei, Jon, or Dany that he kills. They are hinting that Dany goes mad so she was originally my thought. But now I’m not sure about my own (likely) ridiculous predictions.
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we are close enough to the ending. After episode 4 last night, does anyone have a prediction for who gets the throne? I have some thoughts but they are probably out in left field. I’ll just say that I think Daenerys doesn’t survive the series, and john snow isn’t going to rule from Kings landing so I can’t imagine him getting it either.

Anyone have thoughts and predictions?

It will be the Scarecrow, by virtue of his highly superior brains, assisted by the Tin Man, by virtue of his magnificent heart, and the Lion, by virtue of his courage.
It will be the Scarecrow, by virtue of his highly superior brains, assisted by the Tin Man, by virtue of his magnificent heart, and the Lion, by virtue of his courage.
I find Ned Starks beheading, the Red Wedding, and Jorahs death to be funnier.
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we are close enough to the ending. After episode 4 last night, does anyone have a prediction for who gets the throne? I have some thoughts but they are probably out in left field. I’ll just say that I think Daenerys doesn’t survive the series, and john snow isn’t going to rule from Kings landing so I can’t imagine him getting it either.

Anyone have thoughts and predictions?

Crappy writing, lazy production...

But seriously, I see Jon on the throne and dividing the realm among the surviving Starks/Lanisters/Baratheons.
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I really believe Jamie will end up killing Cersei just when it seems that she's won. Jamie will witness her cruelty (probably to Tyrien) and decide that he's seen enough.

Dany is going to do something reckless b/c of Cerise's cruelty and will be killed due to it. That's when it will seem that Cersei is unstoppable.

I think ultimately, Jon will take the thrown and the free men of the north, along with Ghost, will return to save the day for him.

Sansa will be the hand of the King and Arya will be the captain/protector/head knight of the King's army.
Two big winners!

Jon on the iron throne reading the PG sports section.

Tyrien opens brothels throughout the Kingdom North and South after he kills Cerise.

Since they're all screwing eachother I believe they're realizing the family blood lines are a bit screwed up? So who is a Stark, a Lanister, or Baratheon?
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Can't say.

Just that they used the last episode to really put Danny's assention into doubt.
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Can't say.

Just that they used the last episode to really put Danny's assention into doubt.

Which is why I think Jon sitting on the Iron Throne is too obvious. It's the fitting ending that everyone wants and it's why it won't happen. For me, I think Dany deserves it. She's been puttin in work.
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I think one of two things will happen. Whoever wins will subsequently get killed and the series will end with the game beginning again OR Arya is pregnant and she and Sansa will be keeping her son’s seat warm.
Bran is still there. They cut away when he explained Jon's story to his sisters. Maybe they plotted the master plan then?
we are close enough to the ending. After episode 4 last night, does anyone have a prediction for who gets the throne? I have some thoughts but they are probably out in left field. I’ll just say that I think Daenerys doesn’t survive the series, and john snow isn’t going to rule from Kings landing so I can’t imagine him getting it either.

Anyone have thoughts and predictions?

This one is easy it will be Sansa
This one is easy it will be Sansa
Jon- 'doesn't want it' and Tormund said'you never know' about meeting again, took dire wolf north-Jon out
Daenerys- goes 'mad', not 'family'-out
Ayra-my pick from early on, 'not that kind of lady'- out

I was disappointed the way Ghost was handled.
Jon practically didn’t care what happened to his wolf dog.
The CGI for was weak last week as well as this week for the wolf.
The closing credits feature a Dragon unit and Wolf unit.
I thought that meant we’d see the wolves in action.
Two weeks to go - we’ll c.
This has been rubbing me wrong since Sunday night, and after stewing on it a bit, Veras is a POS.

Yeah, Danny is taking a dark turn, losing so many close to her.

But, for someone so "sage" about things, you would think he would get that it was going to be pretty messy getting the throne?

She took the detour to battle the Night King, and has taken all kinds of passive, and too often bad, advice from him and Tyrion instead of just going into KL and kicking Cersai's arse.

Honestly, Tyrion has to tell her about him scheming on her and put Grey Worm on him ...
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Any sort of coherent theme or logic seems, nonexistent. So it could be anybody!
If you want a coherent logical theme watch Perry Mason on Me TV.
Officer Tragg arrests someone, attorney Berger procecutes the person, and Perry Mason beats attorney Berger in the courtroom and the person goes free.
Agree, I think Veras gonzo. The wildcard for me is Bran. They're keeping him propped up but not really saying much about him.
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First, my greatest thanks to the Double Six Beach Hotel in Bali for showing Episode 4 on every screen in their Sports Bar on Monday night. (We are on the other side of the international date line.) It was an amazing experience. They had people from who knows how many countries watching; and I think I counted subtitles in six languages on the screen. And, now I can participate in this thread.

What did we learn from Episode 4? Most importantly, Ghost survived the Battle of the Longest Night with minor wounds. I suspect he probably killed more than 100 wights.

Second, Arya and The Hound have taken their act On The Road Again. We know who both are after: Cersei and The Mountain. Will they succeed? I say both succeed but both die in the process.

Third, who will sit on the Iron Throne? Not a clue. The Jon and Dany ruling jointly scenario has gone out the window. Jon doesn’t want it; Dany might want it too much.

I’m going to make a prediction I haven’t seen here: Jon and Dany both die in the ultimate battle, but Dany gives birth to a son before her death. The son is proclaimed as the new ruler, but Sansa is named as Regent to rule until he is old enough to govern. Because we all know how well that worked out with Cersei and Thommen.

A better ending: Tormund brings Ghost down from the North for Jon’s funeral. Nymeria is there for Arya’s funeral. They hook up and produce a litter of super direwolves.
They take over the world from humankind which has screwed it up so badly.
The memes pointing out that Jon didn’t pet Ghost before he left are hilarious. One of the best I saw was a spin-off title screen called Tormund and Ghost.
I've read all the books, the novellas, the world-building hardcover book. I've seen every episode except the last at least twice. I consider myself a hardcore fan.

I hate to say it but the show has gone completely off the rails at this point. None of it makes any sense (I sent an assassin after my brother that I've been wanting to kill for years but now that my brother is surrounded by hundreds of archers I'm gonna let him go!) and it feels like the show writers are just torturing us for no good reason (we're gonna have the dragon survive the epic end of the world duel where it looks like he was mortally wounded to get sniped by a crossbow fired from a boat!).

I absolutely cannot wait for this series to end so I can get on with my life. Benioff and Weiss completely ruined the show.
the ending has already been leaked by the freefolk on reddit. Read at your own risk.
I've read all the books, the novellas, the world-building hardcover book. I've seen every episode except the last at least twice. I consider myself a hardcore fan.

I hate to say it but the show has gone completely off the rails at this point. None of it makes any sense (I sent an assassin after my brother that I've been wanting to kill for years but now that my brother is surrounded by hundreds of archers I'm gonna let him go!) and it feels like the show writers are just torturing us for no good reason (we're gonna have the dragon survive the epic end of the world duel where it looks like he was mortally wounded to get sniped by a crossbow fired from a boat!).

I absolutely cannot wait for this series to end so I can get on with my life. Benioff and Weiss completely ruined the show.

You’re spot on with Tyrion. Where is the logic in that Cersei didn’t kill him?
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You’re spot on with Tyrion. Where is the logic in that Cersei didn’t kill him?

Idk, man. Part of me thinks that Benioff and Weiss are running out of time and have to jam a ton of stuff into 6 episodes. But most of me thinks that they're just over it and ready to move on to other projects. I mean, GoT has killed a ton of beloved characters (Ned, Robb, Oberyn) but those deaths always felt like the natural result of those characters' choices. The message was clear: in war and politics, bad things happen, especially to the weak or stupid. So I'm not upset that Rhaegal was killed by a magic railgun/crossbow. I'm pissed that they had all kinds of perfect moments to kill people (Missandei in the crypts, Rhaegal at Winterfell) but kept them going...for what? To get ambushed AGAIN by an idiot pirate? The surprises are no longer "the Sixth Sense" where there were clues to follow that would reveal the truth to those who bothered to look for them. We're now being subjected to "the Happening" because the writers think that we wanted trick plots for the sake of trickery.
Like you said, your fandom is deeper than mine and what you say makes a lot of sense. I’m getting the feeling that next week will be the thriller and the finale will be very anticlimactic. I hope I’m wrong.
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I think they have been so worried about making sure that no one can figure out where it's all going to end that they have painted themselves into a corner. And the corner is getting smaller and smaller each week.

They are either going to have to pull a rabbit out of their hats in these next two weeks or it's going to get ugly.
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Jon and Tyrion have both already said in interviews that they die.

The HBO series has basically ignored Dorne and already had the Tyrells conquered. There really are no great houses any more. It's Cersei v. Dany, but Sansa and the North will probably walk in and pick up the pieces after both destroy themselves.

The plots on HBO have little resemblence to where GRRM left off in the 5th book. In the books, the Golden Company is fighting to put a Targeryan on the throne, not a Lannister.

Dany is decorative but has ANY warrior Queen ever destroyed her own army TWICE by her own stupidity and underestimating her opposition?

All she has to do is beseige Kings Landing and Cersei would end up being torn apart by the million or so starving citizens inside the walls. But, instead she will waste her army again because her secretary got captured and beheaded.

This was a brilliantly written and acted series for 7 seasons. Now in 6 episodes, they're turning everything into junk.

Sansa will sit the Iron Throne. Bran has probably gamed this 14, 000,000 times like Doctor Strange in the Avengers.
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Idk, man. Part of me thinks that Benioff and Weiss are running out of time and have to jam a ton of stuff into 6 episodes. But most of me thinks that they're just over it and ready to move on to other projects. I mean, GoT has killed a ton of beloved characters (Ned, Robb, Oberyn) but those deaths always felt like the natural result of those characters' choices. The message was clear: in war and politics, bad things happen, especially to the weak or stupid. So I'm not upset that Rhaegal was killed by a magic railgun/crossbow. I'm pissed that they had all kinds of perfect moments to kill people (Missandei in the crypts, Rhaegal at Winterfell) but kept them going...for what? To get ambushed AGAIN by an idiot pirate? The surprises are no longer "the Sixth Sense" where there were clues to follow that would reveal the truth to those who bothered to look for them. We're now being subjected to "the Happening" because the writers think that we wanted trick plots for the sake of trickery.
Dany could have jumped on her dragon and turned Cersei to ash. It’s Hollywood. We can look at every movie or series and point out things that defy logic. Hell, everyone is doing it right now about the biggest movie of all time (Endgame).

Speaking of the show runners, it does have me concerned a bit for the next Star Wars trilogy that they are assigned.
Has either Dany or Jon or any of their commanders heard of that very useful fighting weapon called Reconnaissance? Apparently not, since Euron has taken them by surprise now twice with disastrous results.

Dany had the perfect tool for recon: three dragons. They can’t only be used to fight; they are perfect for scouting. Really, some of the absolutely worst generalship I ever have seen. I thought the worst was in Vietnam, but this makes my commander there look almost brilliant (or at least adequate).

She used up the Dothraki in a charge that made Pickett’s Charge look intelligent by comparison. And, the carnage would have been worse if the Red Witch hadn’t shown up unexpectedly to fire their swords. She has allowed her fleet to get ambushed twice by Euron. Jon and his commanders set up a plan for a double envelopment at the Battle of the Bastards and Jon ruined it by charging at Ramsey alone. They can’t light the ditch around Winterfell because Dany can’t see the signal. Tyrion has proven to be a mental midget (forgive the pun) at military strategy.

None of them deserve the Iron Throne.
Dany could have jumped on her dragon and turned Cersei to ash. It’s Hollywood. We can look at every movie or series and point out things that defy logic. Hell, everyone is doing it right now about the biggest movie of all time (Endgame).

Speaking of the show runners, it does have me concerned a bit for the next Star Wars trilogy that they are assigned.
Has either Dany or Jon or any of their commanders heard of that very useful fighting weapon called Reconnaissance? Apparently not, since Euron has taken them by surprise now twice with disastrous results.

Dany had the perfect tool for recon: three dragons. They can’t only be used to fight; they are perfect for scouting. Really, some of the absolutely worst generalship I ever have seen. I thought the worst was in Vietnam, but this makes my commander there look almost brilliant (or at least adequate).

She used up the Dothraki in a charge that made Pickett’s Charge look intelligent by comparison. And, the carnage would have been worse if the Red Witch hadn’t shown up unexpectedly to fire their swords. She has allowed her fleet to get ambushed twice by Euron. Jon and his commanders set up a plan for a double envelopment at the Battle of the Bastards and Jon ruined it by charging at Ramsey alone. They can’t light the ditch around Winterfell because Dany can’t see the signal. Tyrion has proven to be a mental midget (forgive the pun) at military strategy.

None of them deserve the Iron Throne.

Euron has randomly appeared 3 times (kidnapped Ellaria Sand and Yara Greyjoy, destroyed the fleet at Casterly Rock, killed Rhaegal) which is why I hate it. It's the same plot device over and over. Any time Cersei needs the field leveled, it's Euron and his magic fleet with railguns that can 1 shot kill dragons AND other fleets. If the railguns are really that accurate and long-ranged they should have killed Dany in flight or killed her army of 30 guys outside King's Landing.

I'm ok with some of the terrible generalship - for example, there was no way to know the Wights would be able to form 30' tall anti-cavalry piles - but you can't rewrite the rules of weapons from second to second as they suit you to "create drama." There's also no explanation for why a fleet of 20 boats could see 2 dragons from thousands of feet away but the 2 dragons wouldn't see the 20 boats or their wake AT ALL. It's completely infuriating .
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I have made the same mistake many others are making, i.e., trying to use normal, real-world logic to analyze Game of Thrones.

It is a swords and sorcery fantasy series. It features DRAGONS, a thousands of years old Night King who turns vanquished foes into zombies, magic curses, ravens which sort of talk as carrier pigeons, flaming swords, mammoths, giants, people who can enter the minds of animals ( and sometimes other humans), a prescient "Three-eyed Crow" who can reach across time to affect others, princesses descended from dragons who cannot burn. A 700 feet tall ice wall hundreds of miles long, maintained partly by magic, a world where the basic seasons are irregular. Summer or Winters can last for years. Etc. Etc. Etc.

An uncannily accurate big crossbow which can hit flying dragons is nothing compared to some of the basic plot points.

We have had to exercise a very large willing suspension of dis-belief to put up with the first 7 years. What is disappointing is how fast and how far the quality of the writing has fallen.

The writers have gotten cheap or lazy. Or BOTH.

In the books Euron had a horn that could control or at least disrupt dragons. The insanely accurate Scorpions (railguns) I think are just a plot device just dumbing down the story instead of wasting time adding another supernatural layer.

The Battle of Winterfell was a spectacular fail, designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. If Emilia Clark's Episode 5 comments are correct, Sunday night sounds like another spectacle.

I worry we're already seeing the hand of Netflix dumbing down the HBO quality, seeking monster ratings but mediocre writing/film-making.

It is a shame. The series was always violent, bloddy and far from politically correct. There were shacking plot twists. Charactors were dishonest and often craven, but lately, they're just acting dumb.

It made unknows into household names. Nothing like this, spanning 8 years and almost a full world, has ever been done on TV before.

It's just a shame .somebody had to get greedy and ruin the final season.
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