back to being a homo for a sec, i always liked Dave Matthews and tim reynolds cover of " a pirate looks at 40." I liked Jimmy Bs songs and that was a really cool cover.
i never got into phish even though all my high school buddies jumping on that bandwagon big time in early 90s. just never got into it at all. they'd go to the shows and love it. They had this one song though where they would all be jamming and they'd do this thing where they'd switch instruments in mid song, all of them, without missing a beat. was cool AF, cant even tell you the song though but was cool.
also they had a chickish kind of song that i liked. IF I COULD i think it was called. again, chick song, slow song but i liked it.
thats all i got on phish and DMB. now continue back with the moon and india being 3rd world trash and the Clarks sucking.. i'll hang up and listen.