OT: Olympics - Biles

I admire her so much her courage . We have your back Simone !
No, this isn’t courageous. Being scared and doing it anyway is courageous. Quitting isn’t.

And yes, her career achievements are amazing. And yes, her mental toughness far exceeds mine. And yes, mental health issues are real, and suck. That doesn’t change the fact she choked and quit.

Empathize, yes. Celebrate, no.
It’s just astounding (or not really) that the default by so many people here is to criticize and assume she’s a weak minded quitter. If facts come out to support this I’ll eat crow. But she’s won medals on broken toes and with kidney stones all while facing sexual assault.

That doesn’t strike me as a weak minded quitter.
It's weird to assume that she wanted to stop competing. You don't get to the top of that level and stay there for so long because you find it easy to quit.
Agree! She's the GOAT of US gymnastics and in the GOAT conversation of any US athlete EVER! She has singlehandidly carried US Amateur sports for getting close to a decade. If she says she didn't want to compete bc she wanted to watch what she DVR'd, I'd fully support that decision given what she done for US gymnastics and US amateur sport. Sounds like some here would rather her end up a paraplegic than deal with whatever is ailing her. Lots can go wrong on a 2.5 vault particularly if you're not in the right mind set. Just a guess but I doubt anyone on this board has reached the competitive heights she has.
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Agree! She's the GOAT of US gymnastics and in the GOAT conversation of any US athlete EVER! She has singlehandidly carried US Amateur sports for getting close to a decade. If she says she didn't want to compete bc she wanted to watch what she DVR'd, I'd fully support that decision given what she done for US gymnastics and US amateur sport. Sounds like some here would rather her end up a paraplegic than deal with whatever is ailing her. Lots can go wrong on a 2.5 vault particularly if you're not in the right mind set. Just a guess but I doubt anyone on this board has reached the competitive heights she has.
Sorry, a GOAT doesn’t quit. This is a big part of what makes a GOAT a GOAT. Doesn’t mean her career hasn’t been amazing, it has. If her mind put her health in danger, she made the right call. Nonetheless, it does put her behind other all-around and team champions that didn’t freeze.
Darts, bowling, cornhole, washers, pool, shuffleboard, ping pong, golf, I get better after a few beers and am at my peak after like 5-6 but quickly decline after a few more.

You know a sport is truly great if you need a few beers to optimize performance
And all of these should be Olympic sports. (ping pong and golf actually are lol). Keep the Olympic dream alive.
Sorry, a GOAT doesn’t quit. This is a big part of what makes a GOAT a GOAT. Doesn’t mean her career hasn’t been amazing, it has. If her mind put her health in danger, she made the right call. Nonetheless, it does put her behind other all-around and team champions that didn’t freeze.
She is the greatest American gymnast of all time whether she quit or not.
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I still don’t understand how anyone who read the article linked comes away from that after reading it with an attitude of “she quit “….

in fact it’s incomprehensible. 🤷‍♂️
I still don’t understand how anyone who read the article linked comes away from that after reading it with an attitude of “she quit “….

in fact it’s incomprehensible. 🤷‍♂️
Well she did quit. I mean, when you start something and don’t finish and it’s not because an injury or disqualification, that’s quitting. Pretty much the definition of the word.
It’s just astounding (or not really) that the default by so many people here is to criticize and assume she’s a weak minded quitter. If facts come out to support this I’ll eat crow. But she’s won medals on broken toes and with kidney stones all while facing sexual assault.

That doesn’t strike me as a weak minded quitter.
Go back and look at someone like Ronda Rousey. She had no qualm with everyone calling her the greatest of all time or subjecting herself to years of rigorous training. She did interviews where she'd talk about already having a mental map of her career and exactly when she'd eventually retire undefeated. But as soon as she got knocked out once, and her aura of invincibility was gone, she started talking about how she now contemplated suicide. Lots of these athletes buy into their own hype and surround themselves with yes-men and are totally ill equipped to deal with any sort of real performance failure.

Ironically, most "average" athletes aren't capable of winning all the time, so they learn to deal with adversity. These GOAT candidates are sometimes some of the weakest mentally because they aren't forced to deal with failure. They persevere through every challenge, which gives them the impression they can do that forever. Conor McGregor has gone from one of the most popular athletes in the world to literally threatening to kill his opponent's family because he doesn't have the mental maturity to accept that he might now be just an average competitor.
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When I think GOAT, I think Michael Jordan, Mario Lemieux, or Tom Brady. That said, Biles is likely the greatest female gymnast to ever perform. I think when you are a GOAT, there is pressure in every step you take in life. Some can handle it for a lifetime, or at least an entire athletic career, some cannot.

The three males I named above, were able to get to the top and deal with what it took to stay there. I think Simone Biles had been comfortable as a GOAT, but, NBC and other corporates have build her up so high that the pressure caused her to just "crack". Anyone who has seen her flawless performances of the past, should know something was wrong when on the first night she didn't hit any of her routines.

I think Biles realized she couldn't handle the pressure, and did right by pulling out so the team could still get a medal. I would be surprised if she competed in any individual events. She dominated the sport for a long period of time, but, she just became overwhelmed at the wrong time. Perhaps she will come back, but, usually when a star cracks, things are never the same again.

I wish her well, it just shows you that people we see as superhuman and infallible, are in fact human, and feel alot of the same things that an average Joe would feel. Some can handle it and retire on top, some cannot.
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Female gymnastics has been shown yombe Such and abusive mental and physical sport. Maybe the worst. See The Karoli farmDr Nassar

it's like becoming a politician or child actor.
Agree! She's the GOAT of US gymnastics and in the GOAT conversation of any US athlete EVER! She has singlehandidly carried US Amateur sports for getting close to a decade. If she says she didn't want to compete bc she wanted to watch what she DVR'd, I'd fully support that decision given what she done for US gymnastics and US amateur sport. Sounds like some here would rather her end up a paraplegic than deal with whatever is ailing her. Lots can go wrong on a 2.5 vault particularly if you're not in the right mind set. Just a guess but I doubt anyone on this board has reached the competitive heights she has.
There is no way she should be considered GOAT. Sorry, just ain’t no way possible. In a sport where pressure and mental toughness define greatness as much if not more than the physical talent, ain’t no way.
Would Tom Brady stop playing in the 2nd half of a game he was losing? Would Michael Jordan not want to take the last shot of a game to win it all?

if she wasn’t injured, she quit.

that said, maybe the obvious is being overlooked… She was hyped up as the GOAT since the opening ceremonies and was failing to live up to expectations. And she was losing … lots of pressure. GOATs fight through that.

Imagine LeBron not wanting the ball in his hands or Gretzky not wanting the puck on his stick. The moment was just too big for her and her media team is spinning and spinning and spinning. We all smell BS…because we can’t attack her on “mental health” issues.
Go back and look at someone like Ronda Rousey. She had no qualm with everyone calling her the greatest of all time or subjecting herself to years of rigorous training. She did interviews where she'd talk about already having a mental map of her career and exactly when she'd eventually retire undefeated. But as soon as she got knocked out once, and her aura of invincibility was gone, she started talking about how she now contemplated suicide. Lots of these athletes buy into their own hype and surround themselves with yes-men and are totally ill equipped to deal with any sort of real performance failure.

Ironically, most "average" athletes aren't capable of winning all the time, so they learn to deal with adversity. These GOAT candidates are sometimes some of the weakest mentally because they aren't forced to deal with failure. They persevere through every challenge, which gives them the impression they can do that forever. Conor McGregor has gone from one of the most popular athletes in the world to literally threatening to kill his opponent's family because he doesn't have the mental maturity to accept that he might now be just an average competitor.
There's a school of thought relating to hiring that is similar. The person who received all As in school won't be as capable of dealing with setbacks in the workplace as well as the one who got the occasional B.

All else considered, hire the one who has overcome a setback (not getting an A in every class).
Clay Travis whined like a baby because he was kicked off a plane because his kids had lice.

He sucks.
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for the tough guys out there.

Sorry, we can have a difference of opinion on this. If that means someone gets characterized as some internet tough guy, oh well.

Personally, I thought things seemed strange or off after observing her reaction and body language after some of the team rotations, particularly after the vault. So now after the fact, not completely surprising that she’s out.
Nah. It’s easier for a bunch of unathletic dudes to tear her down on a forum. It’s interest the glee certain media folk have at this opportunity.
Typical reply from you, no toleration to opposing opinions. And that’s all it is, difference of opinion, albeit from a group of non-athletic internet tough guys.
She has already been paid by the endorsement deals galore. I would never criticize mental health or stress issues. Sometimes this stuff is self inflicted. Not her fault she is the greatest of all time but the last US gymnast to have this much singular exposure was Mary Lou Retton. Biles has been the best for 8 years or so and that’s a lot to live up to.

Does she compete in the individual all around ? If she doesn’t then the story is truly about mental health and pressure.
Agree but if she competes in the individual it's going to look like she just didn't want bothered with the team events.
Can’t both sides be at least somewhat correct? No one knows exactly what Biles is dealing with, it seems pretty harsh to just label her automatically as a quitter.

On the other hand to call her “brave” or “courageous” is downright silly, her actions here are neither in any way, shape, or form.
Two guys who couldn’t run across the kitchen for a donut without pulling a muscle or fracturing an ankle…. Jesus H.

not who I’d look to for discussion of this topic at any point. But at least now it is obvious where all the vitriol and couch-coaching is coming from?
Go back and look at someone like Ronda Rousey. She had no qualm with everyone calling her the greatest of all time or subjecting herself to years of rigorous training. She did interviews where she'd talk about already having a mental map of her career and exactly when she'd eventually retire undefeated. But as soon as she got knocked out once, and her aura of invincibility was gone, she started talking about how she now contemplated suicide. Lots of these athletes buy into their own hype and surround themselves with yes-men and are totally ill equipped to deal with any sort of real performance failure.

Ironically, most "average" athletes aren't capable of winning all the time, so they learn to deal with adversity. These GOAT candidates are sometimes some of the weakest mentally because they aren't forced to deal with failure. They persevere through every challenge, which gives them the impression they can do that forever. Conor McGregor has gone from one of the most popular athletes in the world to literally threatening to kill his opponent's family because he doesn't have the mental maturity to accept that he might now be just an average competitor.
I’m having a hard time making the Rhonda Roysey comparison. No doubt her mental toughness took a hit but her biggest problem was she was literally and physically getting the shit beat out of her in the ring, all after no one putting a finger on her in prior fights mostly because they were done as soon as they started.
Yeah I kinda didn’t expect to see Rhonda Rousey being compared with Simone Biles either….?? I mean seriously??
Articles by Old fat plus 50 male keyboard warriors looking for click bait and who have only won at circle jerking holds less legitimacy than the most sourced NY Post article ever written. These critics have zero idea what it takes to compete at her elite level for so long or what she's going through and neither do I so that's why it's utterly insane to criticize her unless your name is Michael Phelps. And don't give me brady and Jordan nonsense. Those guys had elite teammates playing with them at the same time and weren't out there alone during rough waters.
F&$king Piers Morgan????

lol 😂 Jesus…. The guy literally just lost his job because he simply can’t get over or be the slightest bit objective over Megan Markle??? That guy???

wow … bottom of the barrel.
F&$king Piers Morgan????

lol 😂 Jesus…. The guy literally just lost his job because he simply can’t get over or be the slightest bit objective over Megan Markle??? That guy???

wow … bottom of the barrel.
Does his kids have lice too?
Articles by Old fat plus 50 male keyboard warriors looking for click bait and who have only won at circle jerking is worth the paper that it used to be printed on. These critics have zero idea what it takes to compete at her elite level for so long or what she's going through and neither do I so that's why it's utterly insane to criticize her unless your name is Michael Phelps. And don't give me brady and Jordan nonsense. Those guys had teammates playing with and weren't out there alone.
Really, so Simone was out there alone? Come on, while each is an individual performance, it’s not like she wasn’t on a team with team support.

Biggest objection though, I think you are really minimizing Brady and Jordan’s achievements.
Articles by Old fat plus 50 male keyboard warriors looking for click bait and who have only won at circle jerking is worth the paper that it used to be printed on. These critics have zero idea what it takes to compete at her elite level for so long or what she's going through and neither do I so that's why it's utterly insane to criticize her unless your name is Michael Phelps. And don't give me brady and Jordan nonsense. Those guys had teammates playing with and weren't out there alone.
Or other gymnasts who from what I’ve seen definitely don’t support this “quitter” bullshit..

and you’re exactly correct on the Brady and Jordan stuff… team sport vs individual competition… oranges and apples entirely…

Biles does stuff others in her field can’t do period.. she’s redefined what it means to be great in that sport.