MLB, as well as the other major pro sports (including P5 college) don't seem to need attendance to prosper, with television contracts and kickbacks from the league or conference from the haves to the have nots.
I don't think the other MLB teams (or the blue blood universities) mind a bit that there are teams like the Pirates (and Pitt football) willing to take it up the tail. As Judge Smails pointed out, the world needs ditch diggers too. The Yankees and Clemson's want someone reliable but a legitimate name to beat up on.
Boycott is folly. Most pirates games actually have very poor crowds, as do our games (maybe some of you have noticed). The team and school still get their money for what they really care about (Pirates, meaning profit; Pitt, meaning chick sports).
I don't think the other MLB teams (or the blue blood universities) mind a bit that there are teams like the Pirates (and Pitt football) willing to take it up the tail. As Judge Smails pointed out, the world needs ditch diggers too. The Yankees and Clemson's want someone reliable but a legitimate name to beat up on.
Boycott is folly. Most pirates games actually have very poor crowds, as do our games (maybe some of you have noticed). The team and school still get their money for what they really care about (Pirates, meaning profit; Pitt, meaning chick sports).