I was just curious. I did a basic search and came up with the census site. I entered in 15213 and got somewhat different stats than those presented in this thread. (African-American 26%, Asian 4.4%.) Link:Pitt's Fact Book 2014.
Two things jump out at me - first, reported is 2010 data, which may or may not be significant. Second, a census only looks at the residents, not at people specifically living in the area. For example, my kids are counted as residents of Franklin Park, not Oakland and Raleigh respectively. My thought is it is almost impossible to get a handle on the actual racial diversity in Oakland as it has such a large population of transients (students, etc.) which renders these "numbers" somewhat useless.
I'll stick with my original thought that Oakland is quite diversified. As I said earlier, I could take a picture of the mailboxes in my son's apartment building on Oakland Ave that would demonstrate that he is actually in the minority, at least in his specific building.