Paging @LGP81 @upj87 @BIGPanther or any of our other Johnstown residents
I've been doing some reading/studying up on Point Stadium in my free time lately; lots of history dating back to its opening in 1926 against the Murderers' Row Yankees. Always loved the unique configuration of the park around the street and river.
Anyways, I came across this old database entry on Charlie's Ballparks trying to find some pictures of the original stadium. In it, it discussed how MiLB almost returned to Johnstown but an agreement couldn't be reached with the city to relocate Johns Street in order to extend left field; instead the Eastern League expansion team went to Altoona. This is something I do not recall hearing about and could not find any other article to corroborate this. Since the Altoona Curve began play in 1999, I'd imagine these talks took place in the late 1990s. Two questions,
1) Does anyone know how close this was to actually happening?
2) What do they mean by relocating Johns Street? How would they have done this? Would they have just shut down the street and relocated traffic? Purchased the adjacent properties on Johns St (Suppes Ford) and moved the street back?
Interesting nonetheless and would love to know if anyone on the board has insight into this. Thanks.
I've been doing some reading/studying up on Point Stadium in my free time lately; lots of history dating back to its opening in 1926 against the Murderers' Row Yankees. Always loved the unique configuration of the park around the street and river.
Anyways, I came across this old database entry on Charlie's Ballparks trying to find some pictures of the original stadium. In it, it discussed how MiLB almost returned to Johnstown but an agreement couldn't be reached with the city to relocate Johns Street in order to extend left field; instead the Eastern League expansion team went to Altoona. This is something I do not recall hearing about and could not find any other article to corroborate this. Since the Altoona Curve began play in 1999, I'd imagine these talks took place in the late 1990s. Two questions,
1) Does anyone know how close this was to actually happening?
2) What do they mean by relocating Johns Street? How would they have done this? Would they have just shut down the street and relocated traffic? Purchased the adjacent properties on Johns St (Suppes Ford) and moved the street back?
Interesting nonetheless and would love to know if anyone on the board has insight into this. Thanks.
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