I love weird agenda/debates. We got steel curtain fighting the cause of this hurricane not being a big deal. And he's doubling down on it. I love it. weird as all hell but I always say, if you got a fight, go at it 100%.
I had something like this awhile back, saying that Charles Manson shouldn't be the face or example used of all evil, that there were much worse people in our history. A freakin weird point of view in hindsight but I stuck with it.. My man Steel is doin it here and it's amusing as heck.
Lots of agenda defense going on here. But that's the way of the world today.
As someone posted, sometimes (in both cases) "sh*t just happens". You choose to live in an area prone to such storms, due to the amenities or lifestyle or whatever reason, you take your chances, to a degree. When they come, deal with them best you can I feel for the people, especially elderly, children etc. and have made a donation, but storms like that effect places like that. How it was, is, and will be.
It's starting to get politicized. The criticism of the black Democrat mayor for not ordering evacs (I think the mayor's point of trying to evac 6 million people or whatever, does hold some water, no pun intended, but there did seem to be a sense of nonchalance given to this storm...though I attribute that more to plain old Texas arrogance more than any particular political bent).
Now the president will be sticking his gawky frame in there. That's not the place for presidents, any presidents. Not while there is still an active scene. It just distracts and takes away vital security and responder resources for what is nothing more than PR. If he wants to go there a week from now and "assess" or whatever, so be it. But the real critique will come soon, when FEMA (aka Trump administration) starts to inevitably get blasted for "inadequate response", probably by some of the same posters here now defending the Houston mayor for inadequate response because "sh*t just happens". We know this because the same happened with Katrina, which the Democrats and their willing media used as a whipping post for Republicans for "sh*t happening". They would not do so for a Democrat FEMA. It is just how it is, too.