OT: What are you making for the Super Bowl?


Head Coach
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2001
Just interested in how big you all plan to go. I am making a fresh garden salsa to take to a SB party, and have a home brewed blackberry stout.

Hopefully some smoked trout with crackers too, but the acquisition of said trout has eluded me all week.

What are you planning to eat/drink for the big game?
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Carrots, celery, pretzels and onion dip. LOL, I seriously haven't been to a Super Bowl Party since Steelers/Packers! My wife and daughter hate football and won't watch probably at all, I'll just be chilling with some beers in the basement with the 52" TV.
Carrots, celery, pretzels and onion dip. LOL, I seriously haven't been to a Super Bowl Party since Steelers/Packers! My wife and daughter hate football and won't watch probably at all, I'll just be chilling with some beers in the basement with the 52" TV.
Can't go wrong with that !
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A plate of pasta and a couple meatballs.

I don't go to SB parties unless the Steelers are in it. Last time I went to one I ate wings, whatever dips the wives made and a sandwich from a sandwich tray. And we drank Bud Light.
Just interested in how big you all plan to go. I am making a fresh garden salsa to take to a SB party, and have a home brewed blackberry stout.

Hopefully some smoked trout with crackers too, but the acquisition of said trout has eluded me all week.

What are you planning to eat/drink for the big game?

And not being judgy but you and I come from very different worlds when it comes to "football food".
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Just interested in how big you all plan to go. I am making a fresh garden salsa to take to a SB party, and have a home brewed blackberry stout.

Hopefully some smoked trout with crackers too, but the acquisition of said trout has eluded me all week.

What are you planning to eat/drink for the big game?

I assume the trout acquisition plan is fly or other fishing? If not skip the next few paragraphs and proceed to the last paragraph what we're eating on Superbowl Sunday.

I grew up in Colorado fishing for native trout in CO streams.
Mr Buffett and I fish for trout a lot.I'm a way better trout fisherperson than he is by a lot.

One of our sons second job/hobby is tying flies, selling them at outdoor shows, selling float boats, rod, and reels for fly fishing. He also demos fly rods for fly companies, takes customers out fishing and produces some video's. One day he wants to do this full time?????????????????

One of the best non fly rod trout baits are Berkeley Honey Worms on size 18 or 20 hooks. Killer combo! If you use sz 20 hooks don't drop them in the house since the only way you'll find them is to step on them.

Fly options in the winter are:
Zebra MIde 18-24 sz
JuJube Mide 18-24 sz
Parachute Adam ( dry)
Pheasant Tail ( dry)
Rainbow Warrior
Griffits Gnat

Great fly options for general conditions:
Adams ( dry)
Elk Hair Cadis ( dry)
Black Ghost ( dry)
Zonker Streamers ( white great in winter)
Muddler Minnow ( streamer)

Have fun fishing!
We have a saying " shutup and fish."

We'll be at the neighbors Superbowl party and will bring:
We're having Creamy South Dakota Pheasant ( freshly killed), Southwest hot and mild chilli with taco's and taco chips.

"save a horse ride a cowboy"
Signed Mrs Buffett
Go CSU Rams & PITT Panthers
Yuengling beer, Margarita's, and other stuff.
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Just interested in how big you all plan to go. I am making a fresh garden salsa to take to a SB party, and have a home brewed blackberry stout.

Hopefully some smoked trout with crackers too, but the acquisition of said trout has eluded me all week.

What are you planning to eat/drink for the big game?
You can't find fresh trout? Where do you live? I'll locate them for you.
Most of the people I live near would rather watch other rednecks drive around in circles so with any luck, I'll cook a normal dinner and then sit and watch the game without making "that face" when the spouse wants to replay a terrible commercial.

That is my exact answer... normally. But, I havent watched the super bowl in a couple years. I will probably watch the first quarter and see Aaron Donald, but I could not care less about who wins the game, the game itself, the spectacle of getting a 100 million people to watch commercials for free (well, actually for a fee), seeing a ridiculous bad call not being overturned, or worse a call being overturned despite no evidence. Seeing any Patriot fan having a good time, watching Belicheck being pompous, watching people whos literal job is to catch a ball celebrate like a school girl seeing a litter of puppies, hearing announcers talk about RPOs, watching a pop group sing a bad halftime show and rappers you will never hear from again ruin before mentioned already crappy pop songs... just kinda get more sick of it by the year.
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And not being judgy but you and I come from very different worlds when it comes to "football food".

PD77, sounds like different worlds on a number of points. If it makes you feel better, the party host is grilling burgers and what passes as a "hot dog" here. The game will be on Monday afternoon here, so anyone watching has taken a vacation day or is pulling a "sickie".
I assume the trout acquisition plan is fly or other fishing? If not skip the next few paragraphs and proceed to the last paragraph what we're eating on Superbowl Sunday.

I grew up in Colorado fishing for native trout in CO streams.
Mr Buffett and I fish for trout a lot.I'm a way better trout fisherperson than he is by a lot.

One of our sons second job/hobby is tying flies, selling them at outdoor shows, selling float boats, rod, and reels for fly fishing. He also demos fly rods for fly companies, takes customers out fishing and produces some video's. One day he wants to do this full time?????????????????

One of the best non fly rod trout baits are Berkeley Honey Worms on size 18 or 20 hooks. Killer combo! If you use sz 20 hooks don't drop them in the house since the only way you'll find them is to step on them.

Fly options in the winter are:
Zebra MIde 18-24 sz
JuJube Mide 18-24 sz
Parachute Adam ( dry)
Pheasant Tail ( dry)
Rainbow Warrior
Griffits Gnat

Great fly options for general conditions:
Adams ( dry)
Elk Hair Cadis ( dry)
Black Ghost ( dry)
Zonker Streamers ( white great in winter)
Muddler Minnow ( streamer)

Have fun fishing!
We have a saying " shutup and fish."

We'll be at the neighbors Superbowl party and will bring:
We're having Creamy South Dakota Pheasant ( freshly killed), Southwest hot and mild chilli with taco's and taco chips.

"save a horse ride a cowboy"
Signed Mrs Buffett
Go CSU Rams & PITT Panthers
Yuengling beer, Margarita's, and other stuff.

It is mid-summer here in New Zealand, and it has been scorching hot this week. I spent about 10 hours this week casting to uncatchable fish. The trout in my local go-to still water spot were taking damselflies out of the air. They were jumping clean out of the water to take them. The only thing I noticed them take from the surface of the water were the mating pairs of damselflies that hit the water. They would take a look at my single damselfly imitations on the water but turn off at the last second and bolt out of the water right next to the fly. I had a very long and super fine leader on, didn't matter. The water was clear and still as glass. I was hoping the wind would kick up to get some terrestrials in the water, but no such luck. They had no interest in beetles nor anything else on the surface. It was amazing watching the feeding frenzy though.

My usual go to flies are the elk hair caddis in the evening, the midge pupa in the early morning, various mayfly nymph patterns on a dropper, greenwell's glory, spent spinner, parachute adams for the dry fly, damselfly nymph or olive wooly bugger on a slow retrieve on a sink-tip line in the stillwater. It is raining now and the temp has dropped about 10 degrees C, so definitely different tactics for today. Hoping the gale force winds die down.
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It is mid-summer here in New Zealand, and it has been scorching hot this week. I spent about 10 hours this week casting to uncatchable fish. The trout in my local go-to still water spot were taking damselflies out of the air. They were jumping clean out of the water to take them. The only thing I noticed them take from the surface of the water were the mating pairs of damselflies that hit the water. They would take a look at my single damselfly imitations on the water but turn off at the last second and bolt out of the water right next to the fly. I had a very long and super fine leader on, didn't matter. The water was clear and still as glass. I was hoping the wind would kick up to get some terrestrials in the water, but no such luck. They had no interest in beetles nor anything else on the surface. It was amazing watching the feeding frenzy though.

My usual go to flies are the elk hair caddis in the evening, the midge pupa in the early morning, various mayfly nymph patterns on a dropper, greenwell's glory, spent spinner, parachute adams for the dry fly, damselfly nymph or olive wooly bugger on a slow retrieve on a sink-tip line in the stillwater. It is raining now and the temp has dropped about 10 degrees C, so definitely different tactics for today. Hoping the gale force winds die down.
@USN_Panther, New Zealand has jumped to the top of our bucket list (Iceland was there but it's too trendy now). I doubt we go this year as our son is in Europe and we are visiting, but hopefully 2020 to celebrate our Anniversary. I'll reach out when the time comes for recommendations.
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The hoagies from the Triangle is an acquired taste sort like Vincent's pizza the building isn't much to look at but the smell drags you in. The hoagies aren't chintzy on the toppings and the fresh meats
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Mr. Pitt-girl would be very envious if he knew. Loves Triangle hoagies. Never had one myself. What's so special?
The hoagies are HUGE! Loaded with ingredients and the bread is their own and is awesome.
No place for dieters! Named for Navy ships, Destroyer, Battleship, Super Battleship, Torpedo, etc.
The hoagies are HUGE! Loaded with ingredients and the bread is their own and is awesome.
No place for dieters! Named for Navy ships, Destroyer, Battleship, Super Battleship, Torpedo, etc.

That's a big one.
Almost to big for me.

"save a horse ride a cowboy"
Signed: Mrs Buffett
GO CSU Rams & PITT Panthers
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No plan for this particular one. But for those who say they only have parties for SB if "their' team is in it...I find those the tougher parties to enjoy. It's much more fun to have a party around the game if you really don't care about it. For parties I've had or been to when the Steelers were playing, it was too distracting... both ways. The party element led to missing some key plays, and the general heightened interest in the game led to missing the better parts of the party.

Thinking back the best SB party I went to, was that one where the Titan (Dyson? Tyson?) stretched out to try to score on the final play and carne up short. I can't remember anything else but that partial detail of that game... which should tell you that the PARTY was AWESOME!
The hoagies are HUGE! Loaded with ingredients and the bread is their own and is awesome.
No place for dieters! Named for Navy ships, Destroyer, Battleship, Super Battleship, Torpedo, etc.

Looks good, but I really don't want a salad on top of my hoagie. I'm normally just a bread, meat and cheese guy. No toasted bread, no dressing. At most a few sheeds of lettuce and a slice or two of tomatoe...but normally no.
That is my exact answer... normally. But, I havent watched the super bowl in a couple years. I will probably watch the first quarter and see Aaron Donald, but I could not care less about who wins the game, the game itself, the spectacle of getting a 100 million people to watch commercials for free (well, actually for a fee), seeing a ridiculous bad call not being overturned, or worse a call being overturned despite no evidence. Seeing any Patriot fan having a good time, watching Belicheck being pompous, watching people whos literal job is to catch a ball celebrate like a school girl seeing a litter of puppies, hearing announcers talk about RPOs, watching a pop group sing a bad halftime show and rappers you will never hear from again ruin before mentioned already crappy pop songs... just kinda get more sick of it by the year.
Ain’t this country great???
No plan for this particular one. But for those who say they only have parties for SB if "their' team is in it...I find those the tougher parties to enjoy. It's much more fun to have a party around the game if you really don't care about it. For parties I've had or been to when the Steelers were playing, it was too distracting... both ways. The party element led to missing some key plays, and the general heightened interest in the game led to missing the better parts of the party.

Thinking back the best SB party I went to, was that one where the Titan (Dyson? Tyson?) stretched out to try to score on the final play and carne up short. I can't remember anything else but that partial detail of that game... which should tell you that the PARTY was AWESOME!
There's some truth to that, unless it's a small party (8-10) and everyone is a big fan of one of the teams and all are intensely watching-the last 3 Steelers SBs where like that for me, small group of intense fans focused on the game, maybe a few wives that didn't care as much in the other room. Actually the best PARTY party I went to where I had PARTY FUN and the game was an afterthought was 49ers/Chargers, the year the Steelers blew the ACFCG. that was a bad SB, but a great social party for me, was at a cousins house out of town and slept over, didn't need to worry about driving home.
No plan for this particular one. But for those who say they only have parties for SB if "their' team is in it...I find those the tougher parties to enjoy. It's much more fun to have a party around the game if you really don't care about it. For parties I've had or been to when the Steelers were playing, it was too distracting... both ways. The party element led to missing some key plays, and the general heightened interest in the game led to missing the better parts of the party.

Thinking back the best SB party I went to, was that one where the Titan (Dyson? Tyson?) stretched out to try to score on the final play and carne up short. I can't remember anything else but that partial detail of that game... which should tell you that the PARTY was AWESOME!

I'll get shit for this....but our Steelers super bowl parties had men downstairs, women, kids and dogs upstairs. We would co-mingle at halftime.

Anybody going to a bar to watch a sporting event is more interested in being at an event than the actual game. I'm a fan who hangs on every word the announcers say and every play.
I am still thinking of it. Not having a big party. Just a few folks over. Wings and carnitas tacos are a thought. So is a seafood gumbo. Not sure.
Just interested in how big you all plan to go. I am making a fresh garden salsa to take to a SB party, and have a home brewed blackberry stout.

Hopefully some smoked trout with crackers too, but the acquisition of said trout has eluded me all week.

What are you planning to eat/drink for the big game?

Chili Rubbed Pork Tenderloin With Apricot Ginger Glaze sliced into 1/4 inch medallions served over a bed of saffron rice pilaf....

What can I say, I'm a foodie with an unhealthy lust for the Barefoot Contessa...
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The hoagies are HUGE! Loaded with ingredients and the bread is their own and is awesome.
No place for dieters! Named for Navy ships, Destroyer, Battleship, Super Battleship, Torpedo, etc.
Speaking of subs....Sub math problem... why does anyone buy one of those $45 three foot party subs when they can get 5 feet of subs (5 footlongs) for about $40 with variety?
I am still thinking of it. Not having a big party. Just a few folks over. Wings and carnitas tacos are a thought. So is a seafood gumbo. Not sure.
You are quite the chef.

I have been eating clean for the last 6 months, so I live vicariously through reading what others are making. I do cheat, but it's usually booze. Hope that doesn't make me sound like alcoholic. LOL
Speaking of subs, why do so many eat from places like Subway and Jersey Mike's when they use processed meats instead of whole muscle meats? Arby's is another example of a restaurant that doesn't use whole muscle meats.

In a former career I had the opportunity to tour many types of food manufacturing plants, and I've seen first hand what goes into lunch meats, and other processed foods - boneless hams (who's ever seen a pig with a boneless back leg?, breaded fish parts, breaded chicken nuggets, and so on. I learned early on that if it wasn't cut off of the _________ (chicken, pig, steer, fish, etc...) in the same manner it's being served, don't eat it.

This is what those places use for meat instead of the whole muscle from the animal in question:

"2) Moderately Processed – These are pieces of excess meat that are removed from the bone and ground together. Once ground, they are emulsified into a soft cake-like batter where flavors, additives, and binders are added so that they can form a mold. Once the consistency is reached, the meat is then cased in a cylindrical package or placed in its mold to be moved to the smoke house. It is here where the meat is cooked for several hours. Once completed, it is either packaged as one piece or sliced and then packaged. Examples of these meats are turkey, chicken, bologna."
I won't watch the game (will read and watch a movie instead), but the wife and I will eat as if we were. We'll snack on some artichoke dip and nachos. Then, for health, some Caesar salad. The main course will be pierogis and hot sausage. Dessert will be blackberry and key line pies. We'll wash it all down with some Yuengling (me) and Chardonnay (her).
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Speaking of subs, why do so many eat from places like Subway and Jersey Mike's when they use processed meats instead of whole muscle meats? Arby's is another example of a restaurant that doesn't use whole muscle meats.

In a former career I had the opportunity to tour many types of food manufacturing plants, and I've seen first hand what goes into lunch meats, and other processed foods - boneless hams (who's ever seen a pig with a boneless back leg?, breaded fish parts, breaded chicken nuggets, and so on. I learned early on that if it wasn't cut off of the _________ (chicken, pig, steer, fish, etc...) in the same manner it's being served, don't eat it.

This is what those places use for meat instead of the whole muscle from the animal in question:

"2) Moderately Processed – These are pieces of excess meat that are removed from the bone and ground together. Once ground, they are emulsified into a soft cake-like batter where flavors, additives, and binders are added so that they can form a mold. Once the consistency is reached, the meat is then cased in a cylindrical package or placed in its mold to be moved to the smoke house. It is here where the meat is cooked for several hours. Once completed, it is either packaged as one piece or sliced and then packaged. Examples of these meats are turkey, chicken, bologna."
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I won't watch the game (will read and watch a movie instead), but the wife and I will eat as if we were. We'll snack on some artichoke dip and nachos. Then, for health, some Caesar salad. The main course will be pierogis and hot sausage. Dessert will be blackberry and key line pies. We'll wash it all down with some Yuengling (me) and Chardonnay (her).
OMG. Stop. You're killing me.
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