OT: What is the 5 states you most DON'T want to live in??

Insufficient data on NE (never been) or OK (once, and it was a business trip with no sightseeing time). SC is pretty. Hell, the coast is awesome, but the state is full of southern yahoos.
I lived in Greenville, SC for 5 years. It is a great place, as is Charleston and Hilton Head. You need to have actual experience that Oklahoma and Nebraska (and Kansas and Arkansas for that matter) is a better place to live? Really?

Did you buy a brown rock for a chick you are not longer seeing?
sad. no one is saying if anything led up to that, other than the guy being a total ahole. perhaps he was provoked.

even so, i don't know why you wouldn't just move on about your day. i just assume everyone is packing these days - cut me off in traffic? fine by me. i'll smile and move along. i'm not getting shot for stupid stuff.
There is no provocation worth getting out of your vehicle and assaulting kids
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There is no provocation worth getting out of your vehicle and assaulting kids

meh. there could be. probably not. but we don't know the ages of the other people at the scene. no need to make assumptions as there are almost zero details out there right now.
meh. there could be. probably not. but we don't know the ages of the other people at the scene. no need to make assumptions as there are almost zero details out there right now.
I’ll make assumptions
It’s a stupid decision that had no upside and nothing but downside -
For what ? Being annoyed by someone trying to clean your window for cash?!
If he survived he’s going to go to jail - congrats !
Seeing some stupid list on Twitter of "most miserable towns" and thought to myself this question.

In no order, but definite a "no go" list.

1) Oklahoma. (I mean extremes of weather, nothing redeeming, stupid people)
2) Iowa. (see above)
3) Nebraska. (see a pattern here)
4) Arkansas. ( I think this is an obvious choice)
5) Kansas. (definite pattern)

Mississippi is saved by having a gulf coast, as is Alabama. Florida, which I hate with the passion of a 1000 white hot suns, but come on, those coasts....... Nevada definitely there, but Tahoe and Vegas save it. Utah's gorgeous. Indiana very closely almost made this list as did Kentucky. The Dakotas and Montana, I think the wide open space would be cool..

California is over taxed and over regulated but few countries can offer the diversity it offers, let alone states.
Obviously I have an East Coast bias. Obviously I have the same anti bias against the plains.
I know of one Pittsburgh gal who disagrees with you vehemently..
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I’ll make assumptions
It’s a stupid decision that had no upside and nothing but downside -
For what ? Being annoyed by someone trying to clean your window for cash?!
If he survived he’s going to go to jail - congrats !

oh, the driver is not going to jail at all. b/c he's dead.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Agreed. Every time someone breaks into someone's house and comes out horizonal. The family attacked by the intruder should be immune from civil charges if they are not convicted for the shooting. The criminal played a stupid game and got their stupid prize. Otherwise, the victims are.victimized twice: once for the break in and once by the family looking for money for their criminal relative's actions in a civil proceeding.
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sad. no one is saying if anything led up to that, other than the guy being a total ahole. perhaps he was provoked.

even so, i don't know why you wouldn't just move on about your day. i just assume everyone is packing these days - cut me off in traffic? fine by me. i'll smile and move along. i'm not getting shot for stupid stuff.
Yea there was a time when I'd flip someone off or speed up and pass them. Yea, not anymore. I just assume they will shoot me. Road rage killings are very common.
New York
I see a stupid theme here. i would love to live in all 5 states (okay in Chicagoland, not Peoria for Illinois, Michigan is really nice and diverse as far as topography, etc.. as is NY, Oregon and Cali would be cool as long as I am paid enough). And I am far, far, far from a flaming liberal.
So people aren't allowed to list their preferences? There are "wrong" opinions now? If you don't like someone's opinion of where to live or not live, you feel justified attacking them?

Maybe, just maybe, these are the types of people that the person is trying to avoid in the first place. You know, "Mr. Your Opinion is Wrong if I Don't Agree" guy.

Some people just want to be left the eff alone. If you like preference laws and shoving your opinions down other people's throats, you are the exact type of people many wish to avoid.
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I see a stupid theme here. i would love to live in all 5 states (okay in Chicagoland, not Peoria for Illinois, Michigan is really nice and diverse as far as topography, etc.. as is NY, Oregon and Cali would be cool as long as I am paid enough). And I am far, far, far from a flaming liberal.
That was my point earlier. Every state will have great places to live … if you can afford them. But, you can’t control Mother Nature. So with that in mind, I choose to reside where I’m still able to afford a very nice lifestyle, and where nature-related disasters are generally least likely to occur. It so happens it’s conveniently WPA. The relative affordability allows me to vacation in many and varied places that are more exotic, more cosmopolitan, more temperate (depending on the time of year), more interesting landmarks etc, but either cost prohibitively to live well (key word) full time, and/or carry definite natural risks that I don’t want to deal with.
Yea there was a time when I'd flip someone off or speed up and pass them. Yea, not anymore. I just assume they will shoot me. Road rage killings are very common.
"Very common". Seriously? You watch too many movies. 30 per year.

I used to think I’d never be able to live in the Midwest…but here I am moving to Chicago for work in a month. Most of the southeast states are a big no for me. Not because of politics (which is a stupid reason in my opinion) but because the heat and humidity is unbearable in many of those states come summertime.
pitt213... live in the suburbs of Chicago (Naperville). Plenty of things to do in the metro area, just don't go downtown at night. 😧
An uncle moved there a few years ago and had the same idea going into it. He says he found ways to deal with the H&H or has adapted. He was also shocked at the people and how nice they were after living in Illinois for 30 years. Everything associated with dealing with the state and local governments is lightyears better that anywhere else he's been (PA, Ill, Wisc). It is a HUUUUGE difference from being up north. He lives 20 min inland Bradenton. He's gone 180 degrees and is now retired there.
He was also shocked at the people and how nice they were after living in Illinois for 30 years. Everything associated with dealing with the state and local governments is lightyears better that anywhere else he's been

spoken like a man who never had to deal with Del Boca Vista HOA president and early bird special specialist Jack Klompus...
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1. Don't go to stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things. Works for most of us.

2. Add in turn the other cheek and walk/drive away.

3. Nothing good happens after midnight.

4. Go out of your way to de-escalate a situation, even if it means apologizing for something the other guy did. He may be the type who lives for those types of moments. I bet your life is worth saving, even if you lose face/macho cred during the confrontation. It takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight than it does to start one.

Follow those adages and you'll live a long, happy life.
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1. Don't go to stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things. Works for most of us.

2. Add in turn the other cheek and walk/drive away.

3. Nothing good happens after midnight.

4. Go out of your way to de-escalate a situation, even if it means apologizing for something the other guy did. He may be the type who lives for those types of moments. I bet your life is worth saving, even if you lose face/macho cred during the confrontation. It takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight than it does to start one.

Follow those adages and you'll live a long, happy life.
Good advice for how to act like an adult .

I’ve descalated plenty of conflicts between folks by buying a beer for someone, especially at football games when someone is drunk and acting like an idiot .
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Good advice for how to act like an adult .

I’ve descalated plenty of conflicts between folks by buying a beer for someone, especially at football games when someone is drunk and acting like an idiot .
Not me, I do my best to escalate the situation. I don't get stress, I give it.

Just kidding. Yeah, too many times at especially Steelers games I have tried to deescalate stupid drunk behavior. Even grabbing a guy one time and explained to him that "he is not playing in the game so please settle down".
Been in 47 states for work travel. Mostly drive..

Upper Midwest while Looks ok Nothing there just corn.. One place that sticks out is Oklahoma.. Flew into DFW drove north, when i was in Oklahoma it reminded me of some third world redneck hell hole, and I am a redneck and was like wtf!!!!!!!
Maybe the starkest terrain in the lower 48 is in Utah west of SLC. The Great Salt Lake and beyond. It literally looks like Mars or another planet.
The 5 NPs in southern Utah are the gems of the US. Five parks-all only 60 or so miles away-totally different looking. Staggering beauty.
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What ARE the 5 states I don’t want to live in:

1. California
2. Texas
3. Florida
4. Louisiana
5. Connecticut

Politics, weather, and overpopulation swing my votes. And Connecticut just because really; it’s Connecticut.
Weekend visits to Boston and New York? Close to the ocean? I’d live in CT
Texas - Sugar Bowl visit to Dallas had me intensely disliking that ugly crap hole of soulless urban sprawl. Power outages, nutso politics, insanely hot weather and wide expanses of nothingness. Oh, and a population that thinks nothing exists outside of their crap hole. (Full disclosure: spouse is from Austin. I have a love/hate relationship with Houston, but that sinking swamp is a mess as well.)

Give me slow-growth, northern, gritty, real cities like Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago - even Cleveland - any day. I’ll take the snow and the change of seasons.
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That's just it. We have allowed the cable news media to sell politics as religion. And people think their lives depend on it. I always have asked from Clinton to Bush, Bust to Obama, even Obama to Trump, "how did it really affect your daily life"?

I mean I have been to countries where elections truly do have serious consequences. What concerns me, is we seem to be headed in that direction now.
Ask young women today in Ohio, Tennessee, Texas or any other state where they have recently had important rights taken away from them if politics has affected their daily lives. Ask the woman in Texas who was denied treatment for 10 days and almost bled to death because the doctors were afraid to abort a non-viable fetus.

This board is overwhelmingly male, but this country isn’t. The fear and rage many women feel now isn’t the product of media hype. It’s the direct result of politics.
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sad. no one is saying if anything led up to that, other than the guy being a total ahole. perhaps he was provoked.

even so, i don't know why you wouldn't just move on about your day. i just assume everyone is packing these days - cut me off in traffic? fine by me. i'll smile and move along. i'm not getting shot for stupid stuff.

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