Is he still coaching somewhere?
Who are the candidates remaining in the NFL? Doesn't seem like there are a ton. AVP and maybe Getsy?
Who do u expect them to get? Todd Haley? Montgomery would be a solid choice.Hopefully Narduzzi is trying for somebody better than Montgomery.
It's not going to be Montgomery I can tell u that,it looks like it could be johns
Who do u expect them to get? Todd Haley? Montgomery would be a solid choice.
He was one of the first people PN talked to about the job. If it's announced him- he not a fallback option.
U mean like last year when Canada was fired and we didn't hire him till like what a couple weeks later?
Big time schools don't have to haggle or even discuss for awhile they offer a coach and say here's what we're offering you if you don't like it will offer it to someone else and that's how they get it done quick,Pitt isn't in that category they have to throw in incentives and barter which takes awhile,they may already have their guy and are just working on a contract
He said he wasn't going to start till after the bowl game,it's been less than 2 weeks
Both of his previous OC hires didn't happen till the middle of January so this isn't really off par,regardless if he hired an OC right now or not it's not like he could be recruiting right now till next week
How in the hell do you know who Narduzzi has talked to? Nobody has any info, nobody even knows who he's talked to.
How in the hell do you know who Narduzzi has talked to? Nobody has any info, nobody even knows who he's talked to.
Big time schools don't have to haggle or even discuss for awhile they offer a coach and say here's what we're offering you if you don't like it will offer it to someone else and that's how they get it done quick,Pitt isn't in that category they have to throw in incentives and barter which takes awhile,they may already have their guy and are just working on a contract
You really believe that? He started before the bowl game. Good coaches don't sit on their ass and do nothing until after the bowl game. Good coaches are proactive, especially how competitive things are. Once coaches know who they want, they try to get them right away.
If we can offer 1mill to an OC which would make one of the highest paid assistants why do we have to resort to someone who hasn't coached in FBS for 25 years and no one else is even interested in him makes anyone they he would be successful here,and he's not known as a recruiter to top it off
Dude he has ONE recruiting class under his belt-they were all true freshmen this season. How can you say he "isn't getting the players he wants to fit his system"? I mean, come on...did you think all those true freshmen would be on the field this year?I am more concerned with the defensive side of the ball. That is on Coach Narduzzi as he is supposed to be one of the best. Get a solid staff and get this side of the ball cleaned up. Seems like he isn't getting the players he wants to fit his system. Guess what, he must adapt his system to the players that he has.
What makes our views of these candidates so inaccurate is that we judge them mostly on the execution of the players.
I watched some of Youngstown state's offense. The sets are interesting to me. I took note of the fact that wmu's rush offense is rated higher than the pads offense.
Just my two cents.
I am more concerned with the defensive side of the ball. That is on Coach Narduzzi as he is supposed to be one of the best. Get a solid staff and get this side of the ball cleaned up. Seems like he isn't getting the players he wants to fit his system. Guess what, he must adapt his system to the players that he has.
How so?They run a good bit of "Canada's" stuff. The offense would be very similar under Montgomery.