Over/under on how many transfer or are booted...

2 so far.

Would like 2 more. Just get rid of Newkirk and add Bell, that in itself would be a giant win.
So who else? Newkirk? Jones? There's not much to replace them with at this Point tho Bell might be an upgrade over either.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I found it odd that Luther did not get any time tonight. 2 walkons and a guy who is being nudged out got time over him.
Why newkirk ? this is how fickle this board and pitt fans are. At the beginning of the year everybody was saying that he was so much better than and should replace robinson. Now he should go ? Straight stupidity.
Isn't Artis already 22 or 23? I doubt he would want to sit out a year after transferring.
Originally posted by oldpantherfan:

Why newkirk ? this is how fickle this board and pitt fans are. At the beginning of the year everybody was saying that he was so much better than and should replace robinson. Now he should go ? Straight stupidity.
At the beginning of the year everybody was saying that he was so much better than and should replace robinson.

then, unfortunately, the YEAR happened.........................