Pat Signal

Smaller players with speed is only good for certain offenses like the one Pitt is going to run.
We aren’t playing western Carolina’s schedule .
Hint -
Speed isn’t some secret .
Yet other FBS programs aren’t sniffing around our recruits for a reason .

This may hurt your feelings - if a WCU player is looking good on offense - it’s probably because our defense stinks again
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Yeah, I don't disagree with any of that. I do think that - assuming speed, agility, route running, etc. are the same - the guy who is 5'9" is almost certainly starting behind the 8-ball in comparison to the guy who is 6'1" just because of the laws of physics. The latter guy has a bigger catch radius and can likely high-point/box out better.

In Pitt's case, if indeed we're not able to get the "complete" receivers, or whatever one wants to call the highly-rated guys who have both size and skills, then we had better at least diversify a bit so that we can at least have guys who accommodate certain situations... the red zone not being the least of which.

I do remember Hines Ward being a weapon in the red zone, but a lot of that was contingent on him being built like a LB and having a QB who could fire a 200 mph dart into a tight window while he boxed the DB out. Not sure that's something we should count on at Pitt.
Hines also played at Georgia and was drafted into the MLB out of HS.
So he’s a freakish athlete who played 3 positions in college
Lost in all of this debate is the most important thing that I hope changes, and that's no more small classes. They need to be in the 20s every year. Bring them in, see what you have, and then process accordingly.

It's now a business, so you need to run it like one. Sucks for a lot of these dudes, but that's what needs to happen if you want to be successful. Harsh realities of where it's gone with basically a bunch of one year deals, and sometimes not even that.
He was probably BVA's MVP, meaning if you take him out of the lineup they have a very hard time replacing him and what he could do for that offense. In that sense, he was probably BVA's best "player" but not BVA's best "prospect."

There is a huge difference between comparing players for what they mean to their team and what their potential is at the next level.
It's an easy concept. Doug Flutie was a great, great college football player. But nobody had NFL delusions for him.
All this positive talk should cease…. Let’s admit that the trolls and the Debbie downers, are correct…

I give up….You’re right…

Narduzzi made a HUGE mistake by hiring an OC with no Power 4 coaching experience.

The OC is recruiting as if he’s still at Western Carolina. As soon as these Smurf receivers hit the field against top notch defenses, they will be exposed.

The offense will make Cignetti’s offense look like a juggernaut.

The defense will also take a step back. It’s pieced together by transfers that couldn’t cut at their former school. But yet we foolishly think they will somehow “resurrect” themselves under the tutelage of Narduzzi and Bates…. How dumb can we be?

With not enough NIL money coming in and the ACC Conference hanging on by a thread, the explosion of Pitt athletics is well in hand…

I’ll make sure we are constantly reminded of our fate as often as possible…

Happy now????
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I get wanting some bigger bodies at wideout, but it isn’t like Kenny Johnson, Seymore, and Monteiro are smurfs. Plus kids like Lee and Emmanuel Taylor in this class could end up there too.
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I get wanting some bigger bodies at wideout, but it isn’t like Kenny Johnson, Seymore, and Monteiro are smurfs. Plus kids like Lee and Emmanuel Taylor in this class could end up there too.

Oh please. You’re whistling past the graveyard…. Just ask the Pitt fans on this board…

Besides the on-going negative campaign of negativity being conducted by the so-called Pitt fans regarding the new recruits:

*I’ve read how SMU has all kinds of NIL money and will soon take over what’s left of the ACC.

*I’ve read where Syracuse is on the verge of passing us up as a program because they have recruited a few good players.

*For months, I’ve read every realignment scenario on this board where Pitt ends up in the garbage can, in spite of the fact that outside analysts have a more positive outlook for Pitt.

And then, the same negative nimrods have to use burner accounts with different handles to reinforce their negativity… Wow…

Who needs trolls like pafootballguy when you got this bunch?....
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Oh please. You’re whistling past the graveyard…. Just ask the Pitt fans on this board…

Besides the on-going negative campaign of negativity being conducted by the so-called Pitt fans regarding the new recruits:

*I’ve read how SMU has all kinds of NIL money and will soon take over what’s left of the ACC.

*I’ve read where Syracuse is on the verge of passing us up as a program because they have recruited a few good players.

*For months, I’ve read every realignment scenario on this board where Pitt ends up in the garbage can, in spite of the fact that outside analysts have a more positive outlook for Pitt.

And then, the same negative nimrods have to use burner accounts with different handles to reinforce their negativity… Wow…

Who needs trolls like pafootballguy when you got this bunch?....
We are coming off a 3 win season
Our best coach and recruiter is gone
We’ve had some of our most talented players transferred out
And we are putting together an offense with southern conference players and coaches with a QB room which is frankly manors2 like.

Its hard to be excited
But at least with ticket demand falling off I’m now in the Gold lots with plenty of spots available