You're funny.Wow. They have to fire him, right? Even any connection to the coverup of this would be cause especially given the bad light on PSU right now.
You're funny.Wow. They have to fire him, right? Even any connection to the coverup of this would be cause especially given the bad light on PSU right now.
Why would the idiots at PSU allow him to live in a frat house where was the AD and James from State College couldn't help him. No apartments or modular homes in State College available.
The day after Ron Cook proclaims the situation "healed" and orders the family to stop grieving.How soon will Franco be carrying around a card board cutout of this head trainer?
And leered at Sandusky in the shower with boys while he did it, as Tom Bradley did (per sworn court testimony).Remember that members of Joe Pa's staff, besides Sandusky, thought it was normal for grown men to shower with little boys who weren't their sons.
The core situation (fraternity hazing going too far) is not funny in the least and unfortunately can and does happen elsewhere. Pitt too.Thanks for making this thread pretty hilarious, despite the sick nature and sad events yet again at this cesspool of a University.
Some of these responses have me looking even more like an idiot at the airport by laughing to no one
Plus, as nitters, they knew enough not to ruin anyone's weekend.
Or Ray Gricar. No wait!Only Columbo could get to the bottom of this.
LMAO-exactly-that's the part that raised my left eyebrow. 56 year old guy living in a frat house with a bunch of kids as a "chaperone" or "advisor". WTF????wait a sec, a 50 year old guy moved into a frat house after separating from his wife? did I read that right? A guy in his mid 50's is living in a frat house? The head trainer couldn't identify that a kid has been bleeding and incoherent for 10+ hours?
The core situation (fraternity hazing going too far) is not funny in the least and unfortunately can and does happen elsewhere. Pitt too.
Truth be told even Pitt could have a pedophile in lurking in its employ as well. No doubt has in the past.
PS may have a greater propensity for jerks and pervs than most, but unfortunately, not exclusivity.
The ghastly difference is the bizarre football team officials intimate involvement in both cases (as well as others like Vanderbilt and FSU rapes) and not doing a damn thing to prevent it ... indeed, only acting to cover it up and thwart justice.
That's not funny either ... ludicrous and outrageous, though. And since it's largely censored in all other venues due to the fear of economic reprisal from the cultist empire... it's vital to call it out here... If only so its called out SOMEWHERE.
We Are... Penn State.the story said that he was "likely home the night of this event" but wont be charged. OK, so maybe somehow he was unaware of this guy for 10 hours, it's a big house. who knows, still unreal how long this went on. And who is the d-bag that is punching the kid in the abdomen when he's passed out? Hope that guy ends up in jail. Why would you punch someone in the stomach who is laying in fetal position.. is that funny?
If it were any other school he is likely gone fast. They Are Penn State.Wow. They have to fire him, right? Even any connection to the coverup of this would be cause especially given the bad light on PSU right now.
I didn't want anything to do with fraternity house living when I was 18. I would think it odd for a 28 year old to want to live there. Someone twice that age choosing that lifestyle is beyond weird.
wait a sec, a 50 year old guy moved into a frat house after separating from his wife? did I read that right? A guy in his mid 50's is living in a frat house? The head trainer couldn't identify that a kid has been bleeding and incoherent for 10+ hours?
Yet recruits still flock there, fans still flock there. It is weird. They are completely teflon. You would like to think karma is coming to get them......but it just never happens. Somehow, their attitude always has a path of destructions with REAL victims and somehow they manage to turn themselves into the victims. It is just mindboggling.
Maybe the trainer learned this from Joe. Instead of having to cleanup the stadium like the football players, he had the frat members cleanup the house.Hmmmm. What football coach did the same thing? I forget....
Penn State officials are still investigating a fraternity death, which is now further entwined with the university's head football trainer. Defense attorney Frank Fina on Monday suggested Tim Bream, the 56-year-old trainer and Beta Theta Pi house...
Unfortunately Recruits is right. Nothing happened to the football team for having raped dozens or more children. It should have disappeared on a death penalty of at least 5 years. It got nothing.Karma has come... look at the mess they are in.
So they win some football games... who cares
Unfortunately Recruits is right. Nothing happened to the football team for having raped dozens or more children. It should have disappeared on a death penalty of at least 5 years. It got nothing.
In fact it benefited. It saw huge jumps in cultist donations. But especially got a convenient way to rid itself of its albatross geezer coach, who was clearly holding them back, as it turned out. A normal force-out like FSU with Bowden had been looming that would have been ugly, leaving serious hard feelings and fractures among the base.
But the exposure of the rapes (which they don't believe ever happened...WITCH HUNT!) led to the reluctant firing by (now pariah) trustees, who (along with the NCAA, Louis Freeh, and of course, us jealous bitter Pitt fans) are conveniently now the "bad guys" -- not Paterno or Sandusky, both of whom are still beloved. They can continue their God worship of those two unfettered. Most importantly, they got a better coach out of it (a better recruiter at least). The fact that he too should be in prison as an accessory to rape (at his old place)... as should be the current school president... also is reaping them nothing. Nothing but success i should say.
In this pledge murder situation, it's acknowledged here the coach was present, could have intercede but didn't and had advised a cover-up (sound familiar?). Normally a reason to charge him as a co-conspirator, but thanks to the usual corrupt crap justice system, no charges ... the football program conveniently escapes again.
And chances are so will the punks who killed this poor kid, because they are well connected. Their arrogance and cockiness pretty much suggests they know the fix is in.
All this would suggest anyone with an ounce of morality would flee the opposite direction of that hell hole, but as recruits noted, the opposite occurs.
Some karma!
Is it any wonder good people are frustrated and reduced to bad thoughts, like couldn't the PS team plane experience engine trouble or something?
wait a sec, a 50 year old guy moved into a frat house after separating from his wife? did I read that right? A guy in his mid 50's is living in a frat house? The head trainer couldn't identify that a kid has been bleeding and incoherent for 10+ hours?
Unfortunately Recruits is right. Nothing happened to the football team for having raped dozens or more children. It should have disappeared on a death penalty of at least 5 years. It got nothing.
In fact it benefited. It saw huge jumps in cultist donations. But especially got a convenient way to rid itself of its albatross geezer coach, who was clearly holding them back, as it turned out. A normal force-out like FSU with Bowden had been looming that would have been ugly, leaving serious hard feelings and fractures among the base.
But the exposure of the rapes (which they don't believe ever happened...WITCH HUNT!) led to the reluctant firing by (now pariah) trustees, who (along with the NCAA, Louis Freeh, and of course, us jealous bitter Pitt fans) are conveniently now the "bad guys" -- not Paterno or Sandusky, both of whom are still beloved. They can continue their God worship of those two unfettered. Most importantly, they got a better coach out of it (a better recruiter at least). The fact that he too should be in prison as an accessory to rape (at his old place)... as should be the current school president... also is reaping them nothing. Nothing but success i should say.
In this pledge murder situation, it's acknowledged here the coach was present, could have intercede but didn't and had advised a cover-up (sound familiar?). Normally a reason to charge him as a co-conspirator, but thanks to the usual corrupt crap justice system, no charges ... the football program conveniently escapes again.
And chances are so will the punks who killed this poor kid, because they are well connected. Their arrogance and cockiness pretty much suggests they know the fix is in.
All this would suggest anyone with an ounce of morality would flee the opposite direction of that hell hole, but as recruits noted, the opposite occurs.
Some karma!
Is it any wonder good people are frustrated and reduced to bad thoughts, like couldn't the PS team plane experience engine trouble or something?
I found myself in a meeting yesterday with an older chap... 60's...I had not met. There were a dozen or so people in the meeting.As I tell everyone asking me about the game this year - you could not pay me enough money to be in that stadium with that many nutjobs - I will never set foot in that God forsaken place
I found myself in a meeting yesterday with an older chap... 60's...I had not met. There were a dozen or so people in the meeting.
I didn't like his olive suit nor the argyle olive socks. His comb over was not attractive.
But you takes all kinds.
Late in the MTG I asked the intern sitting next to me where he went to school. "Pitt" he said. Great! I tell him I went to OSU but am a huge Pitt fan....
Comb over says some things to the young man about Penn State ...his school...
I bite my tongue.
He turns to me and says "now the thugs at Ohio State".
I turn to him and say "are you really going to go there? Really? Are you? Your president, AD, security head are off to hired and harbored Sandusky for well over a decade..., now your football Trainor.."
I actually got up and walked out.
They are sub human.
Did the trainer have to leave the Frat house? The chapter is "shut down" ... for now (it'll be back once the media dies down). But that looked like a pretty opulent building to leave empty indefinitely. Does Franklin just move in a bevy of players (and whores) into it with him now, like Dan Conner did with Ogre and Jefferson Darcy and the Pies in Revenge of The Nerds?
speaking of nerds, Revenge of the Nerds 2 and 3 were on last night, back to back. ROTN 2 was bearable only because of Courtney Thorne-Smith was in a camo bra. The 3rd one I gave a minute before turning off..That is just awesome. And perfect analogy.
They will have that house until some roid laden 4 star gridiron hero decides to invent the "Fireball" leads to....
Was the second version the one where Anthony Edwards only turned up in dream sequence because he thought he had become too important for that role? Only to go on to do a couple years on a prime time soap opera...speaking of nerds, Revenge of the Nerds 2 and 3 were on last night, back to back. ROTN 2 was bearable only because of Courtney Thorne-Smith was in a camo bra. The 3rd one I gave a minute before turning off..
yep, nerds in paradise.. pretty bad, they get put on deserted island and Ogre becomes a nerd at the end..Was the second version the one where Anthony Edwards only turned up in dream sequence because he thought he had become too important for that role? Only to go on to do a couple years on a prime time soap opera...
Kind of mirrors the Pitt attitude toward turning its nose up at successful football in the 80s. Surely we would be in the Ivy League by now thanks to that...
Sheesh. Glad I missed it i guess. Though i have to admit that I enjoyed Caddyshack 2.yep, nerds in paradise.. pretty bad, they get put on deserted island and Ogre becomes a nerd at the end..